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What's In RAD Studio 10.3 Architect Edition?

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 19. Dez 2018
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What's In RAD Studio 10.3 Architect Edition?

  Alt 19. Dez 2018, 13:00
Since the early days, Delphi and RAD Studio have always been distributed in different editions, which occasionally change over time. During the last year, we have redefined all of the editions of RAD Studio, creating a new offer.

Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio Versions

  • We introduced the Community Edition, which is free for non-professional use (read the EULA for more details) and a great tool for students, hobbyist, and other developers who want to learn ho to sue Delphi or C++Builder
  • We expanded the Professional Edition including mobile support, so that now professional targets 4 different client platforms
  • We have added to the Enterprise Edition the ability to deploy RAD Server solutions on one site and deployment on mobile of IBToGo*(embedded InterBase with encryption)
What is in Architect Edition?

The largest changes, though, are for the Architect edition.*In terms of core product, the Architect edition is identical to the Enterprise one. In fact when you install RAD Studio Architect you are in fact installing RAD Studio Enterprise. So what additional value are you getting for the higher price point?

The Architect edition is a bundle of additional licenses and software products:

  • The bundle includes a RAD Server multi-site licenses, meaning you can deploy your RAD Server solutions on unlimited servers and physical locations
  • A license of*AquaFold Aqua Data Studio for general database management across all of your databases and platforms
  • A license of Sencha Ext JS Professional Edition for building Web clients (for example, an HTML and JavaScript client for your RAD Server services)
  • A time limited license of*Ranorex Test Automation for testing the UI of your Delphi Windows applications
These licenses are included in new purchases, and the RAD Server, Aqua Data Studio and Sencha Ext JS ones are also made available to customers on update subscription -- while Ranorex Studio is available only for customers buying a new license of RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder Architect.

Architect Webinar Today

To learn more about these products, you can follow a webinar later today that I'm giving with the help of experts of the different products, "Getting Ahead with 10.3 Architect Edition". Register now at* The webinar is today at 12 noon Central US time, which is 7 PM Central European time. Replays will be made available.**


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