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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2017 18 Beiträge |
Guten Abend,
ich habe eine Benutzername Eingabe während der Installation, ich möchte aber gerne das man erst weiter klicken kann, wenn auch ein Name eingegeben wurde. Das heißt, dass anstatt den Text "Benutzername eingeben..." der schon in der Leiste steht oder wenn man die Leiste leer lässt es nicht weiter gehen kann. Ist sowas möglich? Mfg |
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Registriert seit: 26. Sep 2006 Ort: Landkreis Oldenburg (Oldb) 117 Beiträge Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Enterprise |
Schau Dir mal das Beispiel Skript CodeDlg.iss von Inno an. Dort solltest Du alles mit Kommentaren erklärt finden.
Real Programmers are surprised when the odometers in their cars don't turn from 99999 to 9999A. |
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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2017 18 Beiträge |
Schau Dir mal das Beispiel Skript CodeDlg.iss von Inno an. Dort solltest Du alles mit Kommentaren erklärt finden.
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Registriert seit: 24. Mai 2017 Ort: Wien, Österreich 1.241 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Lies dir mal in der Hilfe zu Inno alles über den Abschnitt [Code] durch + wann die Funktionen dort aufgerufen werden.
Oder poste dein Script hier. |
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Registriert seit: 1. Feb 2018 3.691 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
In diesem Beispiel ging es darum das nur Nummern plus Next-Knopf erst wenn mindestens ein Zeichen da steht.
![]() You can setup the next button to be enabled or disabled in the CurPageChanged event when the user reaches the page where resides your edit box. Except that you need to monitor changes of that edit box to enable or disable the next button according to whether there's something entered in that edit box. For this you need to write a handler for the OnChange event. Here is an example:
AppName=My Program AppVersion=1.5 DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program [Code] var MyEdit: TNewEdit; MyPage: TWizardPage; procedure MyEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin // enable the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end; procedure MyEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var KeyCode: Integer; begin // allow only numbers KeyCode := Ord(Key); if not ((KeyCode = 8) or ((KeyCode >= 48) and (KeyCode <= 57))) then Key := #0; end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin MyPage := CreateCustomPage(wpWelcome, 'Caption', 'Description'); MyEdit := TNewEdit.Create(WizardForm); MyEdit.Parent := MyPage.Surface; MyEdit.Left := 0; MyEdit.Top := 0; MyEdit.Width := 150; MyEdit.OnChange := @MyEditChange; MyEdit.OnKeyPress := @MyEditKeyPress; end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin // if the currently turned wizard page is the one with the edit box, enable // the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise if CurPageID = MyPage.ID then WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end;
Gruß vom
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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2017 18 Beiträge |
In diesem Beispiel ging es darum das nur Nummern plus Next-Knopf erst wenn mindestens ein Zeichen da steht.
![]() You can setup the next button to be enabled or disabled in the CurPageChanged event when the user reaches the page where resides your edit box. Except that you need to monitor changes of that edit box to enable or disable the next button according to whether there's something entered in that edit box. For this you need to write a handler for the OnChange event. Here is an example:
AppName=My Program AppVersion=1.5 DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program [Code] var MyEdit: TNewEdit; MyPage: TWizardPage; procedure MyEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin // enable the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end; procedure MyEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var KeyCode: Integer; begin // allow only numbers KeyCode := Ord(Key); if not ((KeyCode = 8) or ((KeyCode >= 48) and (KeyCode <= 57))) then Key := #0; end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin MyPage := CreateCustomPage(wpWelcome, 'Caption', 'Description'); MyEdit := TNewEdit.Create(WizardForm); MyEdit.Parent := MyPage.Surface; MyEdit.Left := 0; MyEdit.Top := 0; MyEdit.Width := 150; MyEdit.OnChange := @MyEditChange; MyEdit.OnKeyPress := @MyEditKeyPress; end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin // if the currently turned wizard page is the one with the edit box, enable // the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise if CurPageID = MyPage.ID then WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end; |
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Registriert seit: 1. Feb 2018 3.691 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
Zeige doch mal Deine Quelldatei, so schwer scheint es ja nicht zu sein wenn ich mir mein Beispiel-Code Anschaue.
Gruß vom
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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2017 18 Beiträge |
Zeige doch mal Deine Quelldatei, so schwer scheint es ja nicht zu sein wenn ich mir mein Beispiel-Code Anschaue.
