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Ein Thema von saii · begonnen am 21. Mär 2015 · letzter Beitrag vom 29. Mär 2015

Registriert seit: 20. Feb 2015
22 Beiträge


  Alt 21. Mär 2015, 17:25
Hallo, liebe DPler,

Ich programmiere für die Schule Minesweeper in Delphi6 und bräuchte mal eure Hilfe.

Ich nutze ein zweidimensionales Array, in dem ich die Minen zufällig verteile
und in meiner Form1 sind 225 Panels quadratisch angeordnet.
Bisher kann man mit Rechtsklick Panels markieren ("F" als Flagge und "?") und
mit Linksklick wird die Zahl der umliegenden Minen kontrolliert und aufgeschrieben.
Falls man auf eine Mine linksklickt, ist das Spiel verloren.

Nun möchte ich, und dabei brauche ich eure Hilfe, dass wenn keine mit Minen besetzten Felder anliegen, dass passiert, was im Original auch passiert. Ihr wisst hoffentlich, was ich meine
Mein Problem dabei ist, dass ich kein Plan hab, wie ich das umsetzen kann.

Anbei mein QuellCode und ein Screenshot meiner Form1.
Hinweis: Das StringGrid ist temporär. Ich nutze es um zu wissen ob sich mein Programm verzählt.
Außerdem sind bisher nur 3 Panels eingebunden ([0,0], [0,1], [1,1])

