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Registrierungslimit wird nicht mehr erhöht

Ein Thema von DerDan · begonnen am 28. Mai 2019 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Jun 2019

Registriert seit: 15. Nov 2004
Ort: Donaueschingen
251 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

Registrierungslimit wird nicht mehr erhöht

  Alt 28. Mai 2019, 17:54
Achtung: Inzwischen wird das erhöhen des Registriungslimts abgeleht, wenn man keine aktive Subscription hat:

Hello Daniel,

We received your request to increase the registration limit for your serial number ***.****. Unfortunately, there is not an active support and maintenance agreement for this license. Licenses without active maintenance are not eligible for technical support and this includes increasing the registration limit for your license.

Historically, we provided limited support for activities such as changing registration limits as a courtesy. However, this courtesy required time and resources to support. As we now include maintenance with every new license and encourage customers to remain current on maintenance, we changed our support policy to align with industry standards.

Going forward any support services requested will only be provided for licenses with active support and maintenance.

I have copied the renewals team in this email response ( Your renewals representative will be able to provide you with the options to renew your support and maintenance. Once your licenses are current on maintenance, we will be happy to help with this registration limit increase.

We are closing this case #****. Once you have arranged maintenance reinstatement with our Renewals Team, please submit a new case with your request.


Technical Support Engineer

Embarcadero Technical Support
To log a support request online please go to
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