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Stop saying "I don't have time" - Say "It's not a priority"

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 30. Jul 2019
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Stop saying "I don't have time" - Say "It's not a priority"

  Alt 30. Jul 2019, 02:40
That little switch from saying "I don't have time", to saying "It's not a priority" is a HUGE game changer. I learned about this from a co-worker last week. She didn't invent it... she heard it and passed it on to me. So, I'm passing it on to you.

I started using it immediately. It's my new mantra. I've mostly said it quietly only too myself so far. An I can attest, it's already made a big difference in my life. I thought about making the title of the post click-bait. For example:

Stop saying "I don't have time", say this instead...

Making people click into the site to get the punchline. But that's not what this is about. This is about leveraging the smallest of things, and turning it into the biggest of life changers. As my good friend Bob Wight, would say, "Riley, that's what you call a woomera". A small little device that when used, gains a tremendous advantage over not using it. (R.I.P. Bob, I miss you a lot).

One of my favorite songs is "We will never pass this way again" by Seals and Crofts. It speaks to me in so many ways. And it's true! So while we go through life, why not pick up a little nugget every now, from wherever we find it, and pass it on to the rest of the world. You never know the significance one small little thought will have on someone.

Enjoy the rest of your day and tackle those priorities!

Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike

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