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Die 'Properties' gibt es nur in 'managed C++' (die Zuordnung wird durch eine Nomenklatur automatisiert).
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MSDN Library von Visual Studio 6:
Microsoft Specific —>
__declspec( property( get=get_func_name ) ) declarator
__declspec( property( put=put_func_name ) ) declarator
__declspec( property( get=get_func_name, put=put_func_name ) ) declarator
This attribute can be applied to non-static “virtual data members„ in a class or structure definition. The compiler treats these “virtual data members„ as data members by changing their references into function calls.
When the compiler sees a data member declared with this attribute on the right of a member-selection operator (“.„ or “->“), it converts the operation to a get or put function, depending on whether such an expression is an l-value or an r-value. In more complicated contexts, such as “+=“, a rewrite is performed by doing both get and put.
This attribute can also be used in the declaration of an empty array in a class or structure definition. For example:
__declspec(property(get=GetX, put=PutX)) int x[];
The above statement indicates that x[] can be used with one or more array indices. In this case, i=p->x[a][b] will be turned into i=p->GetX(a, b), and p->x[a][b] = i will be turned into p->PutX(a, b, i);
END Microsoft Specific