Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2004 4.629 Beiträge Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Starter |
Habe mir jetzt für die primitiven Typen mal folgendes Konstrukt gebastelt. Damit kann ich alle Ordinaltypen, sowie Enums und Booleans meinen Vorstellungen entsprechend (und sehr performant) synchronisieren:
{$IFDEF ATOMIC_TYPE_CHECK} const AllowedAtomicTypes = [tkEnumeration, tkRecord, tkFloat, tkInteger, tkChar, tkWChar]; AllowedAtomicTypes64 = [tkEnumeration, tkRecord, tkFloat, tkInt64]; {$ENDIF} type {** * @brief Implements an atomic ordinal value with a maximum size of 4 bytes. * } TAtomicOrdinal<T> = record strict private type PUInt32 = ^UInt32; PType = ^T; strict private FValue: UInt32; strict private procedure CheckRequirements; inline; procedure CheckArithmetical; inline; public {** * @brief Returns the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is NOT * atomic. * @return The value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. * * Use this method only, if no other thread can ever change the value of the current * @c TAtomicOrdinal instance at the same time. * } function GetValue: T; inline; {** * @brief Returns the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is * atomic. * @return The value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. * } function AtomicGetValue: T; inline; {** * @brief Sets the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is NOT * atomic. * * Use this method only, if no other thread can ever read or change the value of the current * @c TAtomicOrdinal instance at the same time. * } procedure SetValue(const Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Sets the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is * atomic. * } procedure AtomicSetValue(const Value: T); inline; public {** * @brief Exchanges the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is * atomic. * @param Value The new value. * @return The old value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. * } function AtomicExchangeValue(Value: T): T; inline; function AtomicCompareExchangeValue(NewValue: T; Comparand: T): T; inline; public {** * @brief Adds to the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation is * atomic. * @param Value The summand. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicAdd(Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Subtracts from the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance. This operation * is atomic. * @param Value The subtrahend. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicSubtract(Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Increments the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance by one. This * operation is atomic. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicInc; inline; {** * @brief Decrements the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal instance by one. This * operation is atomic. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicDec; inline; public {** * @brief Implicit cast to the generic type. This operation is atomic. * @param A The @c TAtomicOrdinal type * @return The generic type value. * } class operator Implicit(A: TAtomicOrdinal<T>): T; inline; {** * @brief Equality check. The read operation from the @c A instance is atomic. The * comparison itself works with a temporal snapshot of the @c A value. * @param A The @c TAtomicOrdinal type * @param B The generic type to compare with. * @return True, if the values are equal, false if not. * } class operator Equal(A: TAtomicOrdinal<T>; B: T): Boolean; inline; end; {** * @brief Implements an atomic ordinal value with a size of 8 bytes. * } TAtomicOrdinal64<T> = record strict private type PUInt64 = ^UInt64; PType = ^T; strict private FValue: UInt64; strict private procedure CheckRequirements; inline; procedure CheckArithmetical; inline; public {** * @brief Returns the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is * NOT atomic. * @return The value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. * * Use this method only, if no other thread can ever change the value of the current * @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance at the same time. * } function GetValue: T; inline; {** * @brief Returns the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is * atomic. * @return The value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. * } function AtomicGetValue: T; inline; {** * @brief Sets the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is NOT * atomic. * * Use this method only, if no other thread can ever read or change the value of the current * @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance at the same time. * } procedure SetValue(const Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Sets the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is * atomic. * } procedure AtomicSetValue(const Value: T); inline; public {** * @brief Exchanges the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is * atomic. * @param Value The new value. * @return The old value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. * } function AtomicExchangeValue(Value: T): T; inline; function AtomicCompareExchangeValue(NewValue: T; Comparand: T): T; inline; public {** * @brief Adds to the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation is * atomic. * @param Value The summand. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicAdd(Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Subtracts from the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance. This operation * is atomic. * @param Value The subtrahend. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicSubtract(Value: T); inline; {** * @brief Increments the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance by one. This * operation is atomic. