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how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

Ein Thema von drama22 · begonnen am 6. Apr 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Apr 2016
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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
88 Beiträge

how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 01:31
i tried to use TargetCanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; inside BeforeCellPaint still node have white back ground here is the full code

procedure TForm2.VTs1BeforeCellPaint(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
  TargetCanvas: TCanvas; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex;
  CellPaintMode: TVTCellPaintMode; CellRect: TRect; var ContentRect: TRect);
TargetCanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
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Benutzerbild von Zacherl

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 12:08
What exactly are you trying to do?

You can set a custom color for each row like this:
procedure TfrmMain.EditorTreeBeforeItemErase(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; TargetCanvas: TCanvas;
  Node: PVirtualNode; ItemRect: TRect; var ItemColor: TColor; var EraseAction: TItemEraseAction);
  EraseAction := eaColor;
  ItemColor := clBlue;
If you like to use colored rows while using a background image, try this:
- GitHub (Profil, zyantific)
- zYan Disassembler Engine ( Zydis Online, Zydis GitHub)
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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
88 Beiträge

AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 14:32
What exactly are you trying to do?
i dont want any back ground around the cell just the text
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Benutzerbild von Zacherl

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
4.629 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 14:57
So you want to make the cell transparent? I don't think that's possible at all :/ There might be a hacky way by manually drawing the contents of the parent canvas before printing the text, but I never saw something like that in action.
- GitHub (Profil, zyantific)
- zYan Disassembler Engine ( Zydis Online, Zydis GitHub)
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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
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AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 15:17
So you want to make the cell transparent? I don't think that's possible at all :/ There might be a hacky way by manually drawing the contents of the parent canvas before printing the text, but I never saw something like that in action.
i think there is way because i found something like that in action

Geändert von drama22 ( 6. Apr 2016 um 23:17 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Zacherl

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004
4.629 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter

AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 15:50
i found something like that in action see this image
I can't even see the actual VirtualStringTree control on this picture Is it the gradient thingy in the background?
- GitHub (Profil, zyantific)
- zYan Disassembler Engine ( Zydis Online, Zydis GitHub)
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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
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AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 16:03

I can't even see the actual VirtualStringTree control on this picture Is it the gradient thingy in the background?
this gradient can be drawn easy on paint-background as eg .
procedure TForm2.VTs1PaintBackground(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
  TargetCanvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; var Handled: Boolean);
  GradientFillCanvas(TargetCanvas, clred, clWhite, R, gdHorizontal); // GraphUtil
  Handled := True;

the white bg of node is the issue see my example
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Geändert von drama22 ( 6. Apr 2016 um 23:19 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von uligerhardt

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AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 16:14
Please use the attachment feature of this forum for pictures. File hosters are blocked at my workplace (and that of others too, I guess).
Uli Gerhardt
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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
88 Beiträge

AW: how do i remove white background in node inside virtual TVirtualStringTree?

  Alt 6. Apr 2016, 23:19
Please use the attachment feature of this forum for pictures. File hosters are blocked at my workplace (and that of others too, I guess).
image attached .
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