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Wie geht es denn mit SelAttributes? In der
OH zu D5 finde ich es jedenfalls nicht...
Meine Hilfe (D7) schreibt:
SelAttributes property (TCustomRichEdit)
Describes the rich text characteristics of the selected text in the rich edit control.
Delphi syntax:
property SelAttributes: TTextAttributes;
C++ syntax:
__property TTextAttributes* SelAttributes = {read=FSelAttributes, write=SetSelAttributes};
Use SelAttributes to discover or set the font characteristics of the currently selected text. SelAttributes specifies characteristics such as font face, color, size, style, and pitch. To change a single attribute of the currently selected text, read SelAttributes, and set one of its properties. To change all of the attributes of the currently selected text, set SelAttributes to a TTextAttributes object that represents the desired configuration of attributes. If no text is selected, SelAttributes represents the attributes of the cursor position.
When inserting new text, the font characteristics of the new text will match SelAttributes.
Note: SelAttributes is available only at runtime.
SelAttributes wird also auf den
markierten Text angewandt

(bzw. da wo der Cursor steht, wenn kein Text markiert ist)
