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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013 83 Beiträge |
I'm trying forbiden a dll injection simply writing random values on entry point of dll in remote process ( that is executed created with flag DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS using CreateProcess api).
My trouble is that i got ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in CreateFileMapping() ( GetDllEntryPoint() function below ). How i could solve this? Complete code below:
program SpecialLaucher;
{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} uses Windows, Psapi, SysUtils; const Values : Array[0..4] of byte = ($C2,$00,$00,$90,$90); var bSeenInitialBP: Boolean; hProcess: THandle; function GetFileNameFromHandle(hFile: THandle): string; const BUFSIZE = 1024; var fName, devName: string; hFileMap: THandle; dwFileSizeHi, dwFileSizeLo: LONGINT; pMem: pointer; x: LongWord; DrvLetter: char; Drv: string; begin result:= ''; dwFileSizeHi := 0; dwFileSizeLo := GetFileSize(hFile, @dwFileSizeHi); if (dwFileSizeLo = 0) and (dwFileSizeHi = 0) then fName := 'Cannot map a file with a length of zero.'; hFileMap := CreateFileMapping(hFile, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 1, nil); if (hFileMap <> 0) then begin pMem := MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 1); //GetMem(fName, Max_Path); if (pMem <> nil) then begin SetLength(fName, MAX_PATH); if GetMappedFileName(GetCurrentProcess(), pMem, pchar(fName), MAX_PATH) <> 0 then begin for DrvLetter:= 'A' to 'Z' do begin Drv:= DrvLetter+':'; SetLength(devName, BufSize); x:= QueryDosDevice(pchar(Drv), pchar(devName), BufSize-1); SetLength(devName, x-2); if Pos(devName, fName) <> 0 then begin fName:= StringReplace(fName, devName, Drv, []); break; end; end; end else fName := 'Error mapping file'; UnmapViewOfFile(pMem); end; CloseHandle(hFileMap); end; result:= fName; end; function GetDllEntryPoint(hFile: DWORD; hModule: pointer): pointer; var hMapFile, dwFSizeLow, dwFSizeHight: DWORD; pMemory, EntryPoint: pointer; idh: PImageDosHeader; inh: PImageNtHeaders; begin EntryPoint := nil; pMemory := nil; dwFSizeHight := 0; dwFSizeLow := GetFileSize(hFile, @dwFSizeHight); if ((hFile > 0) and (dwFSizeLow > 0) and (dwFSizeHight > 0)) then begin writeln(dwFSizeLow); hMapFile := CreateFileMapping(hFile, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, dwFSizeHight, dwFSizeLow, nil); Writeln(Format('Error: 0x%.08x', [GetLastError])); pMemory := MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_WRITE or FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (Assigned(pMemory)) then begin idh := pointer(pMemory); inh := pointer(DWORD(idh) + idh^._lfanew); EntryPoint := PBYTE(hModule) + inh^.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; end; UnmapViewOfFile(pMemory); CloseHandle(hMapFile); // CloseHandle(hFile); end; Result := EntryPoint; end; procedure WriteBytes(hProcess: THandle; Address: Pointer; const Buffer: array of Byte); var Read: THandle; oldprot, tmp: DWORD; begin if (VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, Address, Length(Buffer), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @oldprot)) then Writeln('1 - VirtualProtectEx() successfully!'); if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, Address, @Buffer, Length(Buffer), Read)) then Writeln('ReadProcessMemory() successfully!'); if (VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, Address, Length(Buffer), oldprot, @tmp)) then Writeln('2 - VirtualProtectEx() successfully!'); end; procedure Help; begin WriteLn(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)) + ' <program to debug> '); end; type TDebugEventHandler = function(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; const DebugEventNames: array [EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT .. RIP_EVENT] of string = ('EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT', 'CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT', 'CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT', 'EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT', 'EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT', 'LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT', 'UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT', 'OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT', 'RIP_EVENT'); function DefaultDebugEventHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin WriteLn('========================================'); WriteLn(Format('Debug Event [%d] : %s', [de.dwDebugEventCode, DebugEventNames[de.dwDebugEventCode]])); Result := DBG_CONTINUE; end; function ExceptionHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; procedure ShowExceptionRecord(const per: PExceptionRecord); var I: Integer; begin if Assigned(per) and not IsBadReadPtr(per, SizeOf(TExceptionRecord)) then with per^ do begin WriteLn; WriteLn(Format(' ExceptionCode : 0x%.08x', [ExceptionCode])); WriteLn(Format(' ExceptionFlags : 0x%.08x', [ExceptionFlags])); WriteLn(Format(' ExceptionRecord : 0x%p', [ExceptionRecord])); WriteLn(Format(' ExceptionAddress : 0x%p', [ExceptionAddress])); WriteLn(Format(' NumberParameters : 0x%.08x', [NumberParameters])); if NumberParameters > 0 then for I := 0 to NumberParameters - 1 do WriteLn(Format(' ExceptionInformation[%d] : 0x%.08x', [I, ExceptionInformation[I]])); ShowExceptionRecord(ExceptionRecord); end; end; begin if not bSeenInitialBP then begin bSeenInitialBP := True; Result := DBG_CONTINUE; end else begin DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.Exception do begin WriteLn(Format(' dwFirstChance : 0x%.08x', [dwFirstChance])); ShowExceptionRecord(@ExceptionRecord); end; Result := DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED end; end; function CreateProcessHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); hProcess := de.