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ITDevConX - The Delphi European Conference

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 31. Aug 2019
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ITDevConX - The Delphi European Conference

  Alt 31. Aug 2019, 15:40

ITDevCon reached its 10th edition in 2019!

10 is a nice number. Seems yesterday when me and my friend and colleague Fabrizio Bitti were at a "YET ANOTHER CONFERENCE" and looking each others in the eyes, we told each other: "We can do better".

I don't know if we really always did better, but now ITDevCon is a strong presence in the Delphi (and not only) field. Lots of Delphi developer uses ITDevCon to get a fresh air stop over their day-by-day work. This is usefult if you want improve and understand how the IT world is chaging outside your company. While reading on the Internet about a technology is useful, talking with people that actually used that technology or approach is a completely different thing. Moreover, at ITDevCon very often there are the guys behind the tecnology you are using or you plan to use. They don't just "talk" about somethin - they actually built what thay are talking about (and what you will probably use). This is an enourmous value for a programmer.

During these years we've the pleasure to have as speaker some of the most recognized and influent Delphi gurus of the world. Just to name a few (in no particular order, and I know that I'll forgot someone...):
  • DavidI
  • Marco Cantù
  • Pawel Glowaki
  • Ray Konopka
  • Bruno Fierens
  • Boian Mitov
  • Stefan Glienke
  • Primož Gabrijelcic
  • Christian-W. Budde
  • Andre Mussche
  • Jeroen Pluimers
  • Daniel Magin
  • Fabrizio Bitti
  • Massimiliano Zeraftis
  • Daniele Spinetti
  • Salvatore Sparacino
  • Marco Controneo
  • Stefano Nasto
  • Andrea Magni
  • Carlo Wolter
  • Carlo Barazzetta
  • Marco Breveglieri
  • Giacomo Degli Esposti
...and many others

This edition will be the best edition ever... as usual :-)

As every year, I’m building the agenda for next ITDevCon that will be held next November 7th, 8th in Rome*(Italy), in the same location of the ITDevCon 2018: the bit Time group headquarter in Rome!

This will be the 10th conference edition and will be organized, as usual, by*bit Time Professionals, part of the bit Time Group.


The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see them.

Send your Call4Paper to

I already received some C4P, I'll reply as soon as all the tech comitee members will accept (or reject) the proposals.

As usual, for the Call4Paper I need:
  • Title (for every talk)
  • Abstract (for every talk)
  • Difficulty level (for every talk)
    • Difficulty level is a scale from 1 to 3 with the following mean: introduction, intermediate, advanced
  • Speaker’s photo (at least 500x500px)
  • Speaker’s profile
I’m looking forward to your proposal.*The call4papers ends at Sep 30th, 2019 but if you have *VERY* interesting topic to propose, propose it… I’ll try to arrange the schedule and fit it in the agenda.

Proposals will be evaluated and the speakers will be contacted ASAP.


This year topics will be the following:
  • What's new in the latest Delphi versions
  • Linux development
  • IoT (Internet of Things) solutions
  • FireMonkey platform
  • Windows development
  • MacOSX development
  • Mobile development (Android and/or iOS)
  • Develop UIs for different devices (smartphones, tablets, TV, watch etc)
  • Delphi best practices
  • Design Patterns
  • Delphi Tips & Tricks
  • OOP best practices
  • Open Source Delphi Frameworks
  • Arduino, Raspberry Pi or others similar systems
  • Web Application with Delphi
  • Integration with external systems
  • TDD and Unit Tests
  • Agile methodologies
  • ORM and other data access patterns
  • Using NoSQL databases (even to speed up your VCL software)
  • FireDAC advanced techniques
  • UI, UX, optimization for mobile and desktop
  • Cool real use cases for extended RTTI, Generics and Anonymous Methods
  • RESTful interfaces design and development
  • Architectures
  • Cool (dev) things that you are doing or that you did in the recent past
  • Software architects
  • Software developers
  • Project managers
  • IT managers
  • Trainers
The conference web site is* and will be updated for the "X" edition in the next days.


For this edition we at bit Time Professionals want to give some heavy discounts to some particular situations and people.
  • If you come to ITDevConX with others colleague from the same company (2 or more tickets bought by with the same invoice), you have 20% discount;
  • If you are less than 30 years old (up to 29 years old) you have 30% discount;
  • If you are less than 22 years old (up to 21 years old) you have you ticket for only 100€;
More information about discounts at the web site.


Do you want to see a particular topic or have a suggestion for ITDevConX?*Let me know

As usual one of the most important part of ITDevCon will be the networking between*attendees. I know about great collaboration born during ITDevCon. Be there and don't miss this social opportunity!

Thank you and... *see you at ITDevConX.

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