Registriert seit: 23. Mai 2011 Ort: Görlitz 150 Beiträge Delphi XE Starter |
ich suche einen Trackbar mit 2 Reglern die sich aber völlig unabhängig voneinander über den gesamten Trackbar schieben lassen.
Hatte schon eine Komponente "Tracker" gefunden womit sich ein gewisser Bereich einstellen lässt.
diese hab ich schon dahingehend abgeändert das sie meinen Wünschen schon sehr nahe kommt aber es gibt noch Probleme
unit Tracker2;
{******************************************************************************* * This trackbar component is an extension of tDCTrack by Doug Gregor * * (gregod@rpi.edu). My modifications allow the use of trackbars with either * * one or two thumb buttons, the latter being useful in defining "windowed" * * controls. * * * * All of the hard effort and 95% of the code here is the work of Mr. Gregor, * * and he has my thanks for making it widely available. I've made a few * * changes to reflect my preferences and style * * * * When SecondThumb is property is true, two thumb buttons appear on the * * trackbar, along with a "midpoint marker" that is always present between* * the two thumb buttons. Mouse clicks on the trackbar operate on the * * upper or lower button depending on which side of the marker the mouse * * pointer is on. The buttons may never cross the midpoint marker, so the* * "upper" button is always above the lower one on a vertical track. * * * * Click and drag on either button to move it. * * Click to one side of button to move it to mouse position. * * Shift+Click to one side to move the button a small increment toward * * the mouse. * * * * Shift+arrow key moves the upper button and arrow keys alone move * * the lower button if SecondThumb is true. (Shift is ignored in one- * * button trackbars). Use pageup and pagedown to move in larger steps. * * * * * * This component has been tested with Delphi3 under Win2000 and WinXP. * * * * * * Curt Carpenter * * Dallas, Tx July 5, 2010 * * * * Notes: * * o ThumbColor property only works with rectangular thumb style * * o Don't forget to change the registration procedure before installing * * to reflect your prefered IDE layout. * ******************************************************************************* } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus; type TOrientation=(toHorizontal,toVertical); TTrackStyle=(trUserDrawn,trFlat,trRaised,trLowered); TThumbStyle=(tsUserDrawn,tsRectangle,tsRaisedRectangle,tsLoweredRectangle, tsSmallPointer,tsMediumPointer,tsLargePointer); TTickStyle=(tiUserDrawn,tiLine,tiSquare,tiRaisedSquare,tiLoweredSquare); TTickOrientation=(toTopLeft,toBottomRight,toBoth); TDrawTrackEvent=procedure(Sender:TObject;Canvas:TCanvas) of object; TDrawThumbEvent=procedure(Sender:TObject;Canvas:TCanvas;X,Y:Integer) of object; TDrawTickEvent=procedure(Sender:TObject;Canvas:TCanvas;X,Y,Position:Integer) of object; TTrackBar2 = class(TCustomControl) private {track} FMax, FMin: integer; FTrackRect:TRect; FUsablePixels:Integer; FOrientation:TOrientation; FTrackSize:Integer; FTrackStyle:TTrackStyle; FTrackColor:TColor; {ticks} FTickSize:Integer; FTickStyle:TTickStyle; FTickColor:TColor; FTickOrientation:TTickOrientation; FTickInterval:Integer; {thumbs} FDitherThumb:Boolean; FSmallChange, FLargeChange:Integer; FThumbSize:Integer; FThumbStyle:TThumbStyle; FThumbColor:TColor; FSecondThumb: Boolean; //true if trackbar has two thumb buttons. FCentering:Integer; FThumbHalfSize:Integer; {midpoint market present when secondthumb = true} FXM, //midpoint marker restore coordinate FYM: integer; //midpoint marker restore coordinate {lower or leftmost thumb. Only thumb if secondthumb=false} FPositionL, FXL, //restore coordinate FYL: integer; //restore coordinate FTrackingL: boolean; //drag flag FThumbRectL:TRect; {upper or rightmost thumb. Present if secondthumb = true} FPositionU, FXU, //restore coordinate FYU:Integer; //restore coordinate FTrackingU:Boolean; //drag flag FThumbREctU:TRect; {events} FOnChange, FOnPaint:TNotifyEvent; FOnDrawTrack:TDrawTrackEvent; FOnDrawThumb:TDrawThumbEvent; FOnDrawTick:TDrawTickEvent; {bitmaps} FThumbBmp, FBackgroundBmpM, //midpoint tick background store FBackgroundBmpU, //upper thumb background store FBackgroundBmpL, //lower thumb background store FMaskBmp, FTickBmp, FDitherBmp:TBitmap; {Track} procedure SetMax(Value:Integer); procedure SetMin(Value:Integer); procedure SetOrientation(Value:TOrientation); procedure SetTrackSize(Value:Integer); procedure SetTrackStyle(Value:TTrackStyle); procedure SetTrackColor(Value:TColor); {Ticks} procedure SetTickSize(Value:Integer); procedure SetTickStyle(Value:TTickStyle); procedure SetTickColor(Value:TColor); procedure SetTickOrientation(Value:TTickOrientation); procedure SetTickInterval(Value:Integer); {Thumbs} procedure SetPositionL(Value:Integer); procedure SetPositionU(Value:Integer); procedure SetThumbSize(Value:Integer); procedure SetThumbStyle(Value:TThumbStyle); procedure SetThumbColor(Value:TColor); procedure SetDitherThumb(Value:Boolean); procedure SetSecondThumb(Value:Boolean); procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg:TWMGetDlgCode);message WM_GetDlgCode; procedure WMSize(var Msg:TWMSize);message WM_Size; procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Msg:TMessage); message CM_EnabledChanged; procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Msg:TMessagE); message CM_Ctl3DChanged; protected {Track} procedure UpdateTrackData;virtual; procedure UpdateTrack;virtual; procedure DrawTrack;virtual; {Ticks} procedure UpdateTickData;virtual; procedure UpdateTicks;virtual; procedure DrawTick(X,Y,Position:Integer);virtual; {Thumbs} procedure UpdateThumbData;virtual; procedure UpdateThumb;virtual; procedure DrawThumb(X,Y:Integer);virtual; procedure UpdateDitherBitmap;virtual; procedure KeyDown(var Key:Word;Shift:TShiftState);override; procedure MouseDown(Button:TMouseButton;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Integer);override; procedure MouseUp(Button:TMouseButton;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Integer); override; procedure DoEnter;override; procedure DoExit;override; procedure Paint;override; procedure Change;virtual; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override; destructor Destroy;override; published { Track } property Max:Integer read FMax write SetMax default 10; property Min:Integer read FMin write SetMin default 0; property Orientation:TOrientation read FOrientation write SetOrientation default toHorizontal; property TrackSize:Integer read FTrackSize write SetTrackSize default 10; property TrackStyle:TTrackStyle read FTrackStyle write SetTrackStyle default trLowered; property TrackColor:TColor read FTrackColor write SetTrackColor default clWhite; { Ticks } property TickSize:Integer read FTickSize write SetTickSize default 6; property TickStyle:TTickStyle read FTickStyle write SetTickStyle default tiRaisedSquare; property TickColor:TColor read FTickColor write SetTickColor default clBtnFace; property TickOrientation:TTickOrientation read FTickOrientation write SetTickOrientation default toBoth; property TickInterval:Integer read FTickInterval write SetTickInterval default 1; { Thumb buttons } property PositionL:Integer read FPositionL write SetPositionL default 0; property PositionU:Integer read FPositionU write SetPositionU default 10; property SmallChange:Integer read FSmallChange write FSmallChange default 1; property LargeChange:Integer read FLargeChange write FLargeChange default 2; property ThumbSize:Integer read FThumbSize write SetThumbSize default 20; property ThumbStyle:TThumbStyle read FThumbStyle write SetThumbStyle default tsRaisedRectangle; property ThumbColor:TColor read FThumbColor write SetThumbColor default clBtnFace; property SecondThumb:Boolean read FSecondThumb write SetSecondThumb Default False; property DitherThumb:Boolean read FDitherThumb write SetDitherThumb default True; property TrackingU:Boolean read FTrackingU; property TrackingL:Boolean read FTrackingL; property Align; property Left; property Top; property Width; property Height; property Visible; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentFont; property ParentColor; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property TabOrder; property TabStop default True; property ShowHint; property Hint; property Cursor; property Ctl3D; property DragCursor; property DragMode; property HelpContext; property OnChange:TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnPaint:TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; property OnDrawTrack:TDrawTrackEvent read FOnDrawTrack write FOnDrawTrack; property OnDrawThumb:TDrawThumbEvent read FOnDrawThumb write FOnDrawThumb; property OnDrawTick:TDrawTickEvent read FOnDrawTick write FOnDrawTick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyUp; property OnKeyPress; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnStartDrag; property OnEndDrag; end; procedure Register; implementation {$R TRACKER2.RES} procedure TTrackBar2.