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EurekaLog's code can be used to easily send arbitrary e-mails from your code.
Option 1 Use EurekaLogSendEmail function from ESendMail unit. For example: EurekaLogSendEmail('recepient@example.com', 'Subject', 'Body'); or like this: if not EurekaLogSendEmail('"John Smith" ', 'Subject', 'Body', 'C:\Data\Attach1.txt;C:\Data\Attach2.png') then ShowMessage('Unable to send e-mail'); This function requires EurekaLog to be configured for your project. It will send e-mail using already set up e-mail send method. Therefore, you have to set up at least one e-mail send method in your EurekaLog project options. Notes:
Option 2 If you do not want to use send settings from the project, e.g. you want to send e-mail using different account than set up for bug reports, or if you don't want to use / configure EurekaLog at all - then you may use overloaded version of EurekaLogSendEmail function from ESendMail unit to specify all the parameters manually. For example: uses ETypes, // for TResponse ESendMail, // for EurekaLogSendEmail ESendSMTP; // for TELMailSMTPClientSender var R: TResponse; begin R := EurekaLogSendEmail( TELMailSMTPClientSender { which send method to use }, 'your-account@gmail.com' { FROM field }, 'recepient@example.com' { TO field }, 'Subject', 'Body', { e-mail itself } 'smtp.gmail.com' { server }, 'your-account@gmail.com' { login }, 'your-password' { password }, 587 { port }, nil { file attaches in TStrings }, nil, nil, { for visual dialogs } ctTLS { plain, SSL or TLS }); if Failed(Ord(R.SendResult)) then ShowMessage(R.ErrorMessage); end; This function does not require EurekaLog to be set up in your project. It do not use any EurekaLog project settings. You have to specify all necessary parameters manually. Some IDE versions may be unable to resolve overload properly, producing either "ambiguous overload" or "there is no function with these arguments". If this is your case - try to use this: var R: TResponse; PI: TELProgressIndicator; // added MP: TELProcessMessages; // added begin PI := nil; // added MP := nil; // added R := EurekaLogSendEmail( // ... PI, MP, { for visual dialogs } // changed ctTLS); // ... Notes:
Option 3 EurekaLogSendEmail function is a wrapper around sender class. You may want to ignore it and just call class manually for finer control. uses // ... EDialogSendWinAPI, // [optional] For visual dialog during sending ETypes; // for TResponse type TForm1 = class(TForm) // ... private // [optional] For visual dialog during sending: FSendProgress: TSendDialogMSClassic; procedure ProgressIndicator(const SendState: TSendState; const Percent: Integer); end; // ... uses // ... EModules, // [optional] For CurrentEurekaLogOptions ESendMailSMTP; // for TELMailSMTPClientSender procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MailSender: TELMailSMTPBaseSender; Rslt: TResponse; begin MailSender := TELMailSMTPClientSender.Create; try // [optional] Copy EurekaLog project settings: MailSender.Options := CurrentEurekaLogOptions; // [optional] Set up send method // Do this only if you did not copied CurrentEurekaLogOptions above MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientHost := 'smtp.example.com'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientPort := 465; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientSSL := True; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientTLS := False; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientLogin := 'your-account@example.com'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientPassword := 'your-password'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientFrom := 'your-account@example.com'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientAdditionalHeaders := // [optional] 'BCC: second-recepient@example.com'#13#10 + 'X-Priority: 1'#13#10 + 'X-MSMail-Priority: High'#13#10 + 'Importance: High'#13#10; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientTarget := 'recepient@example.com'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientSubject := 'Header'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientMessage := 'Body'; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientAppendLogs := False; MailSender.Options.SendSMTPClientUseRealEMail := False; // [optional] Attach a file on disk: MailSender.AttachedFiles.Add('C:\Data\Attach1.txt' ); // [optional] Attach a virtual file (TStream): MailSender.AttachedFiles.AddObject('Attach2.txt', Stream); // [optional] For visual dialog during sending: MailSender.ProgressIndicator := ProgressIndicator; FSendProgress := TSendDialogMSClassic.Create(Handle, MailSender.Options); try // Actual send Rslt := MailSender.SendMessage; // [optional] For visual dialog during sending: finally FreeAndNil(FSendProgress); end; if Failed(Ord(Rslt.SendResult)) then ShowMessage(Rslt.ErrorMessage); finally FreeAndNil(MailSender); end; end; // [optional] For visual dialog during sending: procedure TForm1.ProgressIndicator(const SendState: TSendState; const Percent: Integer); begin if not Assigned(FSendProgress) then Exit; FSendProgress.Progress := Percent; case SendState of ssInit: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Connecting]; ssResolvingDNS: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Resolving]; ssConnecting: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Connecting]; ssLogin: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Login]; ssSelecting: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_SelectProject]; ssSearching: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Searching]; ssReading: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_SelectProject]; ssSending: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Sending]; ssModifying: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Modifying]; ssDisconnecting: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Disconnecting]; ssDone: FSendProgress.DialogLabel := FSendProgress.Options.CustomizedExpandedTexts[mtSendDialog_Disconnected]; end; end; Weiterlesen... |
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