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HTTP Protocol Related Improvements in Delphi 10.2.2

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 18. Jan 2018
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HTTP Protocol Related Improvements in Delphi 10.2.2

  Alt 18. Jan 2018, 01:21
The new features for the HTTP client library offer more flexibility and options in terms of protocol and standards support.*

Better Secure Protocols Support

The first change is the improved support for security protocols. In the past*it wasn't possible to specify the required security protocols (TLS1.1, TLS1.2, etc.) for an HTTP request. We have added a new enumeration,*THTTPSecureProtocol with the values (SSL2, SSL3, TLS1, TLS11, TLS12).*THPPTClient and related classes have now a SecureProtocols property which is a set based on that enumeration.

The property (available only at run-time) controls which security protocols to use and it is currently implemented only for Windows. This was requested in our Quality Portal at*

HTTP Redirect Improvements

Another set of improvements is in the way the HTTP client library handles redirects. There is a new*RedirectsWithGET runtime property offering another set of options, this time based on the following enumeration:

THTTPRedirectWithGET = (Post301, Post302, Post303, Post307, Post308, Put301, Put302, Put303, Put307, Put308, Delete301, Delete302, Delete303, Delete307, Delete308); The property controls which request method and response status must be redirected using GET method and it was reported in several entries in QP, including*

New REST Client Events*OnNeedClientCert and*OnAuthEvent

These events corresponds to their HTTPClient counterparts and are now surfaces at a higher level:

TRESTClient.OnNeedClientCertificate: TNeedClientCertificateEvent TRESTClient.OnAuthEvent: TCredentialAuthEvent This was requested in*

MIME Name Helper

We added a function that to the TEncoding support, which returns the encoding MIME for a speficied encoding:

function GetEncodingMimeName(AEncoding: TEncoding): string;

Changed TIniFile Behaviour

This one is totally unrelated, beside the fact it was also done in 10.2.2. The Ini File behavior was platform specific, not is it platform independent.*On Windows, TIniFile ReadString ignores the case of Key parameter. On Linux, the ReadString call was*case sensitive, leading to issues when migrating code and configuration files. Now by default TIniFile content structure (not the actual values)*is treated in a case-insensitive way on all supported platforms.

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