AppName=My Program AppVersion=1.5 DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program [ Code ] var MyEdit: TNewEdit; MyPage: TWizardPage; procedure MyEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin // enable the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin MyPage := CreateCustomPage(wpWelcome, 'Caption', 'Description'); MyEdit := TNewEdit.Create(WizardForm); MyEdit.Parent := MyPage.Surface; MyEdit.Left := 0; MyEdit.Top := 0; MyEdit.Width := 150; MyEdit.OnChange := @MyEditChange; // Next function is used for proper working of Graphical Installer powered installer #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT InitGraphicalInstaller(); #endif end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin // if the currently turned wizard page is the one with the edit box, enable // the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise if CurPageID = MyPage.ID then WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; // Next function is used for proper working of Graphical Installer powered installer #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT PageChangedGraphicalInstaller(CurPageID); #endif end; |
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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2017 18 Beiträge |
Wenn ich auf Abbrechen gehe und dann wieder zurück, dann kann ich auf weiter klicken aber sonst nicht
; Script generated with Graphical Installer Wizard.
; This identifier is used for compiling script as Graphical Installer powered installer. Comment it out for regular compiling. #define GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT ; File with setting for graphical interface #include "Test032.graphics.iss" #else ; Default UI file #define public GraphicalInstallerUI "" #endif ; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard. ; SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS ON CREATING INNO SETUP SCRIPT FILES! #define MyAppName "My Program" #define MyAppVersion "1.5" #define MyAppPublisher "My Company, Inc." #define MyAppURL "http://www.example.com/" #define MyAppExeName "MyProg.exe" [Setup] ; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application. ; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications. ; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.) AppId={{F692EC12-E87C-4EBC-B273-96EBB63560A2} AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} ;AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#MyAppName} DisableProgramGroupPage=yes OutputBaseFilename=setup Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes ; Directive "WizardSmallImageBackColor" was modified for purposes of Graphical Installer. WizardSmallImageBackColor={#GraphicalInstallerUI} [Languages] Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] Source: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\Examples\MyProg.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion ; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files [Icons] Name: "{commonprograms}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon [Run] Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent [ Code ] var MyEdit: TNewEdit; MyPage: TWizardPage; procedure MyEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin // enable the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; end; procedure MyEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var KeyCode: Integer; begin // allow only numbers KeyCode := Ord(Key); if not ((KeyCode = 8) or ((KeyCode >= 48) and (KeyCode <= 57))) then Key := #0; end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin MyPage := CreateCustomPage(wpWelcome, 'Caption', 'Description'); MyEdit := TNewEdit.Create(WizardForm); MyEdit.Parent := MyPage.Surface; MyEdit.Left := 0; MyEdit.Top := 0; MyEdit.Width := 150; MyEdit.OnChange := @MyEditChange; MyEdit.OnKeyPress := @MyEditKeyPress; // Next function is used for proper working of Graphical Installer powered installer #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT InitGraphicalInstaller(); #endif end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin // if the currently turned wizard page is the one with the edit box, enable // the next button if the edit box is not empty; disable otherwise if CurPageID = MyPage.ID then WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := MyEdit.Text <> ''; // Next function is used for proper working of Graphical Installer powered installer #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT PageChangedGraphicalInstaller(CurPageID); #endif end; // Next function is used for proper working of Graphical Installer powered installer procedure DeInitializeSetup(); begin #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_PROJECT DeInitGraphicalInstaller(); #endif end;
; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; // Graphical Installer for Inno Setup // ; // Version 3.9.01 (Radka) // ; // Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016 unSigned, s. r. o. // ; // www.unsigned.sk www.graphical-installer.com // ; // customers@unsigned.sk // ; // All Rights Reserved. // ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; This file contains core drawing functions and procedures ; Do not modify this file manually! ; Defines for WinAPI functions ; ProgressBar #ifndef PBM_SETBARCOLOR #define PBM_SETBARCOLOR 0x0409 #endif #ifndef PBM_SETBKCOLOR #define PBM_SETBKCOLOR 0x2001 #endif [ Code ] { Constants, Types and Enumerators } const { Maximum pages allowed in installer } coMaxPageCount = 30; // Usually installer uses 15 pages so 30 should be enough for everybody :) { Default DPI: Zoom 100%. DPI below 96 is not supported! } coDefaultDPI = 96; { Maximum custom created buttons } coMaxButtons = 10; { WizardForm dimensions - images properties [in pixels for 96 DPI - 100% zoom] } coBackgroundWidth = 690; coBackgroundHeight = 496; coTopWidth = 413; coInnerLeftTop = 0; coInnerWidth = 417; coInnerHeight = 237; coBottomPosition = 413; coBottomWidth = 83; { Button properties [in pixels for 96 DPI - 100% zoom] } coButtonMaxPath = 1024; // Characters coButtonWidth = 80; // Pixels coButtonHeight = 34; // Pixels coButtonShadow = 0; // Pixels [not scaled] { Button events } ButtonClickEventID = 1; ButtonMouseEnterEventID = 2; ButtonMouseLeaveEventID = 3; ButtonMouseMoveEventID = 4; BtnMouseDownEventID = 5; BtnMouseUpEventID = 6; { Button text alignment } balLeft = 0; balCenter = 1; balRight = 2; balVCenter = 4; type #ifndef UNICODE AnsiChar = Char; #endif { Button procedure } TButtonEventProc = procedure(Handle: HWND); TTextBuf = array [0..coButtonMaxPath-1] of AnsiChar; { Miscellaneous routines from DLLs } function GetSysCursorHandle(id: Integer): Cardinal; external 'GetSysCursorHandle@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure GdiPlusShutdown; external 'gdipShutdown@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function WrapButtonCallback(Callback: TButtonEventProc; ParamCount: Integer): Longword; external 'wrapcallback@{tmp}\InnoCallback.dll stdcall delayload'; { For ProgressBar } function SetWindowTheme(Handle: HWND; pszSubAppName, pszSubIdList: PAnsiChar): Integer; external 'SetWindowTheme@UxTheme.dll stdcall'; function ArrayOfAnsiCharToAnsiString(ansiCharsBuffer: TTextBuf): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin i := 0; Result := ''; while ansiCharsBuffer[i] <> #0 do begin Result := Result + ansiCharsBuffer[i]; i := i + 1; end; end; { Button routines from DLLs } function ButtonCreate(hParent: HWND; Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; FileName: PAnsiChar; ShadowWidth: Integer; IsCheckButton: Boolean): HWND; external 'BtnCreate@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; { Supported formats: jpg, png, gif, tif, bmp } function ButtonGetEnabled(h: HWND): Boolean; external 'BtnGetEnabled@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function ButtonGetChecked(h: HWND): Boolean; external 'BtnGetChecked@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function ButtonGetTextAsCharArray(h: HWND; var Text: TTextBuf): Integer; external 'BtnGetText@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function ButtonGetText(hButton: HWND): AnsiString; var buffer: TTextBuf; begin ButtonGetTextAsCharArray(hButton, buffer); Result := ArrayOfAnsiCharToAnsiString(buffer); end; function ButtonGetVisibility(h: HWND): Boolean; external 'BtnGetVisibility@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonGetPosition(h: HWND; var Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer); external 'BtnGetPosition@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonRefresh(h: HWND); external 'BtnRefresh@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetCursor(h: HWND; hCur: Cardinal); external 'BtnSetCursor@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetEnabled(h: HWND; Value: Boolean); external 'BtnSetEnabled@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetEvent(h: HWND; EventID: Integer; Event: Longword); external 'BtnSetEvent@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetFont(h: HWND; Font: Cardinal); external 'BtnSetFont@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetFontColor(h: HWND; NormalFontColor, FocusedFontColor, PressedFontColor, DisabledFontColor: Cardinal); external 'BtnSetFontColor@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetChecked(h: HWND; Value: Boolean); external 'BtnSetChecked@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetPosition(h: HWND; NewLeft, NewTop, NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); external 'BtnSetPosition@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetText(h: HWND; Text: PAnsiChar); external 'BtnSetText@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetTextAlignment(h: HWND; HorIndent, VertIndent: