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MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

Ein Thema von flashcoder · begonnen am 27. Jan 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Jan 2018
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MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 04:13
Delphi-Version: 10 Seattle
I had build part of this code below based in this C++ example (source file attached) where the goal is make a screenshot without the main form appear on capture.

Then i have two troubles with this following code:

1 - MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove main form (Form1).

2 - How recovery the content of "MagnifierWindow" to a image format?

My actual code is this:

unit Magnification;




  // Magnifier Class Name
  WC_MAGNIFIERA: AnsiString = 'Magnifier';
  WC_MAGNIFIERW: WideString = 'Magnifier';
  WC_MAGNIFIER = 'Magnifier';

  // Magnifier Window Styles

  // Filter Modes

  tagMAGTRANSFORM = record
    v: array[1..3, 1..3] of Single;
  TMagTransform = tagMAGTRANSFORM;
  PMagTransform = ^TMagTransform;

  tagMAGIMAGEHEADER = record
    width: UINT;
    height: UINT;
    format: TGUID;
    stride: UINT;
    offset: UINT;
    cbSize: UINT;
  TMagImageHeader = tagMAGIMAGEHEADER;
  PMagImageHeader = ^TMagImageHeader;

  tagMAGCOLOREFFECT = record
    transform: array[1..5, 1..5] of Single;
  TMagColorEffect = tagMAGCOLOREFFECT;
  PMagColorEffect = ^TMagColorEffect;

  TMagImageScalingCallback = function (hwnd: HWND; srcdata: Pointer;
    srcheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER; destdata: Pointer; destheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER;
    unclipped: TRect; clipped: TRect; dirty: HRGN): BOOL; stdcall;

  THWNDArray = array[0..0] of HWND;
  PHWNDArray = ^THWNDArray;

  // Public Functions
  function MagInitialize(): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagUninitialize(): BOOL; stdcall;

  function MagSetWindowSource(hwnd: HWND; rect: TRect): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagGetWindowSource(hwnd: HWND; var Rect: TRect): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagSetWindowTransform(hwnd: HWND; var Transform: TMagTransform): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagGetWindowTransform(hwnd: HWND; var Transform: TMagTransform): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagSetWindowFilterList(hwnd: HWND; dwFilterMode: DWORD;
    count: Integer; pHWND: PHWNDArray): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagGetWindowFilterList(hwnd: HWND; var dwFilterMode: DWORD;
    count: Integer; pHWND: PHWNDArray): Integer; stdcall;
  function MagSetImageScalingCallback(hwnd: HWND;
    MagImageScalingCallback: TMagImageScalingCallback): BOOL; stdcall;
// MagImageScalingCallback WINAPI MagGetImageScalingCallback(HWND hwnd );
  function MagSetColorEffect(hwnd: HWND; var Effect: TMagColorEffect): BOOL; stdcall;
  function MagGetColorEffect(hwnd: HWND; var Effect: TMagColorEffect): BOOL; stdcall;


  MagnificationDll = 'Magnification.dll';

  function MagInitialize; external MagnificationDll name 'MagInitialize';
  function MagUninitialize; external MagnificationDll name 'MagUninitialize';
  function MagSetWindowSource; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowSource';
  function MagGetWindowSource; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowSource';
  function MagSetWindowTransform; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowTransform';
  function MagGetWindowTransform; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowTransform';
  function MagSetWindowFilterList; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetWindowFilterList';
  function MagGetWindowFilterList; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetWindowFilterList';
  function MagSetImageScalingCallback; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetImageScalingCallback';
  function MagSetColorEffect; external MagnificationDll name 'MagSetColorEffect';
  function MagGetColorEffect; external MagnificationDll name 'MagGetColorEffect';

  Form1: TForm1;


  Unit3, Magnification;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  desktop, hwndMag: HWND;
  desktoprect, sourceRect: TRect;
  filterList: PHWNDArray;
  m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_ScreenT, m_ScreenL: Integer;

  desktop := GetDesktopWindow;
  GetWindowRect(desktop, desktoprect);

  m_ScreenT := desktoprect.Top;
  m_ScreenL := desktoprect.Left;
  m_ScreenX := desktoprect.right;
  m_ScreenY := desktoprect.bottom;

  Form3 := TForm3.Create(Form3);

  SetWindowPos(Form3.Handle, 0, 0, 0, desktoprect.right, desktoprect.bottom, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

  SetWindowLong(Form3.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Form3.Handle,
  SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Form3.Handle, 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA);

  if (not MagInitialize) then
    Application.MessageBox('Init magnification failed', 'Error',
      mb_Ok + mb_IconError);

  hwndMag := CreateWindow(WC_MAGNIFIER, 'MagnifierWindow',
    m_ScreenY, Form3.Handle, 0, hInstance, nil);

  if (hwndMag = 0) then
    Application.MessageBox('MagnifierWindow creation failed', 'Error',
      mb_Ok + mb_IconError);

    filterList[0] := Handle;

  if (not MagSetWindowFilterList(hwndMag, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, 1, filterList))
    Application.MessageBox('Cannot exclude main window', 'Error',
      mb_Ok + mb_IconError);

  sourceRect.Top := m_ScreenT;
  sourceRect.Left := m_ScreenL;
  sourceRect.right := m_ScreenX;
  sourceRect.bottom := m_ScreenY;

  if (not MagSetWindowSource(hwndMag, sourceRect)) then
    Application.MessageBox('Cannot set source to MagnifierWindow', 'Error',
      mb_Ok + mb_IconError);

