Registriert seit: 2. Okt 2003
Ort: Hamburg
548 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional
Re: Vorreservierte Wörter von Delphi
27. Aug 2004, 11:12
in der unit WSDLintf.pas (D7) kann man folgendes lesen...
ReservedWords: array[0..66] of string = (' and', ' array', ' as', ' asm', ' begin',' case',
' class',' const',' constructor',' destructor', ' dispinterface', ' div', ' do',' downto',
' else', ' end', ' except', ' exports', ' file', ' finalization', ' finally', ' for',' function',
' goto', ' high', ' if', ' implementation', ' in',' inherited',' initialization', ' inline',' interface',
' is',' label',' library', ' low', ' mod',' nil',' not',' object',' of',' or',' out',' packed',' procedure',
' program',' property',' raise',' record',' repeat', ' resourcestring', ' set',' shl',' shr', ' string',
' then', ' threadvar', ' to',' try',' type',' unit',' until',' uses',' var',' while',' with',' xor');
Directives: array[0..43] of string = (' absolute',' abstract',' assembler',' automated',' cdecl',' contains',
' default',' dispid', ' dynamic', ' export',' external',' far',' forward',' implements',' index',' message',
' name',' near',' nodefault',' overload',' override',' package',' pascal',' private',' protected',' public',
' published',' read',' readonly',' register',' reintroduce',' requires',' resident',' safecall',' stdcall',
' stored',' virtual',' write',' writeonly',' on',' platform',' deprecated',' local',' varargs');
Operators: array[0..12] of string = (' +',' -',' *',' /',' @',' ^',' =',' >',' <',' <>',' <=',' >=',' :=');
irgendwie ganz praktisch, da man das gleich in kathegorien mit delphi benutzen kann