/L (i)(w)(e)(a)(r)(u)(c)(m)(p)(v)(+)(!)logfile Specifies the path to the log file. The following flags indicate which information to log:
i - Status messages
w - Nonfatal warnings
e - All error messages
a - Startup of actions
r - Action-specific records
u - User requests
c - Initial user interface parameters
m - Out-of-memory
p - Terminal properties
v - Verbose output
+ - Append to existing file
! - Flush each line to the log
* - Wildcard; log all information except for the v option.
To include the v option, specify /L*v.
For example, to install a
package and create a log file that contains the information related to the status, out-of-memory, and error messages, use the following command:
msiexec /i Example.msi /Lime logfile.txt