Ich wäre euch echt unglaublich dankbar, wenn ihr mir da weiterhelfen würdet

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, Grids, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Panel1: TPanel;
    P_0_0: TPanel;
    P_0_1: TPanel;
    P_0_2: TPanel;
    P_0_3: TPanel;
    P_0_4: TPanel;
    P_0_5: TPanel;
    P_0_6: TPanel;
    P_0_7: TPanel;
    P_0_8: TPanel;
    P_0_9: TPanel;
    P_0_10: TPanel;
    P_0_11: TPanel;
    P_0_12: TPanel;
    P_0_13: TPanel;
    P_0_14: TPanel;
    P_1_0: TPanel;
    P_1_1: TPanel;
    P_1_2: TPanel;
    P_1_3: TPanel;
    P_1_4: TPanel;
    P_1_5: TPanel;
    P_1_6: TPanel;
    P_1_7: TPanel;
    P_1_8: TPanel;
    P_1_9: TPanel;
    P_1_10: TPanel;
    P_1_11: TPanel;
    P_1_12: TPanel;
    P_1_13: TPanel;
    P_1_14: TPanel;
    P_2_0: TPanel;
    P_2_1: TPanel;
    P_2_2: TPanel;
    P_2_3: TPanel;
    P_2_4: TPanel;
    P_2_5: TPanel;
    P_2_6: TPanel;
    P_2_7: TPanel;
    P_2_8: TPanel;
    P_2_9: TPanel;
    P_2_13: TPanel;
    P_2_14: TPanel;
    P_2_10: TPanel;
    P_2_11: TPanel;
    P_3_0: TPanel;
    P_3_1: TPanel;
    P_3_2: TPanel;
    P_3_3: TPanel;
    P_2_12: TPanel;
    P_3_4: TPanel;
    P_3_5: TPanel;
    P_3_6: TPanel;
    P_3_7: TPanel;
    P_3_8: TPanel;
    P_3_9: TPanel;
    P_3_10: TPanel;
    P_3_11: TPanel;
    P_3_12: TPanel;
    P_3_13: TPanel;
    P_3_14: TPanel;
    P_4_0: TPanel;
    P_4_1: TPanel;
    P_4_2: TPanel;
    P_4_3: TPanel;
    P_4_4: TPanel;
    P_4_5: TPanel;
    P_4_6: TPanel;
    P_4_7: TPanel;
    P_4_8: TPanel;
    P_4_9: TPanel;
    P_4_10: TPanel;
    P_4_11: TPanel;
    P_4_12: TPanel;
    P_4_13: TPanel;
    P_4_14: TPanel;
    P_5_0: TPanel;
    P_5_1: TPanel;
    P_5_2: TPanel;
    P_5_3: TPanel;
    P_5_4: TPanel;
    P_5_5: TPanel;
    P_5_6: TPanel;
    P_5_7: TPanel;
    P_5_8: TPanel;
    P_5_9: TPanel;
    P_5_10: TPanel;
    P_5_11: TPanel;
    P_5_12: TPanel;
    P_5_13: TPanel;
    P_5_14: TPanel;
    P_6_0: TPanel;
    P_6_1: TPanel;
    P_6_2: TPanel;
    P_6_3: TPanel;
    P_6_4: TPanel;
    P_6_5: TPanel;
    P_6_6: TPanel;
    P_6_7: TPanel;
    P_6_8: TPanel;
    P_6_9: TPanel;
    P_6_10: TPanel;
    P_6_11: TPanel;
    P_7_0: TPanel;
    P_6_12: TPanel;
    P_6_13: TPanel;
    P_6_14: TPanel;
    P_7_1: TPanel;
    P_7_2: TPanel;
    P_7_3: TPanel;
    P_7_4: TPanel;
    P_7_5: TPanel;
    P_7_6: TPanel;
    P_7_7: TPanel;
    P_7_8: TPanel;
    P_7_9: TPanel;
    P_7_10: TPanel;
    P_7_11: TPanel;
    P_7_12: TPanel;
    P_7_13: TPanel;
    P_7_14: TPanel;
    P_8_0: TPanel;
    P_8_1: TPanel;
    P_8_2: TPanel;
    P_8_3: TPanel;
    P_8_4: TPanel;
    P_8_5: TPanel;
    P_8_6: TPanel;
    P_8_7: TPanel;
    P_8_8: TPanel;
    P_8_9: TPanel;
    P_8_10: TPanel;
    P_8_11: TPanel;
    P_8_12: TPanel;
    P_8_13: TPanel;
    P_8_14: TPanel;
    P_9_0: TPanel;
    P_9_1: TPanel;
    P_9_2: TPanel;
    P_9_3: TPanel;
    P_9_4: TPanel;
    P_9_5: TPanel;
    P_9_6: TPanel;
    P_9_7: TPanel;
    P_9_8: TPanel;
    P_9_9: TPanel;
    P_9_10: TPanel;
    P_9_11: TPanel;
    P_9_12: TPanel;
    P_9_13: TPanel;
    P_9_14: TPanel;
    P_10_0: TPanel;
    P_10_1: TPanel;
    P_10_2: TPanel;
    P_10_3: TPanel;
    P_10_4: TPanel;
    P_10_5: TPanel;
    P_10_6: TPanel;
    P_10_7: TPanel;
    P_10_8: TPanel;
    P_10_9: TPanel;
    P_10_10: TPanel;
    P_10_11: TPanel;
    P_10_12: TPanel;
    P_10_13: TPanel;
    P_10_14: TPanel;
    P_11_0: TPanel;
    P_11_1: TPanel;
    P_11_2: TPanel;
    P_11_3: TPanel;
    P_11_4: TPanel;
    P_11_5: TPanel;
    P_11_6: TPanel;
    P_11_7: TPanel;
    P_11_8: TPanel;
    P_11_9: TPanel;
    P_11_10: TPanel;
    P_11_11: TPanel;
    P_11_12: TPanel;
    P_11_13: TPanel;
    P_11_14: TPanel;
    P_12_0: TPanel;
    P_12_1: TPanel;
    P_12_2: TPanel;
    P_12_3: TPanel;
    P_12_4: TPanel;
    P_12_5: TPanel;
    P_12_6: TPanel;
    P_12_7: TPanel;
    P_12_8: TPanel;
    P_12_9: TPanel;
    P_12_10: TPanel;
    P_12_11: TPanel;
    P_12_12: TPanel;
    P_12_13: TPanel;
    P_12_14: TPanel;
    P_13_0: TPanel;
    P_13_1: TPanel;
    P_14_0: TPanel;
    P_14_1: TPanel;
    P_13_2: TPanel;
    P_14_2: TPanel;
    P_13_3: TPanel;
    P_14_3: TPanel;
    P_13_4: TPanel;
    P_14_4: TPanel;
    P_13_5: TPanel;
    P_14_5: TPanel;
    P_13_6: TPanel;
    P_14_6: TPanel;
    P_13_7: TPanel;
    P_14_7: TPanel;
    P_13_8: TPanel;
    P_14_8: TPanel;
    P_13_9: TPanel;
    P_14_9: TPanel;
    P_13_10: TPanel;
    P_14_10: TPanel;
    P_13_11: TPanel;
    P_14_11: TPanel;
    P_13_12: TPanel;
    P_14_12: TPanel;
    P_13_13: TPanel;
    P_14_13: TPanel;
    P_13_14: TPanel;
    P_14_14: TPanel;
    StringGrid1: TStringGrid;
    procedure CannonFire(var A,B,m:integer);
    procedure P_0_0MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure P_0_1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure P_1_1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private-Deklarationen }
    { Public-Deklarationen }

