Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge
self made protection -> read defect sector and run...
25. Jul 2004, 16:52
now i tried to made my own protection.
at this time i have a program which have a 255 char long string filled with "aaaaaaaaa"
after the creation of the bin file i have opened it in a hex editor and change the string to fffff which creates defect sectors.
ut also my program doesn't start after i load the image. i also can not copy it to the hdd or edit it with a hex editor.
so my idea is now, i write a modul which loads my programm and read the defect errors and correct its back into the aaaaaa form.
will it run or not or can i do it ?
the problem is also that i cannot change the ffff string in a hex editor into an aaatring because then he cannot read the file and breaks.
how can i read this ?