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg:TWMGetDlgCode); begin inherited; {We want to receive arrow key codes} Msg.Result := dlgc_WantArrows; end; procedure TTrackBar2.CMEnabledChanged(var Msg:TMessage); begin inherited; Invalidate; end; procedure TTrackBar2.CMCtl3DChanged(var Msg:TMessagE); begin inherited; if Ctl3D then begin TrackStyle := trLowered; if FThumbStyle in [tsRectangle,tsLoweredRectangle] then ThumbStyle := tsRaisedRectangle; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.WMSize(var Msg:TWMSize); begin inherited; if Width>Height then FOrientation := toHorizontal else if Height>Width then FOrientation := toVertical; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; end; {============================================================================ Thumbs Set property SecondThumb to True for two thumb buttons, or False for one. Buttons share the same size, color and style. ============================================================================} procedure TTrackBar2.SetThumbSize(Value:Integer); begin if Value<>FThumbSize then begin FThumbSize := Value; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetThumbStyle(Value:TThumbStyle); begin if Value<>FThumbStyle then begin FThumbStyle := Value; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetThumbColor(Value:TColor); begin if Value<>FThumbColor then begin FThumbColor := Value; UpdateThumbData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetSecondThumb(Value:Boolean); begin if Value<>FSecondThumb then begin FSecondThumb := Value; UpdateThumbData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetDitherThumb(Value:Boolean); begin if Value<>FDitherThumb then begin FDitherThumb := Value; if not Enabled then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateDitherBitmap; {This dithering routine take from Ray Konopka's "Developing Custom Delphi Components" p263-4} var C:TColor; I,J:Integer; begin if ColorToRGB(FTrackColor)=clSilver then C := clGray else C := clSilver; with FDitherBmp.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := FTrackColor; FillRect(Rect(0,0,FDitherBmp.Width,FDitherBmp.Height)); for I := 0 to 7 do for J := 0 to 7 do if ((I+J) mod 2)<>0 then Pixels[I,J] := C; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetPositionL(Value:Integer); begin if (Value<>FPositionL) then begin FPositionL := Value; {The left thumb cannot be over or to the right of the right thumb.} if (FSecondThumb) and (FPositionL >= FPositionU) then FPositionL := FPositionU-1 else {In case there is no right thumb} if (FPositionL > FMax) then FPositionL := FMax else if (FPositionL < FMin) then FPositionL := FMin; Change; if csDesigning in ComponentState then Invalidate else UpdateThumb; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetPositionU(Value:Integer); begin if (Value<>FPositionU) then begin FPositionU := Value; if (FPositionU > FMax) then FPositionU := FMax else if (FPositionU <= FPositionL) then FPositionU := FPositionL+1; Change; if csDesigning in ComponentState then Invalidate else UpdateThumb; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.KeyDown(var Key:Word;Shift:TShiftState); var TargetPosition: Integer; MOveU: Boolean; begin if (ssShift in Shift) and (FSecondThumb) then begin TargetPosition := FPositionU; MoveU := True end else begin TargetPosition := FPositionL; MoveU := False end; case Key of VK_LEFT,VK_DOWN: TargetPosition := TargetPosition-FSmallChange; VK_RIGHT,VK_UP: TargetPosition := TargetPosition+FSmallChange; VK_PRIOR: TargetPosition := TargetPosition+FLargeChange; VK_NEXT: TargetPosition := TargetPosition-FLargeChange end; {case} if MoveU then PositionU := TargetPosition else PositionL := TargetPosition; inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift); end; procedure TTrackBar2.MouseDown(Button:TMouseButton;Shift:TShiftState;X, Y:Integer); var MidPt: integer; begin inherited MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y); SetFocus; if Button=mbLeft then begin