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RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

Ein Thema von Slappy · begonnen am 19. Jan 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Jan 2018
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RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 19. Jan 2016, 13:40
Hello community.

I am author of RAD & Installer software (RAD Studio extension for creating NSIS and Inno Setup installers, I mentioned it in this topic:

We decided to publish some of our components from our product as open source. I hope you will find them useful. This project is hosted on CodePlex:

These components are now available for everyone:

1. ProjectProperties - component (TPropertiesPage) with similar functionality as CPropertySheet known from MS Visual Studio (also known as tab dialog boxes:

2. NavigationBars - TEdit descendand (TAutoCompleteEdit) with fulltext search (auto completion) and bitmaps (owner draw) with suggestion list simulating TComboBox design.

It is based on ideas from here: and here: with some additional functionality.

(There are currently 2 TAutoCompleteEdits on this picture (both with suggestions) - the component itself looks like TEdit, when you start typing or you click the down arrow suggestion list is shown like TComboBox.)

Full sources are included. You can download demo (Test Application) in Downloads.

This project is built with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8 but there is no version specific code (you should be able to recompile the project in any RAD Studio version).

This project is hosted on CodePlex:
Angehängte Grafiken
Dateityp: png project-properties.png (12,3 KB, 173x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: png navigation-bars.png (9,3 KB, 135x aufgerufen)
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Registriert seit: 30. Okt 2015
14 Beiträge

AW: RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 16. Aug 2016, 10:02

I forgot to update this thread

Meanwhile we have updated the component, added new features into it, new items and fixed some bugs.

This component is used in RAD & Installer (extension for creating NSIS and Inno Setup installers) so you can see it in action (there is no other demo available).

Download updated sources from CodePlex: or via Git.

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Benutzerbild von jaenicke

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
Ort: Berlin
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 16. Aug 2016, 14:10
Thank you for sharing!

Looks very interesting, I'll have a look at it.

The installer would have been interesting too, if we hadn't switched to MSI setups and another setup tool lately.
Sebastian Jänicke
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Registriert seit: 30. Okt 2015
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AW: RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 22. Aug 2016, 13:41
Thank you for sharing!

a) Looks very interesting, I'll have a look at it.

b) The installer would have been interesting too, if we hadn't switched to MSI setups and another setup tool lately.

a) Several people really loved these components and asked for them so we decided to publish them completely for free.

b) This is also reason why we decided to develop custom product for installations: There is no proper installation tool available for RAD Studio! (Which is a shame)

I can remember a long time I was using C++ Builder 5 bundled with InstallShield Express. I used it to create installations. So with one IDE I could create apps, libraries and pack them in installer.
This is missing now - in recent editions this tool is not available so we are trying to improve it
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Registriert seit: 30. Okt 2015
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AW: RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 5. Nov 2016, 07:20

We have updated this component: We fixed few bugs and made some improvements (see attached picture).

The biggest change is support for Win32 (x86) and Win64 (x64) platforms (and all configurations: Debug and Release) which we made for our software RAD & Installer for NSIS and Inno Setup.

We backported these changes into TespApplication (example included with this component). It is possible to change the Platform, Configuration and values are written to correct element of .xml file.

Also we improved loading and saving of .xml file with configurations and creating new elements (if does not exist).
Angehängte Grafiken
Dateityp: png platforms.png (53,8 KB, 84x aufgerufen)
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Registriert seit: 30. Okt 2015
14 Beiträge

AW: RAD Studio Delphi Enhancing Components

  Alt 2. Feb 2017, 14:03

We enhanced our components and added new one: Drag & Drop (TEdit) with coloring and Cue text.

During development of Graphical Installer for NSIS and Inno Setup ( we decided to enhance and improve TDropFilesTarget component ( and add new features to it.

We added Success/Failed Coloring (Green/Red) and Cue text feature. If the component is draggable it is highlighted with light yellow color.

Drag & Drop also works in Win Vista/7/8/10 from UAC to non-UAC apps (see comments)

The included example shows how to use the non-visual component TDropFilesTarget with TEdit and other controls.
Angehängte Grafiken
Dateityp: png dragndrop-tedit-1.png (21,0 KB, 67x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: png dragndrop-tedit-2.png (25,4 KB, 63x aufgerufen)
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