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RAD Studio 10.3 River is here

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 2. Dez 2018
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RAD Studio 10.3 River is here

  Alt 2. Dez 2018, 19:50
Finally reached the long-awaited version 10.3 River from Rad Studio that comes with multiple new features that allow us to do amazing things in a simple way like previous versions. Product improvements include: an updated compiler Clang improved with support of C ++ 17 for 32-bit Windows. Variable declaration in line, inference types and more for the language updated Delphi.Soporte of the mobile platform, including Z-Order and native controls in Android.Mejoras in VCL for displays of high DPI, a new list of VCL High DPI images, support for Monitor V2, new API of Windows 10 and WinRT.Actualizaciones RAD Server including new components to simplify the work of processing JSON and the creation of backend for web applications Sencha Ext JS. Improved and new libraries for the C language code for optimized construction completion and debug ++. RAD Studio 10.3 also introduces new licensing options that extend the habilitacio

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