Integer; Alignment: DWORD); external 'BtnSetTextAlignment@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ButtonSetVisibility(h: HWND; Value: Boolean); external 'BtnSetVisibility@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; { Image routines from DLLs } function ImgLoad(h: HWND; FileName: PAnsiChar; Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; Stretch, IsBackground: Boolean): Longint; external 'ImgLoad@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; { Supported formats: jpg, png, gif, tif, bmp } procedure ImgSetVisiblePart(image: Longint; NewLeft, NewTop, NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); external 'ImgSetVisiblePart@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgGetVisiblePart(image: Longint; var Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer); external 'ImgGetVisiblePart@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgSetPosition(image: Longint; NewLeft, NewTop, NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer); external 'ImgSetPosition@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgGetPosition(image: Longint; var Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer); external 'ImgGetPosition@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgSetVisibility(image: Longint; Visible: boolean); external 'ImgSetVisibility@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function ImgGetVisibility(image: Longint): boolean; external 'ImgGetVisibility@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgSetTransparent(image: Longint; Value: Integer); external 'ImgSetTransparent@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; function ImgGetTransparent(image: Longint): Integer; external 'ImgGetTransparent@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgRelease(image: Longint); external 'ImgRelease@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ImgApplyChanges(h: HWND); external 'ImgApplyChanges@{tmp}\botva2.dll stdcall delayload'; { Global variables } var ButtonFont: TFont; DPI: Integer; swButtonNormalColor: TColor; swButtonFocusedColor: TColor; swButtonPressedColor: TColor; swButtonDisabledColor: TColor; swTextsColor, swHeadersColor, swInversedColor: TColor; { Buttons dimensions } ButtonWidth: Integer; ButtonHeight: Integer; { Images dimensions } BackgroundWidth: Integer; BackgroundHeight: Integer; TopWidth: Integer; InnerLeftTop: Integer; InnerWidth: Integer; InnerHeight: Integer; BottomPosition: Integer; BottomWidth: Integer; { Main buttons } hNextButton, hBackButton, hDirBrowseButton, hGroupBrowseButton, hCancelButton: HWND; { Custom created buttons } ButtonEvents: array[0..coMaxButtons] of TNotifyEvent; ButtonHandles: array[0..coMaxButtons] of HWND; EventsCount: Integer; { Inner pages' images } PagesImages: array[1..coMaxPageCount] of Longint; procedure SetButtonsState; begin with WizardForm.BackButton do begin ButtonSetText(hBackButton, PAnsiChar(Caption)); ButtonSetVisibility(hBackButton, Visible); ButtonSetEnabled(hBackButton, Enabled); end; with WizardForm.NextButton do begin ButtonSetText(hNextButton, PAnsiChar(Caption)); ButtonSetVisibility(hNextButton, Visible); ButtonSetEnabled(hNextButton, Enabled); end; with WizardForm.CancelButton do begin ButtonSetText(hCancelButton, PAnsiChar(Caption)); ButtonSetVisibility(hCancelButton, Visible); ButtonSetEnabled(hCancelButton, Enabled); end; ButtonSetText(hDirBrowseButton, PAnsiChar(WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.Caption)); ButtonSetText(hGroupBrowseButton, PAnsiChar(WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Caption)); end; procedure WizardFormButtonClick(hButton: HWND); var Button: TButton; I: Integer; Handle: HWND; begin Button := nil; case hButton of hCancelButton: Button := WizardForm.CancelButton; hNextButton: Button := WizardForm.NextButton; hBackButton: Button := WizardForm.BackButton; hDirBrowseButton: Button := WizardForm.DirBrowseButton; hGroupBrowseButton: Button := WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton; end; if(Button <> nil) then begin Button.OnClick(Button); SetButtonsState; ButtonRefresh(hButton); end else begin { Custom created buttons } for I := 0 to EventsCount do begin if(ButtonHandles[I] = hButton) then ButtonEvents[I](nil); end; end; end; function SwitchColorFormat(Color: String): TColor; var RR, GG, BB: String; Dec: Integer; begin { Change string Color from $RRGGBB to $BBGGRR and then convert to TColor } if((Length(Color) <> 7) or (Color[1] <> '$')) then Result := $000000 else begin RR := Color[2] + Color[3]; GG := Color[4] + Color[5]; BB := Color[6] + Color[7]; Dec := StrToInt('$' + BB + GG + RR); Result := TColor(Dec); end; end; procedure CreateButtons; begin ButtonFont := TFont.Create; { Detect current DPI and scale buttons [compute dimensions] } case DPI of coDefaultDPI: begin // Use default values // 96 DPI: This is default zoom 100% ButtonWidth := coButtonWidth; ButtonHeight := coButtonHeight; end else begin // Scale dimensions and positions // 120 DPI: Zoom 125% // 144 DPI: Zoom 150% // 192 DPI: Zoom 200% // All other DPIs over 192 use this same scale system ButtonWidth := ScaleX(coButtonWidth); ButtonHeight := ScaleY(coButtonHeight); end; end; { Switch colors of Buttons' texts from $RRGGBB to $BBGGRR } swButtonNormalColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#ButtonNormalColor}')); swButtonFocusedColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#ButtonFocusedColor}')); swButtonPressedColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#ButtonPressedColor}')); swButtonDisabledColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#ButtonDisabledColor}')); { Back button } with WizardForm.BackButton do begin hBackButton := ButtonCreate(WizardForm.Handle, Left-50, Top, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hBackButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hBackButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hBackButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); Width := 0; Height := 0; end; { Next button } with WizardForm.NextButton do begin hNextButton := ButtonCreate(WizardForm.Handle, Left-40, Top, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hNextButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hNextButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hNextButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); Width := 0; Height := 0; end; { Cancel button } with WizardForm.CancelButton do begin hCancelButton := ButtonCreate(WizardForm.Handle, Left-40, Top, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hCancelButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hCancelButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hCancelButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); Width := 0; Height := 0; end; { Directory Browse button } with WizardForm.DirBrowseButton do begin hDirBrowseButton := ButtonCreate(WizardForm.SelectDirPage.Handle, WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.Left-2, WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.Top-6, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hDirBrowseButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hDirBrowseButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hDirBrowseButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); Width := 0; Height := 0; end; { Group Browse button } with WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton do begin hGroupBrowseButton := ButtonCreate(WizardForm.SelectProgramGroupPage.Handle, WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Left, WizardForm.GroupBrowseButton.Top-6, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hGroupBrowseButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hGroupBrowseButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hGroupBrowseButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); Width := 0; Height := 0; end; end; function CreateSkinnedButton(Handle: HWND; Left, Top: Integer; Caption: String; ClickEvent: TNotifyEvent): HWND; var hButton: HWND; begin { Create skinned button } hButton := ButtonCreate(Handle, Left, Top, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'), coButtonShadow, False); ButtonSetEvent(hButton, ButtonClickEventID, WrapButtonCallback(@WizardFormButtonClick, 1)); ButtonSetFont(hButton, ButtonFont.Handle); ButtonSetFontColor(hButton, swButtonNormalColor, swButtonFocusedColor, swButtonPressedColor, swButtonDisabledColor); ButtonSetText(hButton, PAnsiChar(Caption)); ButtonSetVisibility(hButton, True); ButtonSetEnabled(hButton, True); ButtonRefresh(hButton); { Register button for callback event } if(hButton > 0) then begin ButtonEvents[EventsCount] := ClickEvent; ButtonHandles[EventsCount] := hButton; EventsCount := EventsCount + 1; end; Result := hButton; end; procedure SetProgressBarColors(Handle: HWND; Foreground, Background: String); var swFgColor, swBgColor: TColor; Msg: Integer; begin { Turn off Themes for this control } SetWindowTheme(Handle, ' ', ' '); swFgColor := SwitchColorFormat(Foreground); swBgColor := SwitchColorFormat(Background); Msg := StrToInt(ExpandConstant('{#PBM_SETBARCOLOR}')); SendMessage(Handle, Msg, 0, swFgColor); Msg := StrToInt(ExpandConstant('{#PBM_SETBKCOLOR}')); SendMessage(Handle, Msg, 0, swBgColor); end; { Events on License page - RadioButton Yes/No clicks - enable/disable Next button } procedure LicenseYesRadioClick(Sender: TObject); begin ButtonSetEnabled(hNextButton, True); end; procedure LicenseNoRadioClick(Sender: TObject); begin ButtonSetEnabled(hNextButton, False); end; procedure InitGraphicalInstaller(); var I: Integer; TopImage, BottomImage: Longint; InnerImageFileName, TopImageFileName, BottomImageFileName, ButtonFileName: String; WelcomePageImage, FinishedPageImage: Longint; begin { Extract all necessary files into Temp