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Install ADB drivers for my Xiaomi A1 with Rad Studio Tokyo

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 1. Mai 2018
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Install ADB drivers for my Xiaomi A1 with Rad Studio Tokyo

  Alt 1. Mai 2018, 12:50
Recently I've needed to do a program with RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2.3 installed on Windows 8.1 for a Mobile Android Xiaomi my A1. This is a middle range of 4 Gb RAM, 64 Gb of internal storage, the problem has come to the time that Windows does not have the drivers signed for this device. If we are going to CONTROL PANEL - Device Manager, we see that it does not appear and clear do not DelphiEsto recognize it is because Windows requires by default that all drivers that you want to install on the system must be signed, to ensure the stability of the operating system and prevent inter alia the installation of malware, viruses, etc. We can change a parameter to make Windows accept the installation of unsigned drivers, as you can see here, but there is another more simple method which is to install the pcsuitePara application it should go to http://pcsuite.mi.comy press the button "Download now", After we installed it in our tattoo machine

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