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Delphi Blogs of the Month #58

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 9. Mär 2018
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Delphi Blogs of the Month #58

  Alt 9. Mär 2018, 15:50
The last few months have been really a bit hectic, and I failed to find the time for my regular "notable Delphi blog posts" summary. I've also done very few blog posts in general. Here is one, with key entries only (or I'd be way too long).

Embarcadero Updates

Exciting RAD Studio Developments in 2018 by Sarina at**with new plans and the announcement of a 10.2.3 release.

Upgrade SKU to be Discontinued by March 31st at* This means you have only 2 weeks to update from recent versions (in case you don't have Update Subscription, of course).*With Update Subscription as standard approach, updates from the previous release make little sense, so they are being discontinued.

Modernize Your Apps by Atanas at*

Blog Posts

I didn't know you could do this with Record Helpers by Dave at*

Creating custom TEdit styles with the FireMonkey Style Designer by Sarina at*

Optimizing ARC the hard way by Dalija at*

Strings too slow outside WIN32? by Rudy at*

Three parts on MVVM, the last being*MVVM Starter Kit (Part 3 of 3) by Erik of*Grijjy at* Very nice series, recommended read.

Meltdown, Spectre and Delphi by Danny at*

The Exit Procedure by TMS at*

Lockless Multi-Threading in Delphi by Craig*at*

Data-driven Multithreading by Primoz at*

TIP: Typing long strings in the editor using Enter to auto-continue to the next line by Kyle at**(you always learn something new*in Delphi ;-)

Debugging Delphi applications inside a Windows Docker container by Juan at* This is a very interesting post, as Docker is growing even on Windows. Thanks for sharing.

JavaScripting with Duktape for Delphi by Erik at*

Supporting In-App Purchase Subscriptions for iOS and Android Firemonkey Apps by Chris at* Extremely detailed and well documented. Very handy.

Feeding a HTML report dashboard from a Delphi application by Craig at*

Accessing private methods of another class by Rudy at*

Delphi Videos*

I suggest you keep an eye to Kassebaum Development YouTube channel, very nice stuff:*

Jim, David and Craig have started a weekly live video podecast. See for example*

Other Programming*Blog Posts

Borland OWL to C++ Builder VCL by Al at* Having written one of the few published books on OWL in the early 90ies, I can only be surprise by the fact someone is keeping that fantastic library (so mush superior to MFC) alive...

Clang is now used to build Chrome for Windows by Nico at* Very interesting to see the growing adoption of Clang and LLVM, the same direction Delphi and C++Builder have been heading.


This was a long list of links, but it is also the first of these summary posts I do this year. Again, hoping to get back to a more regular pace.

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