if (FOrientation=toHorizontal) then {****************************************} {**** Horizontal Trackbar Case ****} {****************************************} begin MidPt := (FThumbRectL.Right + FThumbREctU.Left) div 2; if (FSecondThumb) and (X > MidPt) then begin {handle right thumb} if PtInRect(FThumbRectU,Point(X,Y)) then FTrackingU := True else if (ssShift in Shift) then begin if X>FThumbRectU.Right then PositionU := FPositionU+SmallChange else if (X<FThumbRectU.Left) then PositionU := FPositionU-SmallChange; end else {not ssShift in Shift} begin X := X-FThumbHalfSize; PositionU := X*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels; end; end else {no second thumb or X <= MidPt: handle left thumb} begin if PtInRect(FThumbRectL,Point(X,Y)) then FTrackingL := True else if (ssShift in Shift) then begin if X>FThumbRectL.Right then PositionL := FPositionL+SmallChange else if (X<FThumbRectL.Left) then PositionL := FPositionL-SmallChange; end else {not ssShift in Shift} begin X := X-FThumbHalfSize; PositionL := X*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels; end; end; end {Horizontal trackbar case} else {****************************************} {**** Vertical Trackbar Case ****} {****************************************} begin MidPt := (FThumbRectL.Top + FThumbREctU.Bottom) div 2; if (FSecondThumb) and (Y < MidPt) then begin {handle upper thumb} if PtInRect(FThumbRectU,Point(X,Y)) then FTrackingU := True else if (ssShift in Shift) then begin if Y<FThumbRectU.Top then PositionU := FPositionU+SmallChange else if (Y>FThumbRectU.Bottom) then PositionU := FPositionU-SmallChange; end else {not ssShift in Shift} begin Y := Y+FThumbHalfSize; PositionU := (FMax-Y*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels); end end else {no second thumb or Y >= midPt: handle lower thumb} begin if PtInRect(FThumbRectL,Point(X,Y)) then FTrackingL := True else if (ssShift in Shift) then begin if Y>FThumbRectL.Bottom then PositionL := FPositionL-SmallChange else if (Y<FThumbRectL.Top) then PositionL := FPositionL+SmallChange; end else {not ssShift in Shift} begin Y := Y+FThumbHalfSize; PositionL := (FMax-Y*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels); end end; end; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.MouseMove(Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Integer); begin inherited MouseMove(Shift,X,Y); if FTrackingU then begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin X := X-FThumbHalfSize; PositionU := X*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels; end else begin Y := Y+FThumbHalfSize; PositionU := (FMax-Y*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels); end; end else if FTrackingL then begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin X := X-FThumbHalfSize; PositionL := X*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels; end else begin Y := Y+FThumbHalfSize; PositionL := (FMax-Y*(FMax-FMin) div FUsablePixels); end; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.MouseUp(Button:TMouseButton;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Integer); begin if Button=mbLeft then begin FTrackingU := False; FTrackingL := False end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateThumbData; var ResStr:String[17]; begin if FThumbStyle in [tsRectangle,tsRaisedRectangle,tsLoweredRectangle] then begin FThumbHalfSize := FThumbSize div 4; if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin FThumbBmp.Width := FThumbSize div 2; FThumbBmp.Height := FThumbSize; end else begin FThumbBmp.Width := FThumbSize; FThumbBmp.Height := FThumbSize div 2; end; with FThumbBmp do begin Canvas.Brush.Color := ThumbColor; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,Width,Height)); if FThumbStyle=tsRectangle then begin Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,Width,Height); end else begin if FThumbStyle=tsRaisedRectangle then Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite else Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(0,Height-1); Canvas.LineTo(0,0); Canvas.LineTo(Width-1,0); if FThumbStyle=tsRaisedRectangle then Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack else Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite; Canvas.LineTo(Width-1,Height-1); Canvas.LineTo(0,Height-1); if FThumbStyle=tsRaisedRectangle then Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver else Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray; Canvas.MoveTo(1,Height-2); Canvas.LineTo(1,1); Canvas.LineTo(Width-2,1); if FThumbStyle=tsRaisedRectangle then Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray else Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; Canvas.LineTo(Width-2,Height-2); Canvas.LineTo(1,Height-2); end; end; end else if FThumbStyle=tsSmallPointer then begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'SMUPTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'SMDOWNTHUMB'; end; end else case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'SMLEFTTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'SMRIGHTTHUMB'; end; FThumbBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); if FOrientation=toHorizontal then FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Width else FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Height; FThumbHalfSize := FThumbSize div 2; ResStr := ResStr+'MASK'; FMaskBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); end else if FThumbStyle=tsMediumPointer then begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'MEDUPTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'MEDDOWNTHUMB'; end; end else case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'MEDLEFTTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'MEDRIGHTTHUMB'; end; FThumbBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); if FOrientation=toHorizontal then FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Width else FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Height; FThumbHalfSize := FThumbSize div 2; ResStr := ResStr+'MASK'; FMaskBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); end else if FThumbStyle=tsLargePointer then begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'LGUPTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'LGDOWNTHUMB'; end; end else case FTickOrientation of toTopLeft,toBoth:ResStr := 'LGLEFTTHUMB'; toBottomRight:ResStr := 'LGRIGHTTHUMB'; end; FThumbBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); if FOrientation=toHorizontal then FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Width else FThumbSize := FThumbBmp.Height; FThumbHalfSize := FThumbSize div 2; ResStr := ResStr+'MASK'; FMaskBmp.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance,ResStr); end else begin FThumbBmp.Width := FThumbSize; FThumbBmp.Height := FThumbSize; FThumbHalfSize := FThumbSize div 2; end; FBackgroundBmpL.Width := FThumbBmp.Width; FBackgroundBmpL.Height := FThumbBmp.Height; FBackgroundBmpU.Width := FThumbBmp.Width; FBackgroundBmpU.Height := FThumbBmp.Height; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateThumb; var XL,YL,XU,YU,TempX,TempY,MidPt:Integer; WorkBmp:TBitmap; TempRect:TRect; begin {******** Erase existing thumbs and midpoint tick ********} if (FXL<>MaxInt) and (FYL<>MaxInt) then Canvas.Draw(FXL,FYL,FBackgroundBmpL); if (SecondThumb) then {Two-thumb trackbar} begin {erase the upper thumb and tick} if (FXU<>MaxInt) and (FYU<>MaxInt) then begin Canvas.Draw(FXU,FYU,FBackgroundBmpU); {erase the mid-point tick} Canvas.Draw(FXM,FYM,FBackgroundBmpM); end; end; {******** Update restoration locations ********} if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin {horizontal case} XL := (FUsablePixels*FPositionL) div (FMax-FMin)+FCentering; YL := (Height div 2)-(FThumbBmp.Height div 2); if (SecondThumb) then begin YU := YL; XU := (FUsablePixels*FPositionU) div (FMax-FMin)+FCentering; FXU := XU; FYU := YU; FXM := ((XU+XL+FThumbBmp.Width) div 2)-1; FYM := FTrackRect.Top; end; end else begin {vertical case} XL := (Width div 2)-(FThumbBmp.Width div 2); YL := (FUsablePixels*(FMax-FPositionL)) div (FMax-FMin)+FCentering; if (SecondThumb) then begin XU := XL; YU := (FUsablePixels*(FMax-FPositionU)) div (FMax-FMin)+FCentering; FXU := XU; FYU := YU; FXM := FTrackRect.Left; FYM := (YL + YU + FThumbBmp.Height) div 2 - 1; end; end; FXL := XL; FYL := YL; {******** Save the areas under the new thumb positions ********} FBackgroundBmpL.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,FBackgroundBmpL.Width, FBackgroundBmpL.Height),Canvas,Rect(XL,YL, XL+FBackgroundBmpL.Width, YL+FBackgroundBmpL.Height)); if (FSecondThumb) then begin FBackgroundBmpU.