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519 Beiträge

Thread Programmierung für Downloadmanager

  Alt 3. Sep 2004, 20:47
hi leute! ich bin zur zeit dabei eine art downloadmanager zu programmieren. dabei verwende ich die TidHttp komponente. ich bekomme aber immer die meldunge ungültiger fensterhandle, obwohl ich alle zugriffe mit criticalsections absichere.

hier einmal der code für einen downloadthread. ich starte in meinem programm bis zu 20 threads, welche die function download aufrufen.

function Download(p: Pointer): Integer;
var parameter: PDownloadParameter;
    weiteredownloads: boolean;
    url: string;
    ordner: string;
    responsestream: TFileStream;
    filename: string;
    doppelter_filename: string;
    doppelt: integer;
    notexists: boolean;
      Parameter := P;
      InterlockedExchangeAdd(Anzahl_der_Threads, 1);

        weiteredownloads := true;
        while (weiteredownloads = true) do

            // in CriticalSection eintreten, filelist sperren
              if (filelist.files.Count > 0) and
              (filelist.ordner.Count > 0) and
              (form1.Listview3.Items.Count > 0) then
                url := filelist.files.strings[0];
                ordner := filelist.ordner.strings[0];
              end else
                weiteredownloads := false;

            // CriticalSection verlassen
            weiteredownloads := false;

          if (url = '') or (ordner = '') then
            weiteredownloads := false;
          end else
            filename := url;
            delete(filename,1,LastDelimiter('/', filename));

            notexists := not fileexists(unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+filename);
          if (weiteredownloads = true) and (notexists) then
              Parameter.Plabel.Caption := 'Download '+inttostr(Parameter.nr)+': '+filename;

              responseStream := nil;
            // in CriticalSection eintreten, filesystem sperren
                if not directoryexists(unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner) then
                if fileexists(unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+filename) then
                  doppelt := 0;
                    doppelter_filename := unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+inttostr(doppelt)+filename;
                    doppelt := doppelt + 1;
                  until(not fileexists(doppelter_filename));
                    responseStream := TFileStream.Create(pchar(doppelter_filename), fmCreate);
                end else
                  responseStream := TFileStream.Create(pchar(unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+filename), fmCreate);
              // CriticalSection verlassen
                if responseStream <> nil then
                  Parameter.dl.Get(url, responseStream);
                // in CriticalSection eintreten, report sperren
                // CriticalSection verlassen
                end else
                  // in CriticalSection eintreten, report sperren
                      Fail(url, unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+filename);
                  // CriticalSection verlassen
                // in CriticalSection eintreten, report sperren
                    Fail(url, unit1.currentdir+'\'+ordner+'\'+filename);
                // CriticalSection verlassen
        Parameter.Plabel.Caption := 'FERTIG!';
      result := 1;
    Result := 2;
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