Registriert seit: 23. Mai 2011 Ort: Görlitz 150 Beiträge Delphi XE Starter |
Delphi-Version: XE8
Da ich zur zeit mit kaputten Bein mein Tag auf dem Sofa friste wollte ich mich mal an einen Player für v2m-Module versuchen.
Cpp obj liegen vor (aus Lib extrahiert) verwendet werden die in Cpp so
was ich so übersetzt hab
/** **/ /** DirectSound output code **/ /** **/ /*************************************************************************************/ // your rendering callback function has to look this way: // parm: pointer you specified with dsInit // buf: pointer to interleved stereo float destination buffer (1.0=0dB) // len: length of buffer in samples (!) typedef void (__stdcall DSIOCALLBACK)(void *parm, float *buf, unsigned long len); // initializes DirectSound output. // callback: your render callback function // parm: a pointer that'll be supplied to the function on every call // hWnd: window handle of your application (GetForegroundWindow() works quite well :) unsigned long __stdcall dsInit(DSIOCALLBACK *callback, void *parm, void *hWnd); // shuts down DirectSound output void __stdcall dsClose(); // gets sample-exact and latency compensated current play position signed long __stdcall dsGetCurSmp(); // sets player volume (default is 1.0) void __stdcall dsSetVolume(float vol); // forces rendering thread to update. On single-core CPUs it's a good idea to // call this once per frame (improves A/V sync and reduces any stuttering), // with more than one CPU it's pretty much useless. void __stdcall dsTick(); // lock and unlock the sound thread's thread sync lock. If you want to modify // any of your sound variables outside the render thread, encapsulate that part // of code in between these two functions. void __stdcall dsLock(); void __stdcall dsUnlock(); /*************************************************************************************/ /** **/ /** Synthesizer interface **/ /** **/ /*************************************************************************************/ // returns size of work memory in bytes. Per synthesizer instance reserve at least // this amount of memory and supply it as the "pthis" parameter of all other functions // Note: If you need only one static instance, 3 Megabytes are a good bet. unsigned int __stdcall synthGetSize(); // inits synthesizer instance. // pthis : pointer to work mem // patchmap : pointer to patch data // samplerate: output sample rate (44100-192000 Hz), use 44100 when playing with dsio void __stdcall synthInit(void *pthis, const void *patchmap, int samplerate=44100); // inits global parameters // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to global parameters void __stdcall synthSetGlobals(void *pthis, const void *ptr); // inits speech synthesizer texts // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to text array void __stdcall synthSetLyrics(void *pthis, const char **ptr); // renders synth output to destination buffer // pthis: pointer to work mem // buf : pointer to interleaved float stereo out buffer // smp : number of samples to render // buf2 : if this is specified, the synth will render the left and right channel into // two mono float buffers at buf and buf2 instead of one interleaved buffer // add : if this is specified, the synth will add its output to the destination // buffer instead of replacing its contents void __stdcall synthRender(void *pthis, void *buf, int smp, void *buf2=0, int add=0); // pipes a stream of MIDI commands to the synthesizer // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to buffer with MIDI data to process. // NOTE: The buffer MUST end with a 0xfd byte void __stdcall synthProcessMIDI(void *pthis, const void *ptr); // sets operation mode of VU meters // pthis: pointer to work mem // mode : 0 for peak meters, 1 for RMS meters void __stdcall synthSetVUMode(void *pthis, int mode); // 0: peak, 1: rms // retrieves VU meter data for a channel // pthis: pointer to work mem // ch : channel to retrieve (0..15) // l : pointer to float variable where left VU is stored // r : pointer to float variable where right VU is stored void __stdcall synthGetChannelVU(void *pthis, int ch, float *l, float *r); // ch: 0..15 // retrieves master VU meter // pthis: pointer to work mem // l : pointer to float variable where left VU is stored // r : pointer to float variable where right VU is stored void __stdcall synthGetMainVU(void *pthis, float *l, float *r); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
was zuvar Form1: TForm1; {$L dsio.obj} // DirectSound output code **/ // your rendering callback function has to look this way: // parm: pointer you specified with dsInit // buf: pointer to interleved stereo float destination buffer (1.0=0dB) // len: length of buffer in samples (!) type TDSIOCALLBACK = Procedure(parm : Pointer; buf : PExtended; len : Cardinal); // initializes DirectSound output. **/ // callback: your render callback function // parm: a pointer that'll be supplied to the function on every call // hWnd: window handle of your application (GetForegroundWindow() works quite well :) Function dsInit(Callback : TDSIOCALLBACK; parm: Pointer;Wnd : HWnd): Cardinal; cdecl; external; // shuts down DirectSound output Procedure dsClose; stdcall; external; // gets sample-exact and latency compensated current play position Function dsGetCurSmp: Integer; stdcall; external; // sets player volume (default is 1.0) Procedure dsSetVolume(vol: Extended); stdcall; external; // forces rendering thread to update. On single-core CPUs it's a good idea to // call this once per frame (improves A/V sync and reduces any stuttering), // with more than one CPU it's pretty much useless. Procedure dsTick; stdcall; external; // lock and unlock the sound thread's thread sync lock. If you want to modify // any of your sound variables outside the render thread, encapsulate that part // of code in between these two functions. Procedure dsLock; stdcall; external; Procedure dsUnlock; stdcall; external; {$L ronan.obj} Procedure ronanCBInit; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBTick; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBNoteOn; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBNoteOff; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBSetCtl; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBProcess; stdcall; external; Procedure ronanCBSetCtl; stdcall; external; {$L synth2.obj} // Synthesizer interface **/ // returns size of work memory