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Delphi 7 Professional

Re: Prüfen ob Wörter in einem String vorkommen, Reihenfolge

  Alt 23. Aug 2004, 17:14
Habe folgendes im Swiss-Center gefunden, irgendwie funzt es aber nicht, wenn ich nur ein Wort im Edit-Feld eingebe gehts, gebe ich mehr als eins ein, zeigt die StringList gar nicht mehr. Vielleicht hat ja mal einer Lust, das auszuprobieren. Die Methode, die den Text aus dem Memo in Wörter zerlegt funzt auf jeden Fall scheinbar prima(habs noch nicht mit Umlauten probiert..)

procedure SplitTextIntoWords(const S: string; words: TstringList);
  startpos, endpos: Integer;
  startpos := 1;
  while startpos <= Length(S) do
    // skip non-letters
    while (startpos <= Length(S)) and not IsCharAlpha(S[startpos]) do
    if startpos <= Length(S) then
      // find next non-letter
      endpos := startpos + 1;
      while (endpos <= Length(S)) and IsCharAlpha(S[endpos]) do
      words.Add(Copy(S, startpos, endpos - startpos));
      startpos := endpos + 1;
    end; { If }
  end; { While } 
end; { SplitTextIntoWords } 

function StringMatchesMask(S, mask: string;
  case_sensitive: Boolean): Boolean;
  sIndex, maskIndex: Integer;
  if not case_sensitive then
    S := AnsiUpperCase(S);
    mask := AnsiUpperCase(mask);
  end; { If } 
  Result := True; // blatant optimism
  sIndex := 1;
  maskIndex := 1;
  while (sIndex <= Length(S)) and (maskIndex <= Length(mask)) do
    case mask[maskIndex] of
          // matches any character
        end; { case '?' } 
          // matches 0 or more characters, so need to check for
          // next character in mask
          if maskIndex > Length(mask) then
            // * at end matches rest of string
          else if mask[maskindex] in ['*', '?'] then
            raise Exception.Create('Invalid mask');
          // look for mask character in S
          while (sIndex <= Length(S)) and
            (S[sIndex] <> mask[maskIndex]) do
          if sIndex > Length(S) then
            // character not found, no match
            Result := False;
          { If } 
        end; { Case '*' }
      else if S[sIndex] = mask[maskIndex] then
        end { If } 
            // no match
            Result := False;
    end; { Case } 
  end; { While }
  // if we have reached the end of both S and mask we have a complete
  // match, otherwise we only have a partial match
  if (sIndex <= Length(S)) or (maskIndex <= Length(mask)) then
    Result := False;
end; { stringMatchesMask }

procedure FindMatchingWords(const S, mask: string;
  case_sensitive: Boolean; matches: Tstrings);
  words: TstringList;
  i: Integer;
  words := TstringList.Create;
    SplitTextIntoWords(S, words);
    for i := 0 to words.Count - 1 do
      if stringMatchesMask(words[i], mask, case_sensitive) then
    end; { For } 

The Form has one TMemo for the text to check, one TEdit for the mask,
one TCheckbox (check = case sensitive), one TListbox for the results,
one Tbutton

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  FindMatchingWords(memo1.Text, edit1.Text, checkbox1.Checked, listbox1.Items);

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