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HUGE v8.0.0 Update for ImageEn Imaging Library
3. Jul 2018, 01:30
We have just released v8.0.0, a huge update to ImageEn, Imaging Editing and Viewing Library for Delphi and C++Builder.
Learn more about ImageEn at:
Over 200 compiled demos at:
Top Fifteen Enhancements
1. Editing of Polyline and Line Points
New Polyline and Line layers can now be created by clicking points. You can also add, remove and edit points of existing layers
2. Curve Layers
Polyline layers now allow insertion of curves. You can also add curves when editing a polyline layer by holding down the Alt key

3. Full PDF Exporting
Scalable PDF documents can be created using the new TIEPDFBuilder class or exporting of ImageEn layers
4. Enhanced Shape Layer
The ImageEn shape layer now uses GDI+ for improved performance, full rotation and gradient support. It also adds forty new built-in shapes, including: Candy, Sun, Cog, Brooch, Flower, Splat, Crown, Tag, Pin, Radiance, Raindrop, Smile, Rainbow, Marker, Banner, Power, Music, Pointing Hand, Female and Male

5. Color Curve Editing
Now includes a color curve editing component. Colors can also be manipulated by a curve in the Previews dialog

6. Layer Properties Dialog
Built-in layer properties dialog allows manipulation of common properties

7. Many Other Layer Improvements
More gradient options, keyboard shortcuts, layer preview during creation, word-wrap and auto-shrinking of text
8. Measurement Tools
New mouse interactions to measure lengths, rectangular and elliptical areas

9. Selection Subtraction and Sizing
Circular and Polygon selections can now be resized. You can also hold the Ctrl key to remove from an existing selection

10. Faster Loading
New features for improved performance, including WIC property to speed up loading of JPEGs (200% faster) and PNGs (30% faster), retrieval of embedded preview images from Camera RAW images, and OptimizeLoadingParams method to automatically set the fastest loading properties
11. Eraser Brush and More
Many enhancements to brush tools, including an eraser brush, alpha compositing and improved performance

12. Enhanced Printing
New event to customize printing, including a heading. Print Previews now show text. Contact/thumbnail sheets can also be output to bitmap
13. New File Formats: DirectDraw Surface, HEIF, etc.
ImageEn now supports all image formats of Microsoft WIC, including DirectDraw Surface, HEIF, etc.
14. Many New Actions
Dozens of new actions available: EraserTool, ConvertToPolylineLayer, MeasureLength, MeasureRect, MeasureEllipse, ZoomAndScroll, EditLayers, EditLayerPoints, ClickCreateLineLayers, ClickCreatePolylineLayers, DrawCreatePolylineLayers, LayerFontSelect, LayerFontEnlarge, LayerFontReduce, LayerAlign, Layer Properties, etc.
15. EXE Size Optimization
Dicom resources have been moved to an external unit, reducing the size of most EXEs by up to 400KB. There are also many improvements to defines that allow further reductions to EXE size for specific requirements
Complete Change History: