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extract frames from png animations

Ein Thema von Cosmin · begonnen am 19. Mär 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Mär 2016

Registriert seit: 19. Mär 2016
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AW: extract frames from png animations

  Alt 20. Mär 2016, 16:52

That function seems to do ONLY png decompression of a frame received through its parameters.
But what I didn't find is how that frame is assembled from fdAT and IDAT chunks.

I also tried that library in Lazarus but couldn't make it work.


The reason my code isn't working is not because is buggy, is because is not finished. And is not finished because I can't find more detailed informations about the apng internal structure and/or find simple examples in Delphi/Pascal code to show how is done.
I knew my code will not work from the minute I started working on it. But I was hoping one of you will help me finish it.

A paradox: you don't seem to understand my code, which is so simple and short compared with that library function.
But I am suppose to understand a 3..4 times bigger and more complex function from a dozens times bigger and more complex library?

You guys are great helpers but unfortunately you know nothing about png animations.

Thank you and goodbye.
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