  Form1: TForm1;
  mf: array[0..14, 0..14] of boolean; //mf = Minenfeld

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); //Verteilung der Minen
var i: integer;
        for i:=0 to 50 do

procedure TForm1.CannonFire(var A,B,m:integer); //Procedure für Linksklick
var z:integer;
if mf[A,B]=false then //Falls keine Mine...
  if (A+1>=0) and (A+1<=14) and (B>=0) and (B<=14) then if mf[A+1,B]=true then    m:=m+1;
  if (A+1>=0) and (A+1<=14) and (B+1>=0) and (B+1<=14) then if mf[A+1,B+1]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A>=0) and (A<=14) and (B+1>=0) and (B+1<=14) then    if mf[A,B+1]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A-1>=0) and (A-1<=14) and (B+1>=0) and (B+1<=14) then if mf[A-1,B+1]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A-1>=0) and (A-1<=14) and (B>=0) and (B<=14) then    if mf[A-1,B]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A-1>=0) and (A-1<=14) and (B-1>=0) and (B-1<=14) then if mf[A-1,B-1]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A>=0) and (A<=14) and (B-1>=0) and (B-1<=14) then    if mf[A,B-1]=true then   m:=m+1;
  if (A+1>=0) and (A+1<=14) and (B-1>=0) and (B-1<=14) then if mf[A+1,B-1]=true then   m:=m+1;

  if m=0 then
  begin //Hier soll der beschriebene Fall programmiert werden

   until z=1;
 if mf[A,B]=true then //Falls Mine getroffen wurde..
   ShowMessage('Du hast Verloren!');

//---------------------------------------------------------------Folgend: Einbindung Panels

procedure TForm1.P_0_0MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; //Panel_0_0
        Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
var s:string;
  s := P_0_0.Caption; //Rechtsklick
  if s <> 'then c := s[1]
    c := ' ';
  if (Button = mbRight) then
    case c of
      ' ': c := 'F';
      'F': c := '?';
      else c := ' ';
  P_0_0.Caption := c;

  if (Button = mbLeft) then //Linksklick


procedure TForm1.P_0_1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; //Panel_0_1
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
var s:string;
  s := P_0_1.Caption;
  if s <> 'then c := s[1]
    c := ' ';
  if (Button = mbRight) then
    case c of
      ' ': c := 'F';
      'F': c := '?';
      else c := ' ';
  P_0_1.Caption := c;

  if (Button = mbLeft) then

procedure TForm1.P_1_1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
var s:string;
  s := P_1_1.Caption;
  if s <> 'then c := s[1]
    c := ' ';
  if (Button = mbRight) then
    case c of
      ' ': c := 'F';
      'F': c := '?';
      else c := ' ';
  P_1_1.Caption := c;

  if (Button = mbLeft) then


Geändert von saii (21. Mär 2015 um 17:31 Uhr)
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