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Launch of Delphi Community Edition

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 19. Jul 2018
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Launch of Delphi Community Edition

  Alt 19. Jul 2018, 18:50
Yesterday Jetty has launched a new edition of Delphi call "Community Edition". The most important difference with respect to the "Starter" version is that besides being free it incorporates standard modules for programming applications cross-platform (Windows, Android, iOS and macOS), access to databases, IoT.Esta version is focused to independent developers, startups, students and organizations non-profit with annual revenues less than $ 5000 or equipment with up to 5 developers. Pier policy is that "If you win with Delphi, we won", for it offers for free a fabulous product that is the "Community Edition". Finally Jetty has done case of what the community of programmers had requested, and I am sure that it will be the starting point of a broader knowledge worldwide of power, versatility and ease of use of Delphi.Espero that this issue helps the nu Evos developers (students, hobbyists, developers open sou

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