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Wenn ich mit einer REST API sprechen muss, dann erstelle ich mir dafür einen passenden Client. Dieses Zusammengebau-Gefrickel ist nicht so mein Ding.
Hier mal ein kleines Beispiel, wie so etwas aussehen kann (mit 2 Endpoints und jeweils einer POST Methode):
und die Verwendung
unit Magento.v2_3;
interface uses System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.Net.HttpClient, System.JSON, REST.Json, REST.Json.Types; type EMagento2ClientException = class( Exception ) end; TMagento2Client = class; TMagento2EndpointBase = class abstract public type TErrorResponse = class public type TParameterItem = class private [JsonName( 'resources' )] FResources: string; [JsonName( 'fieldName' )] FFieldName: string; [JsonName( 'fieldValue' )] FFieldValue: string; public property Resources: string read FResources write FResources; property FieldName: string read FFieldName write FFieldName; property FieldValue: string read FFieldValue write FFieldValue; end; TParameters = TArray<TParameterItem>; TErrorItem = class private [JsonName( 'message' )] FMessage: string; [JsonName( 'parameters' )] FParameters: TParameters; public destructor Destroy; override; public property &Message: string read FMessage write FMessage; property Parameters: TParameters read FParameters write FParameters; end; TErrors = TArray<TErrorItem>; private [JsonName( 'message' )] FMessage: string; [JsonName( 'errors' )] FErrors: TErrors; [JsonName( 'code' )] FCode: Integer; [JsonName( 'trace' )] FTrace: string; [JsonName( 'parameters' )] FParameters: TParameters; public destructor Destroy; override; public property &Message: string read FMessage write FMessage; property Errors: TErrors read FErrors write FErrors; property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode; property Parameters: TParameters read FParameters write FParameters; property Trace: string read FTrace write FTrace; end; private [weak] FClient: TMagento2Client; protected property Client: TMagento2Client read FClient; protected procedure CheckResponse( const AResponse: IHttpResponse ); function GetUrlFromBase( const ARelativePath: string ): string; public constructor Create( AClient: TMagento2Client ); end; TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 = class( TMagento2EndpointBase ) public type TCreateAdminAccessTokenPostBody = class private [JsonName( 'username' )] FUsername: string; [JsonName( 'password' )] FPassword: string; public property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword; end; public function CreateAdminAccessToken( const ABody: TCreateAdminAccessTokenPostBody ): string; end; TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 = class( TMagento2EndpointBase ) public type TCreateCustomerAccessTokenPostBody = class private [JsonName( 'username' )] FUsername: string; [JsonName( 'password' )] FPassword: string; public property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword; end; public function CreateCustomerAccessToken( const ABody: TCreateCustomerAccessTokenPostBody ): string; end; TMagento2Client = class private FBaseUrl: string; FAccessToken: string; FHttpCLient: THttpClient; FIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1; FIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1; function GetHttpClient: THttpClient; procedure SetAccessToken( const Value: string ); procedure SetBaseUrl( const Value: string ); function GetIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1; function GetIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1; protected property HttpClient: THttpClient read GetHttpClient; public destructor Destroy; override; public property BaseUrl: string read FBaseUrl write SetBaseUrl; property AccessToken: string read FAccessToken write SetAccessToken; property IntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 read GetIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1; property IntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 read GetIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1; end; type TUtils = class protected class procedure FreeArrayItems<T: class>( var AObjectArray: array of T ); end; implementation { TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse } destructor TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.Destroy; begin TUtils.FreeArrayItems<TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.TErrorItem>( FErrors ); TUtils.FreeArrayItems<TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.TParameterItem>( FParameters ); inherited; end; { TUtils } class procedure TUtils.FreeArrayItems<T>( var AObjectArray: array of T ); var I: Integer; obj: T; begin for I := Low( AObjectArray ) to High( AObjectArray ) do begin obj := AObjectArray[I]; AObjectArray[I] := nil; obj.Free( ); obj := nil; end; end; { TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.TErrorItem } destructor TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.TErrorItem.Destroy; begin TUtils.FreeArrayItems<TMagento2EndpointBase.TErrorResponse.TParameterItem>( FParameters ); inherited; end; { TMagento2EndpointBase } procedure TMagento2EndpointBase.CheckResponse( const AResponse: IHttpResponse ); var e: TErrorResponse; begin if ( AResponse.StatusCode >= 400 ) then begin e := TJson.JsonToObject<TErrorResponse>( AResponse.ContentAsString( ) ); raise EMagento2ClientException.Create( e.Message ); end; end; constructor TMagento2EndpointBase.Create( AClient: TMagento2Client ); begin inherited Create; if not Assigned( AClient ) then raise EArgumentNilException.Create( 'AClient' ); FClient := AClient; end; function TMagento2EndpointBase.GetUrlFromBase( const ARelativePath: string ): string; begin Result := Client.BaseUrl + ARelativePath; end; { TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 } function TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1.CreateAdminAccessToken( const ABody: TCreateAdminAccessTokenPostBody ): string; var url: string; body: string; source: TStream; reqs: IHttpRequest; resp: IHttpResponse; v: TJsonValue; begin if not Assigned( ABody ) then raise EArgumentNilException.Create( 'ABody' ); url := GetUrlFromBase( 'rest/all/V1/integration/admin/token' ); body := TJson.ObjectToJsonString( ABody ); source := TStringStream.Create( body ); try Client.HttpClient.Accept := 'application/json'; Client.HttpClient.ContentType := 'application/json'; resp := Client.HttpClient.Post( url, source ); finally source.Free; end; CheckResponse( resp ); v := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue( resp.ContentAsString( ) ); try Result := TJsonString( v ).Value; finally v.Free; end; end; { TMagento2Client } destructor TMagento2Client.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil( FIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 ); FreeAndNil( FIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 ); FreeAndNil( FHttpCLient ); inherited; end; function TMagento2Client.GetHttpClient: THttpClient; begin if not Assigned( FHttpCLient ) then FHttpCLient := THttpClient.Create( ); Result := FHttpCLient; end; function TMagento2Client.GetIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1; begin if not Assigned( FIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 ) then FIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1 := TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1.Create( Self ); Result := FIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1; end; function TMagento2Client.GetIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1: TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1; begin if not Assigned( FIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 ) then FIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 := TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1.Create( Self ); Result := FIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1; end; procedure TMagento2Client.SetAccessToken( const Value: string ); begin FAccessToken := Value; if string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( FAccessToken ) then HttpClient.CustomHeaders['Authorization'] := string.Empty else HttpClient.CustomHeaders['Authorization'] := 'Bearer ' + Value; end; procedure TMagento2Client.SetBaseUrl( const Value: string ); begin FBaseUrl := Value; end; { TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1 } function TIntegrationCustomerTokenServiceV1.CreateCustomerAccessToken( const ABody: TCreateCustomerAccessTokenPostBody ): string; var url: string; body: string; source: TStream; reqs: IHttpRequest; resp: IHttpResponse; v: TJsonValue; begin if not Assigned( ABody ) then raise EArgumentNilException.Create( 'ABody' ); url := GetUrlFromBase( 'rest/all/V1/integration/customer/token' ); body := TJson.ObjectToJsonString( ABody ); source := TStringStream.Create( body ); try Client.HttpClient.Accept := 'application/json'; Client.HttpClient.ContentType := 'application/json'; resp := Client.HttpClient.Post( url, source ); finally source.Free; end; CheckResponse( resp ); v := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue( resp.ContentAsString( ) ); try Result := TJsonString( v ).Value; finally v.Free; end; end; end.
clt: TMagento2Client; accessToken: string; body: TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1.TCreateAdminAccessTokenPostBody; begin clt := TMagento2Client.Create; try clt.BaseUrl := 'http://localhost/magento2/'; body := TIntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1.TCreateAdminAccessTokenPostBody.Create; try body.Username := 'admin'; body.Password := 'secret'; accessToken := clt.IntegrationAdminTokenServiceV1.CreateAdminAccessToken( body ); finally body.Free; end; clt.accessToken := accessToken; Writeln( accessToken ); finally clt.Free; end; end; |
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