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RAD Studio 10.3 Rio supports Android runtime permissions

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 22. Nov 2018
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RAD Studio 10.3 Rio supports Android runtime permissions

  Alt 22. Nov 2018, 14:40
RAD Studio 10.3 Rio has just been released for General Availability, as you’ll have doubtless learned from the spree of blog posts on the subject. This is a great new release with a lot of bug fixes and some nice updates to product behaviour and features.

One feature that seems to have not received its fair share of attention in the documentation is the support for the Android 6.0 (and later) runtime permissions model. This caused a bit of frustration earlier in the year when Google changed the Play Store submission rules so that from August 2018 new apps have to follow this new permissions model and from November 2018 app updates also new apps have to.

RAD Studio 10.3 enhances the basic Android support to ensure that Android apps built with Delphi or C++ now understand and can support this new model, which may require a bit of change to your application logic.

In essence, instead of all permissions being granted on application installation, so-called dangerous permissions now need to be requested at runtime where the user can grant or deny them as they see fit. Additionally the user can change their mind in the app settings and toggle the permissions at any time.

The Android RTL has been enhanced with a framework to support requesting permissions at runtime and being notified of the user’s decision, and potentially offering a little explanation for the need for the permission.

As mentioned the documentation for this framework falls a little short right now (at product launch), but hopefully will improve over time. To try and plug the gap I’ve written an article showing how the permission framework can be used, both in Delphi and in C++. If interested in learning more about the Android runtime permission framework introduced in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, please follow one of these links:

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