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Delphi adds FMX Linux

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 30. Jun 2019
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Delphi adds FMX Linux

  Alt 30. Jun 2019, 20:10
This week Embarcadero announced the addition of FMX Linux to all Delphi Enterprise and Architect customers, so now applications developed with Firemonkey can run on Linux platforms, similar to how it is done on a Mac, that is to say you have to install on Linux the PAServer agent that will be in charge of making bridge between our development team and Linux (Ubuntu)To install it you have to open Delphi and access the Tools - Getit Package Manager menu, search for FmxLinux and finally press the button InstallTo continue creating our first program should follow the instructions of the following marco post Cantú years after Kylix Embarcadero has again bet on Linux.* *FmxLinux was developed by a third party, Eugene Kryukov and has been licensed under "a long-term distribution agreement" FmxLinux will not be incorporated into the free and community edition of Delphi, although since Emb

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