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Parser Generator

Ein Thema von Sailor · begonnen am 22. Okt 2017
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Registriert seit: 20. Jul 2008
Ort: Balaton
112 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

Parser Generator

  Alt 22. Okt 2017, 18:41
Hi Gemeinde!

Bei meinen Arbeiten zum Thema Metaprogrammierung hatte ich immer wieder mit
Grammatiken zu tun. Das verwendete Werkzeug kam in die Jahre, so daß ein neues
hermußte, das meinen Anforderungen besser genügte. Bevor ich das auf die Welt
loslasse, wäre es ganz angenehm, wenn einige aus der Community mal einen Blick
drauf werfen würden, falls es interessiert. Besten Dank!

proGRAM is yet another generator for parsers and lexers
using the well-known LALR parsing technique. Nevertheless
there are several unique features distinguishing it from other
such generators which enhance its range of applications.

Amongst them are
- The notion of project
A project contains all parameters needed to
generate a parser: Syntactical and lexical grammars,
skeletons, output files, reporting, table creation method,
fine grain control of conflict resolution etc.

- Language indepedence via use of skeletons
The generator is not bound to a specific programming
language. The user provides skeletons in the language
of his choice which are used by the generator as templates.
The control tables are generated as collections of cooperating
one-dimensional arrays so virtually any popular programming
language may be used.

- Binary format for parser/lexer control tables
In addition to the generation of to-be-compiled tables in source form
(loadable) control tables may be generated in binary format.
This might be especially useful in parsing multi-language documents
switching between different languages in one and the same document.

- Debugging of syntactical and lexical grammars
Both types of grammars may be interactively debugged. (But to debug
a syntactical grammar a project is mandatory since a lexer is needed.)
The user may load a file or input some text, start the debug process,
watch the decisions the debugger makes, track the developing parse
or abstract syntax tree, set breakpoints, correct discovered errors,
creating logs...

The program has been tested carefully under Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows7 and run under Windows8 and Windows10. Nevertheless there
may be errors or inconveniences. So it would be nice to hear from you on
bugs, omissions or feature requests: Please, use the "Send Report" item
in the Help menu and let us know what should be changed/improved.
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (4,84 MB, 13x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: zip (1,68 MB, 10x aufgerufen)
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