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,FBackgroundBmpU.Width, FBackgroundBmpU.Height),Canvas,Rect(XU,YU, XU+FBackgroundBmpU.Width, YU+FBackgroundBmpU.Height)); FBackgroundBmpM.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,FBackgroundBmpM.Width, FBackgroundBmpM.Height),Canvas,Rect(FXM,FYM, FXM+FBackgroundBmpM.Width, FYM+FBackgroundBmpM.Height)); end; {******** Now draw the thumbs in their new position ********} if FThumbStyle=tsUserDrawn then begin DrawThumb(XL,YL); if (FSecondThumb) then DrawThumb(XU,YU); Exit; end; WorkBmp := TBitmap.Create; try WorkBmp.Width := FThumbBmp.Width; WorkBmp.Height := FThumbBmp.Height; if FThumbStyle in [tsSmallPointer,tsMediumPointer,tsLargePointer] then begin {This masking routine take from Ray Konopka's "Developing Custom Delphi Components" p266-7} TempRect := Rect(0,0,FThumbBmp.Width,FThumbBmp.Height); WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy; WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(TempRect,FBackgroundBmpL.Canvas,TempRect); WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(TempRect,FMaskBmp.Canvas,TempRect); WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcPaint; WorkBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(TempRect,FThumbBmp.Canvas,TempRect); end else WorkBmp.Canvas.Draw(0,0,FThumbBmp); if (not Enabled) and (FDitherThumb) then begin WorkBmp.Canvas.Brush.Bitmap := FDitherBmp; TempX := WorkBmp.Width div 2; TempY := WorkBmp.Height div 2; WorkBmp.Canvas.FloodFill(TempX,TempY,WorkBmp.Canvas.Pixels[TempX,TempY], fsSurface); end; Canvas.Draw(XL,YL,WorkBmp); if (FSecondThumb) then begin {Draw upper thumb and the midpoint tick} Canvas.Draw(XU,YU,WorkBmp); if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin MidPt := (XU+XL+FThumbBmp.Width) div 2; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(MidPt, FTrackRect.Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(MidPt, FTrackRect.Top); end else begin MidPt := (YU+YL+FThumbBmp.Height) div 2; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(FTrackRect.Left,MidPt); Canvas.LineTo(FTrackRect.Right,MidPt); end end; finally WorkBmp.Free; end; FThumbRectL.Left := XL; FThumbRectL.Top := YL; FThumbRectL.Right := XL+FThumbBmp.Width; FThumbRectL.Bottom := YL+FThumbBmp.Height; FThumbRectU.Left := XU; FThumbRectU.Top := YU; FThumbRectU.Right := XU+FThumbBmp.Width; FThumbRectU.Bottom := YU+FThumbBmp.Height; end; {============================================================================ Track ============================================================================} procedure TTrackBar2.SetMax(Value:Integer); begin if Value<>FMax then begin FMax := Value; if FPositionU>FMax then FPositionU := FMax; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetMin(Value:Integer); begin if Value<>FMin then begin FMin := Value; if FPositionL<FMin then FPositionL := FMin; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetOrientation(Value:TOrientation); var temp: integer; begin if Value<>FOrientation then begin FOrientation := Value; if (((FOrientation = toVertical) and (width > height)) or ((FOrientation = toHorizontal) and (height > width ))) then begin temp := width; width := height; height := temp end; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTrackSize(Value:Integer); begin if Value<>FTrackSize then begin FTrackSize := Value; UpdateTrackData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTrackStyle(Value:TTrackStyle); begin if Value<>FTrackStyle then begin FTrackStyle := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTrackColor(Value:TColor); begin if Value<>FTrackColor then begin FTrackColor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateTrackData; begin if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin FUsablePixels := Width-FThumbSize; FTrackRect.Left := (FUsablePixels*FMin) div (FMax-FMin)+FThumbHalfSize; FTrackRect.Right := (FUsablePixels*FMax) div (FMax-FMin)+FThumbHalfSize; FCentering := (Width-(FTrackRect.Right-FTrackRect.Left)) div 2; FCentering := FCentering-FThumbHalfSize; FTrackRect.Left := FTrackRect.Left+FCentering; FTrackRect.Right := FTrackRect.Right+FCentering; FTrackRect.Top := (Height div 2)-(FTrackSize div 2); FTrackRect.Bottom := (Height div 2)+(FTrackSize div 2); FBackgroundBmpM.Width := 2; FBackgroundBmpM.Height := FTrackRect.Bottom - FTrackRect.Top + 1; end