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How draw password on remote smartphone with mouse?

Ein Thema von flashcoder · begonnen am 28. Aug 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Sep 2018
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Registriert seit: 3. Mai 2006
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AW: How draw password on remote smartphone with mouse?

  Alt 3. Sep 2018, 10:15
its hard to tell, if this could work on android...

You could reduce the number of pixels (path segements) by just adding another position if it differes from the last one by a reasonable amount.

But thinking about this I must admit that I'm not sure if this will ever work. Adding all the mouse movement will end up in a drawing (like using Paint and moving the mouse around).

What you are trying would need another set of functions where you could emulate touching the screen and let android do all the work (in Windows you could send WM_MOUSEDOWN/WM_MOUSEMOVE/... messages yourself and letting the application beneath the mouse do, what ever it would do).

If that's not possible you might need to go back to my example and implement something like that...

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AW: How draw password on remote smartphone with mouse?

  Alt 3. Sep 2018, 14:52

thank you very much by help and code example, i concluded that:

My approach above is right and unfortunately until this moment was saw that, not is possible achieve this goal using AccessibilityService, because exists limitation on storage of gestures, here is the official reference:

addStroke(new GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path, 0, time));
And also, until now (in this case) AccessibilityService not is able to perform a gesture of touch "only press and not loose" in some point (of 9 points that compose the password screen) when 2 fast mouse clicks are perform and sent on:

procedure TForm2.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
before start and during drawing the password (dragging mouse), and release only when password be drawn completely and:

procedure TForm2.Image1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
be sent to remote device.


Note: Team View QuickSupport is able to this because use code of root gave to he by several vendors.
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