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How know what process is using a determinated file through NtQueryInformationFile?

Ein Thema von flashcoder · begonnen am 6. Apr 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 9. Apr 2018
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AW: How know what process is using a determinated file through NtQueryInformationFile

  Alt 9. Apr 2018, 12:55
Hi there, i have to admit that i dont understand everthing yet, especially the "NtQueryInformationFile" call.
If you want to iterate files and folders i could give you a way shorter method.
I want that when next file is verified and be the same(s) previous process(es) using this file, not show yours exe name.

My last attempt:

 currPid, oldPid : LongWord; // Global


for I := 0 to High(P.ProcessIdList) do
    if P.ProcessIdList[I] = pe.th32ProcessID then
      oldPid := currPid;
      currPid := pe.th32ProcessID;
      if currPid <> oldPid then
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