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MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

Ein Thema von flashcoder · begonnen am 27. Jan 2018 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Jan 2018
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 20:47
I want know why my callback function not is executed
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 20:57
I want know why my callback function not is executed
Win10 Trouble... i think.

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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 21:03
Zitat von EWeiss:
Win10 Trouble... i think.
No, here my enviroment is Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 21:09
Zitat von EWeiss:
Win10 Trouble... i think.
No, here my enviroment is Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
That is hard
But as I said my code I uploaded here works.

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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 21:29
Zitat von EWeiss:
That is hard
But as I said my code I uploaded here works.
The callback function ImageScaling is executed in your test?


The callback is working to me now, i discovered that my callback function is executed always that Magnifier window is resized:

function MagImageScalingCallback(hwnd: hwnd; srcdata: Pointer;
  srcheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER; destdata: Pointer; destheader: MAGIMAGEHEADER;
  unclipped: TRect; clipped: TRect; dirty: HRGN): BOOL; stdcall;
  lpbmih: TBitmapInfoHeader;
  lpbmi: TBitmapInfo;
  aBitmap: HBITMAP;
  aDC: HDC;
  bmp: TBitmap;
  Fillchar(lpbmih, SizeOf(lpbmih), 0);
  lpbmih.biSize := SizeOf(lpbmih);
  lpbmih.biWidth := srcheader.width;
  lpbmih.biHeight := srcheader.height;
  lpbmih.biPlanes := 1;
  lpbmih.biBitCount := Floor(lpbmih.biSizeImage / lpbmih.biHeight /
    lpbmih.biWidth * 8);
  lpbmih.biCompression := BI_RGB;

  Fillchar(lpbmi, SizeOf(lpbmi), 0);
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biSize := SizeOf(lpbmi.bmiHeader);
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biWidth := srcheader.width;
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biHeight := srcheader.height;
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1;
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount :=
    Floor(lpbmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage / lpbmi.bmiHeader.biHeight /
    lpbmi.bmiHeader.biWidth * 8);
  lpbmi.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB;

  aDC := GetWindowDC(hwnd);
  bmp := TBitmap.Create;
  aBitmap := 0;
    aBitmap := CreateDIBitmap(aDC, lpbmih, 0, nil, lpbmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
    bmp.handle := aBitmap;
  Result := True;


if (not MagSetImageScalingCallback(hwndMag, MagImageScalingCallback)) then
My trouble now is that i'm getting a black image. Some idea how fix?

Geändert von flashcoder (28. Jan 2018 um 22:48 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 23:28
The callback function ImageScaling is executed in your test?
as said..
But as I said my code I uploaded here works.
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Benutzerbild von Zacherl

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 28. Jan 2018, 23:34
I want know why my callback function not is executed
Win10 Trouble... i think.
The (corrected) C++ example works on my Windows 10, but the Delphi code crashes somewhere inside MagSetWindowSource (breakpoint inside callback does not trigger) - again, only if I set the callback.
- GitHub (Profil, zyantific)
- zYan Disassembler Engine ( Zydis Online, Zydis GitHub)
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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 29. Jan 2018, 00:14
Zitat von Zacherl:
The (corrected) C++ example works on my Windows 10, but the Delphi code crashes somewhere inside MagSetWindowSource

MagSetWindowSource not is necessary, i tested here (Delphi code) without this api and screenshot still is works.

About callback also is working fine here, my callback function is executed when Magnifier window (Form1) is maximized, now i need of some help to fix this trouble of black capture


MagSetWindowSource and MagSetImageScalingCallback works fine since that (Form1) is maximized. My trouble now really is with the black capture in callback function.
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken

Geändert von flashcoder (29. Jan 2018 um 00:32 Uhr)
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AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 29. Jan 2018, 01:05
Zitat von Zacherl:
The (corrected) C++ example works on my Windows 10, but the Delphi code crashes somewhere inside MagSetWindowSource

MagSetWindowSource not is necessary, i tested here (Delphi code) without this api and screenshot still is works.

About callback also is working fine here, my callback function is executed when Magnifier window (Form1) is maximized, now i need of some help to fix this trouble of black capture


MagSetWindowSource and MagSetImageScalingCallback works fine since that (Form1) is maximized. My trouble now really is with the black capture in callback function.
sorry your should learn C++ before translate any..
as i see, what your do here? as example

ImageScaling(hwnd: hwnd;
that looks very bad for me.

you can use in C++
hwnd Hwnd
but not in Delphi to..

should be
ImageScaling(Handle: HWND;
then your set your Window not on TopMost that is bad also... and so on.
read the API then create a application from beginning, just my 2 Cent.


Geändert von EWeiss (29. Jan 2018 um 01:08 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
83 Beiträge

AW: MagSetWindowFilterList function not remove specified window of screenshot

  Alt 29. Jan 2018, 01:12
Delphi is case insensitive and is able to know waht is a variable name and a type.
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