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Face recognition with Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 10. Feb 2018
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Face recognition with Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2

  Alt 10. Feb 2018, 21:00
A few days ago I was asked to do a facial recognition program to identify students in a school. Mulling over the issue I di realized I had to divide it into two parts, the first would be the removal of the face of the student of the initial image eliminating background and the second that of the treatment of that image to identify the student in question using techniques i artificial nteligencia. Initially thought of using OpenCV (here is how to install it), but for more attempts I did not got it to run on my computer, told me that it was not some dlls, or that "it was not a valid win32 application", so researching on Google I found that Android It has built an object called JFaceDetector to do facial recognition, that it can be used from the unit Androidapi.JNI.Media.Para use it is made in the following way: since our Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2 accessing File - multi-device Application and I think a new project. In the form clicking from the "Tool

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