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Rx10.2 ISO Update

Ein Thema von Rollo62 · begonnen am 9. Okt 2017
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Delphi 12 Athens

Rx10.2 ISO Update

  Alt 9. Okt 2017, 17:14
Enthält dieses ISO Update jetzt alle Updates und Patches zu dem was man gemeinhin 10.2.1 nennt ?

Hier steht das es neulich upgedatet wurde, aber es ist wohl immer noch kein komplettes ISO der 10.2.1, oder doch ?

ID: 30785, RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder 10.2 Release 1 ISO

ISO for RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder 10.2 Release 1

Updated on September 6, 2017 to resolve an issue when users select the Upgrade option.

A Double Layer (dual layer) high capacity DVD is required for burning a physical disc.

Available only to registered users of Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio 10.2, and Embarcadero All-Access XE

English, French, German and Japanese
Die ReleaseNotes sind aber vielversprechender aus:
10.2 Tokyo - Release 1

Go Up to What's New

10.2 Tokyo - Release 1 is an update of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo available for any active Update Subscription customer.

10.2 Tokyo - Release 1 includes the following new features, enhancements, and bug fixes:

Delphi Linux server performance enhancements for both RAD Server and DataSnap.
Delphi and C++ compiler and linker updates that resolve issues loading packages, especially when debugging, on Windows 10 Creators Update.
Support for latest versions of iOS and Xcode (iOS 10.3 and XCode 8.3.3) when targeting the iOS App Store.
FireDAC support for MSSQL 2012, 2014, 2016, and ODBC Driver 13.
Significant C++ linker improvements pertaining to linking larger projects.
Fixes and enhancements to the Runtime Library and VCL.
Additional Android enhancements around control rendering and performance, and fixes for TEdit issues with Android N.
FireDAC Support for InterBase 2017 Exclusive Isolation Level and Transaction Wait Time.
Changes in DataSize for fields of type ftInteger and ftLongWord to avoid using the platform-dependent LongInt and LongWord type (the change affects only 64-bit Linux and 64-bit iOs platforms), and related changes for SetFieldData and GetFieldData
Fixes for over 140 issues reported by customers in Quality Portal.

Release 1 also includes the enhancements from the Tokyo Toolchain Hotfix (released on May 3rd, 2017) and the Android Compatibility Patch (released on June 22nd, 2017). For a complete list of features and bug fixes, click here.

Note: You need to be an active Update Subscription customer to download and install 10.2 Tokyo - Release 1.
Komme ich ich wohl diesmal um die Updateorgie herum, oder muss ich die Hotfixes und Patches wieder Alle einzeln da reinwerfen ?


Geändert von Rollo62 ( 9. Okt 2017 um 17:16 Uhr)
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