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess; with de.CreateProcessInfo do begin WriteLn(Format(' hFile : 0x%.08x', [hFile])); WriteLn(Format(' hProcess : 0x%.08x', [hProcess])); WriteLn(Format(' hThread : 0x%.08x', [hThread])); WriteLn(Format(' lpBaseOfImage : 0x%p', [lpBaseOfImage])); WriteLn(Format(' dwDebugInfoFileOffset : 0x%.08x',[dwDebugInfoFileOffset])); WriteLn(Format(' nDebugInfoSize : 0x%.08x', [nDebugInfoSize])); WriteLn(Format(' lpThreadLocalBase : 0x%p', [lpThreadLocalBase])); WriteLn(Format(' lpStartAddress : 0x%p', [lpStartAddress])); WriteLn(Format(' lpImageName : 0x%p', [lpImageName])); // WriteLn(Format(' ImageName : %s', [GetFileNameFromHandle(hFile)])); WriteLn(Format(' fUnicode : 0x%.08x', [fUnicode])); end; end; function ExitProcessHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.ExitProcess do WriteLn(Format(' dwExitCode : 0x%.08x', [dwExitCode])); end; function CreateThreadHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.CreateThread do begin WriteLn(Format(' hThread : 0x%.08x', [hThread])); WriteLn(Format(' lpThreadLocalBase : 0x%p', [lpThreadLocalBase])); WriteLn(Format(' lpStartAddress : 0x%p', [lpStartAddress])); end; end; function ExitThreadHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.ExitThread do WriteLn(Format(' dwExitCode : 0x%.08x', [dwExitCode])); end; function LoadDllHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; var EntryP: Pointer; DllName: string; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.LoadDll do begin WriteLn(Format(' hFile : 0x%.08x', [hFile])); DllName := GetFileNameFromHandle(hFile); WriteLn(Format(' lpBaseOfDll : 0x%p', [lpBaseOfDll])); WriteLn(Format(' dwDebugInfoFileOffset : 0x%.08x', [dwDebugInfoFileOffset])); WriteLn(Format(' nDebugInfoSize : 0x%.08x', [nDebugInfoSize])); WriteLn(Format(' lpImageName : 0x%p', [lpImageName])); WriteLn(Format(' ImageName : %s', [DllName])); WriteLn(Format(' fUnicode : 0x%.08x', [fUnicode])); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if Pos('Project1.dll', DllName) > 0 then begin EntryP := GetDllEntryPoint(hFile, lpBaseOfDll); if EntryP <> nil then WriteBytes(hProcess, EntryP, Values) else Writeln('GetDllEntryPoint() failed.'); end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end; end; function UnloadDllHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.UnloadDll do WriteLn(Format(' lpBaseOfDll : 0x%p', [lpBaseOfDll])); end; function DebugStringHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; var Buf: array [1 .. 1024] of Byte; dwRead: DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.DebugString do begin WriteLn(Format(' lpDebugStringData : 0x%.08x', [DWORD(lpDebugStringData)])); WriteLn(Format(' nDebugStringLength : 0x%.08x', [nDebugStringLength])); WriteLn(Format(' fUnicode : 0x%.08x', [fUnicode])); if nDebugStringLength < SizeOf(Buf) then begin FillChar(Buf, SizeOf(Buf), 0); ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, lpDebugStringData, @Buf, SIZE_T(nDebugStringLength), SIZE_T(dwRead)); Write(' DebugString : '); if fUnicode <> 0 then WriteLn(WideString(PWideChar(@Buf))) else WriteLn(string(PChar(@Buf))); end; end; end; function RipHandler(const de: TDebugEvent): DWORD; begin Result := DefaultDebugEventHandler(de); with de.RipInfo do begin WriteLn(Format(' dwError : 0x%.08x', [dwError])); WriteLn(Format(' dwType : 0x%.08x', [dwType])); end; end; const DebugEventHandlers: array [EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT .. RIP_EVENT] of TDebugEventHandler = (ExceptionHandler, CreateThreadHandler, CreateProcessHandler, ExitThreadHandler, ExitProcessHandler, LoadDllHandler, UnloadDllHandler, DebugStringHandler, RipHandler); procedure Init; var si: TStartupInfo; pi: TProcessInformation; begin bSeenInitialBP := False; hProcess := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FillChar(si, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); FillChar(pi, SizeOf(TProcessInformation), 0); si.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); Win32Check(CreateProcess({nil}'c:\windows\syswow64\notepad.exe', {PChar(ParamStr(1)}nil{)}, nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS, nil, nil, si, pi)); end; procedure Run; var de: TDebugEvent; bContinue: Boolean; dwContinueStatus: DWORD; begin bContinue := True; while bContinue do begin bContinue := WaitForDebugEvent(de, INFINITE); dwContinueStatus := DebugEventHandlers[de.dwDebugEventCode](de); if EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT = de.dwDebugEventCode then bContinue := False; ContinueDebugEvent(de.dwProcessId, de.dwThreadId, dwContinueStatus); end; end; procedure Done; begin end; begin { if ParamCount = 0 then begin Help; Exit; end; } Init; Run; Done; end. Geändert von flashcoder (17. Dez 2017 um 18:32 Uhr) |
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