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hint problem

Ein Thema von neumimnemecky · begonnen am 21. Dez 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 22. Dez 2018

Registriert seit: 21. Dez 2018
45 Beiträge

hint problem

  Alt 21. Dez 2018, 13:01
Hi there,
I don't speak English, but I would like to ask you about problems regarding TControl.hint . I am using Delphi 7 personal and I have created a form in win32 application. I have buttons with hint which contain some characters from Central Europe charset. These characters are not displayed correctly when hint window is displayed. This is first problem. How to correct it?

Another problem with hint - I have created this method:

procedure TExport.onHintShow(Sender: TObject);
var Ctr: TControl;
  Ctr := TControl(Sender);
  if Ctr is TComboBox then
    TControl(Sender).Hint := ''
    if Ctr is TListBox then
        Ctr.Hint := 'Najeli jste myší na ovládací prvek, který automaticky zvětšil kolonku formuláře.';
        // Ctr.Left := export.ClientRect.Left;
        // Ctr.Top := export.ClientRect.Top;
I add a breakpoint on the begin of the code.

Also I have this procedure:

procedure TExport.onFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Application.HintPause := 100;
  Application.OnHint := onHintShow;
So onHintShow is set when the form is visible. But the onHintShow event is not fired when I hover over the controls which should fire the event.
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