  { if (not MagUninitialize) then
    Application.MessageBox('Finalize magnification failed', 'Error',
    mb_Ok + mb_IconError);
    end; }

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Geändert von flashcoder (27. Jan 2018 um 23:27 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 12:57
{ Here's how you can save the screen content into a bitmapfile.
  If you don't want to include the active (Delphi-)Application
  just put easily a 'Application.Minimize;' at the beginning
  of the procedure }

  Windows, Graphics, Forms;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  DC: HDC;
  Canvas: TCanvas;
  MyBitmap: TBitmap;
  Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
  MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
  DC := GetDC(0);

    Canvas.Handle := DC;
    with Screen do
      { detect the actual height and with of the screen }
      MyBitmap.Width := Width;
      MyBitmap.Height := Height;

      { copy the screen content to the bitmap }
      MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Canvas,
                               Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
      { stream the bitmap to disk }

    { free memory }
    ReleaseDC(0, DC);
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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
83 Beiträge

AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 14:26
{ Here's how you can save the screen content into a bitmapfile.
  If you don't want to include the active (Delphi-)Application
  just put easily a 'Application.Minimize;' at the beginning
  of the procedure }

  Windows, Graphics, Forms;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  DC: HDC;
  Canvas: TCanvas;
  MyBitmap: TBitmap;
  Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
  MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
  DC := GetDC(0);

    Canvas.Handle := DC;
    with Screen do
      { detect the actual height and with of the screen }
      MyBitmap.Width := Width;
      MyBitmap.Height := Height;

      { copy the screen content to the bitmap }
      MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Canvas,
                               Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
      { stream the bitmap to disk }

    { free memory }
    ReleaseDC(0, DC);
The main Form not must be minimized in my situation.
I really need of help to fix code that was posted on question.

Geändert von flashcoder (27. Jan 2018 um 14:28 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 14:48
use this command wherever you need
this will hide a window by its handle
 ShowWindow(EnterHandle, SW_HIDE); // Enter Handle of Window wich needs to become invisible


 ShowWindow(FindWindow(EnterClassName,nil), SW_HIDE); // EnterClassName can be something like TForm1 etc, adjust to your


 ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil,'Enter Forms Caption'), SW_HIDE); // self explaining

replace SW_HIDE with SW_SHOW to bring it back
use this code careful, it can be used to also tweak control (in and outside of your program)

Geändert von Fukiszo (27. Jan 2018 um 14:51 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Zacherl

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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 15:28
Hiding / minimizing a window to exclude it from a screenshot is an invasive operation and I as an user would not like it (even if it's only for a split second).

1 - MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove main form (Form1).
You should not declare your filterList as PHWNDArray . Just use a normal THWNDArray as variable declaration and pass it like this: MagSetWindowFilterList(hwndMag, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, 1, @filterList[0]) . You could even use plain HWND as type for filterList (in case there's always only one handle in your "list").

2 - How recovery the content of "MagnifierWindow" to a image format?
I never used the magnification API, but the linked article shows a way by using the so called MagImageScalingCallback .
- GitHub (Profil, zyantific)
- zYan Disassembler Engine ( Zydis Online, Zydis GitHub)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 20:43

thank you very much, your suggestion about MagSetWindowFilterList worked fine.
I will try translate the part of save content of hwndmag to a image format.

I tried the suggestion of @Fukiszo but not worked see:

Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
  MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
  DC := GetWindowDC(hwndMag);

  GetWindowRect(hwndMag, r);

    Canvas.Handle := DC;

      MyBitmap.Width := r.Width;
      MyBitmap.Height := r.Height;

      MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, MyBitmap.Width, MyBitmap.Height), Canvas,
                               Rect(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height));


    ReleaseDC(0, DC);
But if someone know a way in Delphi and that works, i will accept.

Geändert von flashcoder (27. Jan 2018 um 20:49 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 21:48
 MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, MyBitmap.Width, MyBitmap.Height), Canvas,
                               Rect(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height));
my example was made for a full screen, not part of screen
use it like this:
 MyBitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(X.Start, Y.Start, X.End, Y.End), Canvas,
                          Rect(X.Start, Y.Start, X.End, Y.End));

X and Y are Screen Offsets, not your Application Window Offsets
eg, Position [0,0] = topleft screen corner and not your application windows coordinate!
but better wait, others may give much better methods than my rude ones.

Geändert von Fukiszo (27. Jan 2018 um 21:56 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 22:52

i tried your two suggestions and none works, but this can be the reason:

Saving the data

Normally, we could save the content of a window into a file, or copy its content into memory by using the BitBlt function. The main problem while saving the captured data by the magnification library is that we cannot access the bitmap of the host window or the magnification window with the BitBlt function as usual. So we use a work around by using the MagSetImageScalingCallback() function, which is described as below.
This alert can be found on C++ example linked on question.
So, i think that with BMP.Canvas.CopyRect() also not is different.
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 23:04
sorry i dont know MagXXXXX.pas units neither their .dll,
i gave general examples,
if MAGxxx uses overlay to display something, my method fail. that i think your warning is telling.
I'm sorry!

...using the MagSetImageScalingCallback() function, which is described as below...
can you show that?

Geändert von Fukiszo (27. Jan 2018 um 23:07 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 27. Jan 2018, 23:14
...using the MagSetImageScalingCallback() function, which is described as below...
can you show that?
@Fukiszo, i still will try translate this part

Geändert von flashcoder (27. Jan 2018 um 23:23 Uhr)
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