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extract frames from png animations

Ein Thema von Cosmin · begonnen am 19. Mär 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Mär 2016

Registriert seit: 19. Mär 2016
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extract frames from png animations

  Alt 19. Mär 2016, 15:29

Sorry in advance for using english language.

Delphi version: XE8 update 1
OS: Windows 8.1 x64

I'm trying to build a code for extracting png frames from apng (png animation) files (preferably in a memory stream).
I found some examples on internet, but none in Delphi/Pascal language. Plus they weren't very well commented.

What I tried so far:

   PNG_SIG: array[0..7] of byte = ($89, $50, $4E, $47, $0D, $0A, $1A, $0A);
   i, j, n, nFrames, nrz, PrevPos: Integer;
   crc: Cardinal;
   png: TPngImage;
   // pngFrames: array of TPngImage;
   msHeader, msFooter, msOutput: TMemoryStream;
   strTemp: string;
   png := Tpngimage.Create;
   msOutput := TMemoryStream.Create;
   msHeader := TMemoryStream.Create;
   msHeader.Position := 0;
   msHeader.WriteBuffer(PNG_SIG[0], Length(PNG_SIG));
   msHeader.Position := msHeader.Size;
   msFooter := TMemoryStream.Create;
   i := png.Chunks.Count - 1;
   while i >= 0 do
      if png.Chunks.Item[i].Name = 'IENDthen
   if i > 0 then
   nFrames := 0;
   for i := 0 to png.Chunks.Count - 1 do
      if png.Chunks.Item[i].Name = 'fcTLthen
   n := 0;
   for i := 0 to png.Chunks.Count - 1 do
      // ShowMessage(string(png.Chunks.Item[i].Name) + #13 + IntToStr(png.Chunks.Item[i].Index) + #13 + IntToStr(png.Chunks.Item[i].DataSize));
      if png.Chunks.Item[i].Name = 'IDATthen
         msOutput.Position := msOutput.Size;
      else if png.Chunks.Item[i].Name = 'fdATthen
         msOutput.Position := msOutput.Size;
         PrevPos := msOutput.Position;
         msOutput.Position := PrevPos + 4;
         msOutput.WriteBuffer(AnsiString('ID')[1], 2);
      else if png.Chunks.Item[i].Name = 'fcTLthen
         if n > 0 then
            msOutput.Position := msOutput.Size;
            msFooter.Position := 0;
            msOutput.CopyFrom(msFooter, msFooter.Size);
            nrz := Length(IntToStr(nFrames)) - Length(IntToStr(n));
            strTemp := '';
            for j := 1 to nrZ do
               strTemp := strTemp + '0';
            msOutput.SaveToFile('Frames\Frame' + strTemp + IntToStr(n) + '.png');
         msHeader.Position := 0;
   if n > 0 then
      msOutput.Position := msOutput.Size;
      msFooter.Position := 0;
      msOutput.CopyFrom(msFooter, msFooter.Size);
      nrz := Length(IntToStr(nFrames)) - Length(IntToStr(n));
      strTemp := '';
      for j := 1 to nrZ do
         strTemp := strTemp + '0';
      msOutput.SaveToFile('Frame' + strTemp + IntToStr(n) + '.png');
I get only the first frame (well, only 281 KB from 309 KB, but you can view it), the others are only 60..70KB (from 300K+).
I'm guessing some fdAT pieces are shared between them and the first frame (IDAT), but I can't find the information on how to assemble them.

The code has to work with any png animation, not just this one.

Could you please help me?
It's very important for me.

Thank you.
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