Thema: Delphi Mapped images

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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main (in der Nähe)
1.840 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: Mapped images

  Alt 11. Aug 2004, 11:52
Folgende Komponenten habe ich auf toris gefunden:
( )

Evtl kannst du im Source schauen, wie die das gemacht haben

THotImage v.2.2
110 Kb
By Alexander A. Miachin. THotImage is an Image with hot areas, defined by user. Contains all features of ascentor (TImage) and more. HotSpots property editor and conversion utilities.

Fully functional
Source: Included
Download: D2 D3 D4


THotSpotImage v.1.1
996 Kb
By TMS Software. Image that can have hotspots like a website ImageMap:
Hotspots can be rectangle, ellipsis, polygon or rotated rectangles, rotated ellipsis
Hotspot handling for hovering, hints, click, double clicks
Includes design time hotspot editor with magic wand tool for automatic polygon selections
Clipped or non-clipped hotspot hover-image or clicked-image.
Supports zooming
Allows to specify cursor over hotspots
Allows to show hotspots clicked.

Fully functional
Source: On purchase/registration
Exe-demo included
Source Price: $30
Download: CB5 CB6 D5 D6
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a DP member
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a "Rüsselmops" ;-)
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