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1.989 Beiträge

Re: rückgabewerte von Findnext....

  Alt 17. Aug 2004, 20:16
es ist "<> 0"

siehe delphi hilfe-beispiel:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

  sr: TSearchRec;
  FileAttrs: Integer;
  StringGrid1.RowCount := 1;
  if CheckBox1.Checked then
    FileAttrs := faReadOnly
    FileAttrs := 0;
  if CheckBox2.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faHidden;
  if CheckBox3.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faSysFile;
  if CheckBox4.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faVolumeID;
  if CheckBox5.Checked then

    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faDirectory;
  if CheckBox6.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faArchive;
  if CheckBox7.Checked then

    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faAnyFile;

  with StringGrid1 do
    RowCount := 0;

    if FindFirst(Edit1.Text, FileAttrs, sr) = 0 then

        if (sr.Attr and FileAttrs) = sr.Attr then
        RowCount := RowCount + 1;
        Cells[1,RowCount-1] := sr.Name;
        Cells[2,RowCount-1] := IntToStr(sr.Size);
      until FindNext(sr) <> 0;
edit: mal wieder zu lahm
Michael N.
http://nailor.devzero.de/code/sharpmath/testing/ --- Tests, Feedback, Anregungen, ... aller Art sehr willkommen!
::: don't try so hard - it'll happen for a reason :::
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