else begin FUsablePixels := Height-FThumbSize; FTrackRect.Left := (Width div 2)-(FTrackSize div 2); FTrackRect.Right := (Width div 2)+(FTrackSize div 2); FTrackRect.Top := (FUsablePixels*FMin) div (FMax-FMin)+FThumbHalfSize; FTrackRect.Bottom := (FUsablePixels*FMax) div (FMax-FMin)+FThumbHalfSize; FCentering := (Height-(FTrackRect.Bottom-FTrackRect.Top)) div 2; FCentering := FCentering-FThumbHalfSize; FTrackRect.Top := FTrackRect.Top+FCentering; FTrackRect.Bottom := FTrackRect.Bottom+FCentering; FBackgroundBmpM.Width := FTrackRect.Right - FTrackRect.Left; FBackgroundBmpM.Height := 3; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateTrack; begin if FTrackStyle=trUserDrawn then DrawTrack else begin Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; if Enabled then begin Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FTrackColor; end else Canvas.Brush.Bitmap := FDitherBmp; Canvas.FillRect(FTrackRect); if FTrackStyle in [trRaised,trLowered] then with FTrackRect do begin if FTrackStyle=trRaised then Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite else Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(Left,Top); Canvas.LineTo(Right,Top); if FTrackStyle=trRaised then Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack else Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite; Canvas.LineTo(Right,Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(Left,Bottom); if FTrackStyle=trRaised then Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver else Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray; Canvas.MoveTo(Left+1,Bottom-1); Canvas.LineTo(Left+1,Top+1); Canvas.LineTo(Right-1,Top+1); if FTrackStyle=trRaised then Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray else Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; Canvas.LineTo(Right-1,Bottom-1); Canvas.LineTo(Left+1,Bottom-1); end; end; end; {============================================================================ Ticks ============================================================================} procedure TTrackBar2.SetTickSize(Value:Integer); begin if FTickSize<>Value then begin FTickSize := Value; UpdateTickData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTickStyle(Value:TTickStyle); begin if Value<>FTickStyle then begin FTickStyle := Value; if FTickStyle = tiLine then TickColor := clBlack; {so is visible} UpdateTickData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTickColor(Value:TColor); begin if Value<>FTickColor then begin FTickColor := Value; UpdateTickData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTickOrientation(Value:TTickOrientation); begin if Value<>FTickOrientation then begin FTickOrientation := Value; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetTickInterval(Value:Integer); begin if Value<>FTickInterval then begin FTickInterval := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateTickData; begin if FTickStyle in [tiSquare,tiRaisedSquare,tiLoweredSquare] then begin FTickBmp.Width := FTickSize; FTickBmp.Height := FTickSize; with FTickBmp do begin Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FTickColor; Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,Width,Height)); if FTickStyle=tiSquare then begin Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,Width,Height); end else begin if FTickStyle=tiRaisedSquare then Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite else Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(0,Height-1); Canvas.LineTo(0,0); Canvas.LineTo(Width-1,0); if FTickStyle=tiRaisedSquare then Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack else Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite; Canvas.LineTo(Width-1,Height-1); Canvas.LineTo(0,Height-1); end; end; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.UpdateTicks; var X,Y,I:Integer; begin Canvas.Pen.Color := FTickColor; if FOrientation=toHorizontal then begin I := FMin; while I<=FMax do begin X := (FUsablePixels*I) div (FMax-FMin); X := X+FThumbHalfSize; X := X+FCentering; if FTickOrientation in [toTopLeft,toBoth] then begin Y := 2; if FTickStyle=tiLine then begin Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y); Canvas.LineTo(X,Y+FTickSize); end else if FTickStyle=tiUserDrawn then DrawTick(X,Y,I) else Canvas.Draw(X-(FTickSize div 2),Y,FTickBmp); end; if FTickOrientation in [toBottomRight,toBoth] then begin Y := Height-FTickSize-2; if FTickStyle=tiLine then begin Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y); Canvas.LineTo(X,Y+FTickSize); end else if FTickStyle=tiUserDrawn then DrawTick(X,Y,I) else Canvas.Draw(X-(FTickSize div 2),Y,FTickBmp); end; I := I+FTickInterval; end; end else begin I := FMin; while I<=FMax do begin Y := (FUsablePixels*(FMax-I)) div (FMax-FMin); Y := Y+FThumbHalfSize; Y := Y+FCentering; if FTickOrientation in [toTopLeft,toBoth] then begin X := 2; if FTickStyle=tiLine then begin Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y); Canvas.LineTo(X+FTickSize,Y); end else if FTickStyle=tiUserDrawn then DrawTick(X,Y,I) else Canvas.Draw(X,Y-(FTickSize div 2),FTickBmp); end; if FTickOrientation in [toBottomRight,toBoth] then begin X := Width-FTickSize-2; if FTickStyle=tiLine then begin Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y); Canvas.LineTo(X+FTickSize,Y); end else if FTickStyle=tiUserDrawn then DrawTick(X,Y,I) else Canvas.Draw(X,Y-(FTickSize div 2),FTickBmp); end; I := I+FTickInterval; end; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.DoEnter; begin inherited DoEnter; Invalidate; end; procedure TTrackBar2.DoExit; begin inherited DoExit; Invalidate; end; procedure TTrackBar2.Paint; begin if Assigned(FOnPaint) then OnPaint(Self); FXL := MaxInt; FYL := MaxInt; FXU := MaxInt; FYU := MaxInt; UpdateTrack; UpdateTicks; UpdateThumb; if Focused then Canvas.DrawFocusRect(ClientRect); end; procedure TTrackBar2.Change; begin if Assigned(FOnChange) then OnChange(Self); end; procedure TTrackBar2.DrawTrack; begin if Assigned(FOnDrawTrack) then OnDrawTrack(Self,Canvas); end; procedure TTrackBar2.DrawThumb(X,Y:Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnDrawThumb) then OnDrawThumb(Self,Canvas,X,Y); end; procedure TTrackBar2.DrawTick(X,Y,Position:Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnDrawTick) then OnDrawTick(Self,Canvas,X,Y,Position); end; constructor TTrackBar2.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMax := 20; FMin := 0; FSmallChange := 1; FLargeChange := 2; FOrientation := toVertical; FTrackSize := 10; FTrackStyle := trLowered; FTrackColor := clWhite; Width := 500; Height := 50; FTickSize := 6; FTickStyle := tiRaisedSquare; FTickColor := clBtnFace; FTickOrientation := toBoth; FTickInterval := 1; FPositionL := 0; FPositionU := 10; FThumbSize := 20; FThumbStyle := tsRaisedRectangle; FThumbColor := clBtnFace; FSecondThumb := False; FXL := MaxInt; FYL := MaxInt; FXU := MaxInt; FYU := MaxInt; FDitherThumb := True; FTrackingL := False; FTrackingU := False; TabStop := True; FBackgroundBmpL := TBitmap.Create; FBackgroundBmpU := TBitmap.Create; FBackgroundBmpM := TBitmap.create; FThumbBmp := TBitmap.Create; FMaskBmp := TBitmap.Create; FTickBmp := TBitmap.Create; FDitherBmp := TBitmap.Create; FDitherBmp.Width := 8; FDitherBmp.Height := 8; UpdateThumbData; UpdateTrackData; UpdateTickData; UpdateDitherBitmap; end; destructor TTrackBar2.Destroy; begin FThumbBmp.Free; FThumbBmp := nil; FBackgroundBmpU.Free; FBackgroundBmpU := nil; FBackgroundBmpL.Free; FBackgroundBmpL := nil; FBackgroundBmpM.Free; FBackgroundBmpM := nil; FMaskBmp.Free; FMaskBmp := nil; FTickBmp.Free; FTickBmp := nil; FDitherBmp.Free; FDitherBmp := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Mine', [TTrackBar2]); end; end. wenn ich Regler1 über Regler2 schiebe und danach Regler2 bedienen will springt leider nur Regler1 auf die Mausposition(Regler2) Meine Änderungen am Code
Hat jemand was auf Lager oder einen Tip
procedure TTrackBar2.SetPositionL(Value: Integer);
begin if (Value <> FPositionL) then begin FPositionL := Value; if (FPositionL > FMax) then FPositionL := FMax else if (FPositionL < FMin) then FPositionL := FMin; Change; if csDesigning in ComponentState then Invalidate else UpdateThumb; end; end; procedure TTrackBar2.SetPositionU(Value: Integer); begin if (Value <> FPositionU) then begin FPositionU := Value; if (FPositionU > FMax) then FPositionU := FMax else if (FPositionU < FMin) then FPositionU := FMin; Change; if csDesigning in ComponentState then Invalidate else UpdateThumb; end; end; Edit: und wie kann man hier den Code "eingeklappt" einfügen ist ja doch recht lang Geändert von Horst0815 (28. Aug 2016 um 11:35 Uhr) |
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