directory } // DLLs ExtractTemporaryFile('InnoCallback.dll'); ExtractTemporaryFile('botva2.dll'); { Detect current DPI and scale images [compute dimensions] } I := ScaleX(coBackgroundWidth); if (I = coBackgroundWidth) then DPI := coDefaultDPI // Zoom = 100% else DPI := 12345; // Zoom > 100% case DPI of coDefaultDPI: begin // Use default values // 96 DPI [690px]: This is default zoom 100% BackgroundWidth := coBackgroundWidth; BackgroundHeight := coBackgroundHeight; TopWidth := coTopWidth; InnerLeftTop := coInnerLeftTop; InnerWidth := coInnerWidth; InnerHeight := coInnerHeight; BottomPosition := coBottomPosition; BottomWidth := coBottomWidth; end else begin // Scale dimensions and positions // 120 DPI [805px] : Zoom 125% // 144 DPI [1035px]: Zoom 150% // 192 DPI [1380px]: Zoom 200% // All other DPIs over 192 use this same scale system BackgroundWidth := ScaleX(coBackgroundWidth); BackgroundHeight := ScaleY(coBackgroundHeight); TopWidth := ScaleY(coTopWidth) + 1; InnerLeftTop := coInnerLeftTop - 1; InnerWidth := ScaleX(coInnerWidth) + 2; InnerHeight := ScaleY(coInnerHeight) + 2; BottomPosition := ScaleY(coBottomPosition) - 1; BottomWidth := ScaleY(coBottomWidth) + 2; end; end; // Create images TopImageFilename := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#TopPicture}'); ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(TopImageFilename)); InnerImageFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#InnerPicture}'); ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(InnerImageFileName)); BottomImageFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#BottomPicture}'); ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(BottomImageFileName)); ButtonFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#ButtonPicture}'); ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(ButtonFileName)); { Welcome and Finished pages images } WizardForm.WizardBitmapImage.Visible := False; WelcomePageImage := ImgLoad(WizardForm.WelcomePage.Handle, TopImageFilename, 0, 0, BackgroundWidth, TopWidth, True, True); ImgApplyChanges(WizardForm.WelcomePage.Handle); WizardForm.WizardBitmapImage2.Visible := False; FinishedPageImage := ImgLoad(WizardForm.FinishedPage.Handle, TopImageFilename, 0, 0, BackgroundWidth, TopWidth, True, True); ImgApplyChanges(WizardForm.FinishedPage.Handle); { Initialize all Inner pages [inner images] } For I:=1 To WizardForm.InnerNotebook.PageCount Do Begin PagesImages[I] := ImgLoad(WizardForm.InnerNotebook.Pages[I-1].Handle, InnerImageFileName, InnerLeftTop, InnerLeftTop, InnerWidth, InnerHeight, True, True); ImgApplyChanges(WizardForm.InnerNotebook.Pages[I-1].Handle); End; // Top image - on each page TopImage := ImgLoad(WizardForm.InnerPage.Handle, TopImageFilename, 0, 0, BackgroundWidth, TopWidth, True, True); ImgApplyChanges(WizardForm.InnerPage.Handle); // Bottom image - one each page BottomImage := ImgLoad(WizardForm.Handle, BottomImageFilename, 0, BottomPosition, BackgroundWidth, BottomWidth, True, True); ImgApplyChanges(WizardForm.Handle); { Create buttons and set their state } #ifdef GRAPHICAL_INSTALLER_VCL // Not needed if VCL Styles for Inno Setup is used #else CreateButtons; SetButtonsState; #endif { Add events to License page RadioButtons } WizardForm.LicenseAcceptedRadio.OnClick := @LicenseYesRadioClick; WizardForm.LicenseNotAcceptedRadio.OnClick := @LicenseNoRadioClick; { Set colors of texts } swTextsColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#TextsColor}')); swInversedColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#InversedColor}')); WizardForm.SetTextsColors(swTextsColor, swInversedColor); { Init Global Variable(s) } EventsCount := 0; end; procedure PageChangedGraphicalInstaller(CurPageID: Integer); begin SetButtonsState; { Change color of header labes on each page } swHeadersColor := SwitchColorFormat(ExpandConstant('{#HeadersColor}')); WizardForm.PageDescriptionLabel.TextColor := swHeadersColor; WizardForm.PageNameLabel.TextColor := swHeadersColor; // List of possible pages [CurPageID]: { wpWelcome: wpLicense: wpPassword: wpInfoBefore: wpUserInfo: wpSelectDir: wpSelectComponents: wpSelectProgramGroup: wpSelectTasks: wpReady: wpPreparing: wpInstalling: wpInfoAfter: wpFinished: } end; procedure DeInitGraphicalInstaller(); begin // Unload ComCtrls functions GdiPlusShutdown; end; // End of file Geändert von MarkusL. (29. Mai 2018 um 10:55 Uhr) |
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Registriert seit: 1. Feb 2018 3.691 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
Hallo MarkusL., ich blicke bei der Menge gerade nicht wirklich durch, das tut mir leid!
Aber...... was ich Dir ans Herz legen würde ![]() Nicht wundern, der Link führt Dich nicht gleich ans Ziel, ich wollte das Du noch mehr Zusätze kennen lernen kannst falls Du da noch mehr Wünsche mit Inno Setup hast.
Gruß vom
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