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Android OBD 2 - car monitor

Ein Thema von danten · begonnen am 16. Mär 2019 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Mär 2019
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

Android OBD 2 - car monitor

  Alt 16. Mär 2019, 16:42
Some information how to send via bluetooth and read OBD 2 data ?

Thank you
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016
Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
3.020 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Android OBD 2 - car monitor

  Alt 17. Mär 2019, 09:28

for sending and receiving serial data via Bluetooth there is a demo included with Delphi.
It implements a small chat application. Be aware, that the Bluetooth methods are mostly
blocking, so the data communication should be done in a thread.

As for OBD 2: did you already search for a OBD 2 specification on the internet?

Best regards
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2012
Ort: Czech Republic, Prag
126 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Architect

AW: Android OBD 2 - car monitor

  Alt 17. Mär 2019, 13:17
Thank you.
I understand the Bluetooth connection.
I just need a list of AT commands to connect to the ELM and ECU.
Only part of the code, sample.
I already have other examples of AT commands.
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