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ANSISTRING unter Linux verfügbar ???

Ein Thema von bernhard_LA · begonnen am 12. Jun 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jun 2018
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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: ANSISTRING unter Linux verfügbar ???

  Alt 13. Jun 2018, 11:53
Key Traits of the Coming Delphi For Linux Compiler
It is true, however, that some other string types like AnsiString are not supported. This is mostly a "Windows-centric" data type. If you are still using strings and PChar for managing generic data structures, it is really time to move to TBytes and PByte instead -- or enable pointer math for all data structures. Also the support for the old Pascal ShortString type is limited. Declaring a string [20] variable on Linux will fail. The other string type that is not supported is WideString. This is the old pre-Unicode non-reference counted UTF-16 type used for Windows COM platform integration. In fact, any COM-specific type and feature is missing on Linux, like on all other non-Windows Delphi platforms.

Notice that the TEncoding support is available, so you can read and write text files in any format you want. What you are not directly able to do is process an AnsiString in memory with the standard language support. But you can have an array of bytes (TBytes) representing text in any format in memory, and read and write it on disk, or receive and send via a socket connection, and you ca use the TEncoding support for conversions.
himitsu hat mal wieder voll ins schwarze getroffen
Gruß vom KodeZwerg
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