in bytes. Per synthesizer instance reserve at least // this amount of memory and supply it as the "pthis" parameter of all other functions // Note: If you need only one static instance, 3 Megabytes are a good bet. Function synthGetSizene: Word; external; // inits synthesizer instance. // pthis : pointer to work mem // patchmap : pointer to patch data // samplerate: output sample rate (44100-192000 Hz), use 44100 when playing with dsio Procedure synthInitneu(pthis: Pointer; Const patchmap: Pointer; samplerate: Integer = 44100); external; // inits global parameters // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to global parameters Procedure synthSetGlobalsne(pthis: Pointer; Const ptr: Pointer); external; // inits speech synthesizer texts // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to text array Procedure synthSetLyrics(pthis: Pointer; Const ptr: PChar); external; // // renders synth output to destination buffer // // pthis: pointer to work mem // // buf : pointer to interleaved float stereo out buffer // // smp : number of samples to render // // buf2 : if this is specified, the synth will render the left and right channel into // // two mono float buffers at buf and buf2 instead of one interleaved buffer // // add : if this is specified, the synth will add its output to the destination // // buffer instead of replacing its contents Procedure synthRenderneu(pthis, buf: Pointer; smp: Integer; buf2: Pointer = nil; add: Integer = 0); external; // pipes a stream of MIDI commands to the synthesizer // pthis: pointer to work mem // ptr : pointer to buffer with MIDI data to process. // NOTE: The buffer MUST end with a 0xfd byte Procedure synthProcessMIDIne(pthis: Pointer; Const ptr: Pointer); external; // sets operation mode of VU meters // pthis: pointer to work mem // mode : 0 for peak meters, 1 for RMS meters Procedure synthSetVUModene(pthis: Pointer; mode: Integer); external;// 0: peak, 1: rms // retrieves VU meter data for a channel // pthis: pointer to work mem // ch : channel to retrieve (0..15) // l : pointer to float variable where left VU is stored // r : pointer to float variable where right VU is stored Procedure synthGetChannelVUneu(pthis: Pointer;ch : Integer; l,r: PExtended); external;// ch: 0..15 // retrieves master VU meter // pthis: pointer to work mem // l : pointer to float variable where left VU is stored // r : pointer to float variable where right VU is stored Procedure _synthGetMainVU(pthis: Pointer; l,r: PExtended); external; //Unused //Procedure synthProcessMIDI(pthis: Pointer; Const ptr: Pointer); external; //// extern void __stdcall synthSetSampler(void *pthis, const void *bankinfo, const void *samples); //Procedure synthGetPoly(pthis, dest: Pointer); external; //Procedure synthGetPgm(pthis, dest: Pointer); external; //// extern void __stdcall synthGetLD(void *pthis, float *l, float *r); ![]() [dcc32 Warnung] main.pas(68): W1011 Text hinter dem abschließenden 'END.' - wird vom Compiler ignoriert [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(28): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsInit' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(29): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsClose' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(30): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsGetCurSmp' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(31): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsSetVolume' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(32): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsTick' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(33): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsLock' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(34): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'dsUnlock' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(39): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthGetSize' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(40): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthIn' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(41): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthRender' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(42): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthProcessMIDI' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(43): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthSetGlobals' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(54): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthGetPoly' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(55): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: 'synthGetPgm' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_CreateThread@24' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_WaitForSingleObject@8' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_SetThreadPriority@8' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_InitializeCriticalSection@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_EnterCriticalSection@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_LeaveCriticalSection@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_DeleteCriticalSection@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_DirectSoundCreate@12' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_CreateEventA@16' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_CloseHandle@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_SetEvent@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBInit@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBTick@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBNoteOn@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBNoteOff@4' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBSetCtl@12' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBProcess@12' [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(174): E2065 Ungenügende Forward- oder External-Deklaration: '_ronanCBSetSR@8' [dcc32 Fataler Fehler] Play.dpr(5): F2063 Verwendete Unit 'main.pas' kann nicht compiliert werden Misslungen Verstrichene Zeit: 00:00:00.2 ![]() [dcc32 Fehler] main.pas(59): E2045 Falsches Objektdateiformat: 'C:\Users\Harry Pothead\Desktop\libv2_1.5\dsio.obj'
Edit: die Umgewandelt lib ist leer also scheint coff2lib hier fehler zu machen Hat jemand eine Idee? Geändert von Horst0815 (22. Okt 2015 um 22:18 Uhr) |
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