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Delphi 6 Enterprise

Re: Indy - Server schickt Nachricht an alle Clients

  Alt 28. Jul 2004, 00:12
Guck mal bei den beispielen... das ist TCPServer-Client Demo dabei. Hier ein ausschnitt:
procedure TServerFrmMain.ServerExecute(AThread: TIdPeerThread);
  ActClient, RecClient: PClient;
  CommBlock, NewCommBlock: TCommBlock;
  RecThread: TIdPeerThread;
  i: Integer;

  if not AThread.Terminated and AThread.Connection.Connected then
    AThread.Connection.ReadBuffer (CommBlock, SizeOf (CommBlock));
    ActClient := PClient(AThread.Data);
    ActClient.LastAction := Now; // update the time of last action

    if (CommBlock.Command = 'MESSAGE') or (CommBlock.Command = 'DIALOG') then
    begin // 'MESSAGE': A message was send - forward or broadcast it
           // 'DIALOG': A dialog-window shall popup on the recipient's screen
           // it's the same code for both commands...

      if CommBlock.ReceiverName = 'then
      begin // no recipient given - broadcast
        Protocol.Lines.Add (TimeToStr(Time)+' Broadcasting '+CommBlock.Command+': "'+CommBlock.Msg+'"');
        NewCommBlock := CommBlock; // nothing to change ;-))

        with Clients.LockList do
          for i := 0 to Count-1 do // iterate through client-list
            RecClient := Items[i]; // get client-object
            RecThread := RecClient.Thread; // get client-thread out of it
            RecThread.Connection.WriteBuffer(NewCommBlock, SizeOf(NewCommBlock), True); // send the stuff
      begin // receiver given - search him and send it to him
        NewCommBlock := CommBlock; // again: nothing to change ;-))
        Protocol.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Time)+' Sending '+CommBlock.Command+' to "'+CommBlock.ReceiverName+'": "'+CommBlock.Msg+'"');
        with Clients.LockList do
          for i := 0 to Count-1 do
            if RecClient.DNS=CommBlock.ReceiverName then // we don't have a login function so we have to use the DNS (Hostname)
              RecThread.Connection.WriteBuffer(NewCommBlock, SizeOf(NewCommBlock), True);
    begin // unknown command given
      Protocol.Lines.Add (TimeToStr(Time)+' Unknown command from "'+CommBlock.MyUserName+'": '+CommBlock.Command);
      NewCommBlock.Command := 'DIALOG'; // the message should popup on the client's screen
      NewCommBlock.MyUserName := '[Server]'; // the server's username
      NewCommBlock.Msg := 'I don''t understand your command: "'+CommBlock.Command+'"'; // the message to show
      NewCommBlock.ReceiverName := '[return-to-sender]'; // unnecessary

      AThread.Connection.WriteBuffer (NewCommBlock, SizeOf (NewCommBlock), true); // and there it goes...
Ich glaube mal, da ist das dabei, was du brauchst.
Von allen Dingen die mir verloren gegangen,
hab ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen
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