While most of the Delphi conferences in Europe happen in the fall (September and October are generally fairly crowded months), there are also a few regular events in the late spring timeframe.
Delphi Day, Italy, June 7th
The Delphi Day in Italy is a conference I helped organized for many years and that generally attracts a crowd of about a*hundred Delphi professional developers. This year it is taking place on June 7th, with in-depth seminars the day before. The location is Piacenza, which is the city where I live, so I really couldn't miss it!
At Delphi Day I'll present a keynote on the status of Delphi, and a technical session on building REST services with
RAD Server. I'll also host a chat with other remote Embarcadero speakers. The list of speakers is quite impressive, as usual and includes partners like Bruno Fierens and Michael Philippenko, MVPs like*Stefan Glienke and*Primoz*Gabrijelcic, well-known experts like Yuriy Kotsarenko, plus many Italian speakers.
For all of the information and to sign up see*
Zlot Programistow Delphi, Poland, June 19th
Later in June I'll attend a conference in*Zegrze, Poland. This is an event organized by the local Embarcadero partner, that is now becoming a tradition -- I was there last year for the first time. This is a two days event, packed with technical information, and many session in Polish, some in English.
At this conference I'll give a keynote and present a technical session on Modern Windows 10 development with the
VCL library. Among the other speakers, MVPs include Stefan Glienke*(again!) and Brian Long, while the only person*I know among the Polish speakers is*Bogdan Polak.
The conference web site for information and signup is*
See You There
See you at one of the events, if you live in those countries or nearby. If you want to have a personal meeting to discuss anything related with Delphi and Embarcadero business, let me know and we can certainly schedule it.