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RAD Server: Beyond the Basics Webinar Tomorrow

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 24. Jul 2018
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RAD Server: Beyond the Basics Webinar Tomorrow

  Alt 24. Jul 2018, 11:40
Over the last few months and the 10.2.x updates, RAD Server has been extended with several new features. But the technology also has several other advanced features we rarely discuss, because the typical one hour webinars we do*are often only enough to cover the basic introduction. In this webinar, I'm going to skip the intro, rapidly walk you over a first demo, and move from it to more advanced topics.

You can sign up here. The date is*Wednesday, Jul 25, 2018 and the webinar is scheduled at 5 PM Central Europe time, 11 AM US Easterna time, and 8 AM California time. The sign up page has a handy time zone tool you can use to convert it to your local time.

To get to more details, I plan covering:

-*the various approaches added over the last year to generate JSON data

-*the support for hosted files (and HTML + JavaScript hosting), with the*ability to use it as a back end of JavaScript applications

- performance and scalability of the architecture (including also the recent performance patch)

- the ability to have dynamic resource management with "edges" resources

- the various tools to manage the system and its configuration

- custom login modules

Finally, I'll touch upon coming features on the RAD Server roadmap.

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