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicInc; inline; {** * @brief Decrements the value of the current @c TAtomicOrdinal64 instance by one. This * operation is atomic. * * Do not use this method for non-integer types. * } procedure AtomicDec; inline; public {** * @brief Implicit cast to the generic type. This operation is atomic. * @param A The @c TAtomicOrdinal64 type * @return The generic type value. * } class operator Implicit(A: TAtomicOrdinal64<T>): T; inline; {** * @brief Equality check. The read operation from the @c A instance is atomic. The * comparison itself works with a temporal snapshot of the @c A value. * @param A The @c TAtomicOrdinal64 type * @param B The generic type to compare with. * @return True, if the values are equal, false if not. * } class operator Equal(A: TAtomicOrdinal64<T>; B: T): Boolean; inline; end; TAtomicUInt8 = TAtomicOrdinal<UInt8>; TAtomicUInt16 = TAtomicOrdinal<UInt16>; TAtomicUInt32 = TAtomicOrdinal<UInt32>; TAtomicUInt64 = TAtomicOrdinal64<UInt64>; TAtomicInt8 = TAtomicOrdinal<Int8>; TAtomicInt16 = TAtomicOrdinal<Int16>; TAtomicInt32 = TAtomicOrdinal<Int32>; TAtomicInt64 = TAtomicOrdinal64<Int64>; TAtomicBoolean = TAtomicOrdinal<LongBool>; TAtomicSingle = TAtomicOrdinal<Single>; TAtomicDouble = TAtomicOrdinal<Double>; { TAtomicOrdinal<T> } procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicAdd(Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicIncrement(FValue, PUInt32(@Value)^); end; function TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicCompareExchangeValue(NewValue, Comparand: T): T; var Value: UInt32; begin CheckRequirements; Value := AtomicCmpExchange(FValue, PUInt32(@NewValue)^, PUInt32(@Comparand)^); Result := PType(@Value)^; end; function TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicExchangeValue(Value: T): T; begin CheckRequirements; Result := PType(AtomicExchange(FValue, PUInt32(@Value)^))^; end; function TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicGetValue: T; begin CheckRequirements; Result := PType(@FValue)^; end; class operator TAtomicOrdinal<T>.Implicit(A: TAtomicOrdinal<T>): T; begin Result := A.AtomicGetValue; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicInc; begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicIncrement(FValue); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.SetValue(const Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; FValue := PUInt32(@Value)^; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicSubtract(Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicDecrement(FValue, PUInt32(@Value)^); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.CheckArithmetical; begin {$IFDEF ATOMIC_TYPE_CHECK} Assert(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind = tkInteger, 'Arithmetical operations are only valid for integer types.'); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.CheckRequirements; begin {$IFDEF ATOMIC_TYPE_CHECK} Assert(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind in AllowedAtomicTypes, 'Unsupported generic type.'); {$ENDIF} Assert(SizeOf(T) <= 4, 'The generic ordinal type exceeded the maximum of 4 bytes.'); Assert((UIntPtr(@FValue) mod 4) = 0, 'Value is not aligned on a 32 bit boundary.'); end; class operator TAtomicOrdinal<T>.Equal(A: TAtomicOrdinal<T>; B: T): Boolean; var Value: T; begin Value := A.AtomicGetValue; Result := PUInt64(@Value)^ = PUInt64(@B)^; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicSetValue(const Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; AtomicExchange(FValue, PUInt32(@Value)^); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal<T>.AtomicDec; begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicDecrement(FValue); end; function TAtomicOrdinal<T>.GetValue: T; begin CheckRequirements; Result := PType(@FValue)^; end; { TAtomicOrdinal64<T> } procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicAdd(Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicIncrement(FValue, PUInt64(@Value)^); end; function TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicCompareExchangeValue(NewValue, Comparand: T): T; var Value: UInt32; begin CheckRequirements; Value := AtomicCmpExchange(FValue, PUInt64(@NewValue)^, PUInt64(@Comparand)^); Result := PType(@Value)^; end; function TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicExchangeValue(Value: T): T; begin CheckRequirements; Result := PType(AtomicExchange(FValue, PUInt64(@Value)^))^; end; function TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicGetValue: T; {$IFDEF CPU64} begin Result := GetValue; {$ELSE} var Value: UInt64; begin CheckRequirements; Value := AtomicCmpExchange(FValue, 0, 0); Result := PType(@Value)^; {$ENDIF} end; class operator TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.Implicit(A: TAtomicOrdinal64<T>): T; begin Result := A.AtomicGetValue; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicInc; begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicIncrement(FValue); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.SetValue(const Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; FValue := PUInt64(@FValue)^; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicSubtract(Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicDecrement(FValue, PUInt64(@Value)^); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.CheckArithmetical; begin {$IFDEF ATOMIC_TYPE_CHECK} Assert(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind = tkInt64, 'Arithmetical operations are only valid for integer types.'); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.CheckRequirements; begin {$IFDEF ATOMIC_TYPE_CHECK} Assert(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind in AllowedAtomicTypes64, 'Unsupported generic type.'); {$ENDIF} Assert(SizeOf(T) = 8, 'The generic ordinal type is smaller or greater than 8 byte.'); Assert((UIntPtr(@FValue) mod 8) = 0, 'Value is not aligned on a 64 bit boundary.'); end; class operator TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.Equal(A: TAtomicOrdinal64<T>; B: T): Boolean; var Value: T; begin Value := A.AtomicGetValue; Result := PUInt64(@Value)^ = PUInt64(@B)^; end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicSetValue(const Value: T); begin CheckRequirements; AtomicExchange(FValue, PUInt64(@Value)^); end; procedure TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.AtomicDec; begin CheckRequirements; CheckArithmetical; AtomicDecrement(FValue); end; function TAtomicOrdinal64<T>.GetValue: T; begin CheckRequirements; Result := PType(@FValue)^; end; Geändert von Zacherl (21. Mär 2015 um 16:23 Uhr) |
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