Registriert seit: 5. Jul 2006 Ort: Magdeburg 8.277 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
ich versuche, entweder per ADOM CORE oder TXmlDocument die angehängte XML-Datei zu laden. eigentlich ist das doch eine simple Datei? Mit der alten 2009-er ADOM unter D2007 klappt das ohne Problem. Weiss jemand, warum das nicht geht? Ich habe folgende Links benutzt: ![]() Der Code aus dem folgenden Link funktioniert, dann muss ich aber meinen Quellcode kompletten umbauen: ![]() Hier der durch die Testerei etwas wirre Code ![]()
unit XML_LesenTest;
interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm54 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Button2: TButton; Button3: TButton; Button4: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form54: TForm54; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses ComObj, XMLIntf, XMLDoc, MsXml; (* const CAttrName = 'attrName'; HTAB = #9; var LDocument: IXMLDocument; LNodeElement, LNode: IXMLNode; LAttrValue: string; I: Integer; begin LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); LDocument.LoadFromFile(SrcPath); { File should exist. } { Find a specific node. } LNodeElement := LDocument.ChildNodes.FindNode('ThisIsTheDocumentElement'); if (LNodeElement <> nil) then begin { Get a specific attribute. } Writeln('Getting attribute...'); if (LNodeElement.HasAttribute(CAttrName)) then begin LAttrValue := LNodeElement.Attributes[CAttrName]; Writeln('Attribute value: ' + LAttrValue); end; { Traverse child nodes. } Writeln(sLineBreak, 'Traversing child nodes...' + sLineBreak); for I := 0 to LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do begin LNode := LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Get(I); { Display node name. } Writeln(sLineBreak + 'Node name: ' + LNode.NodeName); { Check whether the node type is Text. } if LNode.NodeType = ntText then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a node of type Text. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; { Check whether the node is text element. } if LNode.IsTextElement then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a text element. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; end; end; end; *) procedure CreateDocument; var LDocument: IXMLDocument; LNodeElement, NodeCData, NodeText: IXMLNode; begin LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); LDocument.Active := True; { Define document content. } LDocument.DocumentElement := LDocument.CreateNode('ThisIsTheDocumentElement', ntElement, ''); LDocument.DocumentElement.Attributes['attrName'] := 'attrValue'; LNodeElement := LDocument.DocumentElement.AddChild('ThisElementHasText', -1); LNodeElement.Text := 'Inner text.'; NodeCData := LDocument.CreateNode('any characters here', ntCData, ''); LDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Add(NodeCData); NodeText := LDocument.CreateNode('This is a text node.', ntText, ''); LDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Add(NodeText); LDocument.SaveToFile('C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\1.xml'); end; procedure TForm54.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin CreateDocument; end; (* const CAttrName = 'attrName'; HTAB = #9; var LDocument: IXMLDocument; LNodeElement, LNode: IXMLNode; LAttrValue: string; I: Integer; url: String; begin // put url or file name url := 'C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\1.xml'; //url := 'C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\2.xml'; if not FileExists(url) then begin raise Exception.Create('XML file not found'); end; LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); LDocument.LoadFromFile(url); { File should exist. } { Find a specific node. } LNodeElement := LDocument.ChildNodes.FindNode('kapitel_liste'); if (LNodeElement <> nil) then begin { Get a specific attribute. } Writeln('Getting attribute...'); if (LNodeElement.HasAttribute(CAttrName)) then begin LAttrValue := LNodeElement.Attributes[CAttrName]; Writeln('Attribute value: ' + LAttrValue); end; { Traverse child nodes. } Writeln(sLineBreak, 'Traversing child nodes...' + sLineBreak); for I := 0 to LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do begin LNode := LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Get(I); { Display node name. } Writeln(sLineBreak + 'Node name: ' + LNode.NodeName); { Check whether the node type is Text. } if LNode.NodeType = ntText then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a node of type Text. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; { Check whether the node is text element. } if LNode.IsTextElement then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a text element. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; end; end; end; *) procedure RetrieveDocument; const CAttrName = 'attrName'; HTAB = #9; var LDocument: IXMLDocument; LNodeElement, LNode: IXMLNode; LAttrValue: string; I: Integer; begin LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); LDocument.LoadFromFile('C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\1.xml'); { File should exist. } { Find a specific node. } LNodeElement := LDocument.ChildNodes.FindNode('BoolsAsChecks'); if (LNodeElement <> nil) then begin { Get a specific attribute. } Writeln('Getting attribute...'); if (LNodeElement.HasAttribute(CAttrName)) then begin LAttrValue := LNodeElement.Attributes[CAttrName]; Writeln('Attribute value: ' + LAttrValue); end; { Traverse child nodes. } Writeln(sLineBreak, 'Traversing child nodes...' + sLineBreak); for I := 0 to LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do begin LNode := LNodeElement.ChildNodes.Get(I); { Display node name. } Writeln(sLineBreak + 'Node name: ' + LNode.NodeName); { Check whether the node type is Text. } if LNode.NodeType = ntText then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a node of type Text. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; { Check whether the node is text element. } if LNode.IsTextElement then begin Writeln(HTAB + 'This is a text element. The text is: ' + LNode.Text); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm54.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin RetrieveDocument; end; procedure TForm54.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var XMLDoc: IXMLDOMDocument; begin XMLDoc := CoDOMDocument.Create; XMLDoc.load('C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\1.xml'); Memo1.Lines.Add(XMLDoc.xml); Memo1.Lines.Add(''); XMLDoc.load('C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\2.xml'); Memo1.Lines.Add(XMLDoc.xml); Memo1.Lines.Add(''); XMLDoc.load('C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\3.xml'); Memo1.Lines.Add(XMLDoc.xml); Memo1.Lines.Add(''); end; procedure TForm54.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var xml: IXMLDOMDocument; node: IXMLDomNode; nodes_row, nodes_se: IXMLDomNodeList; nodes_kapitel: IXMLDomNodeList; i, j: Integer; url: string; begin // put url or file name url := 'C:\ProjektA_TestDB\ICD10\icd_2.1_74_tf+2015q1.xml'; // klappt nicht //xml := CreateOleObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM') as IXMLDOMDocument; xml := CoDOMDocument.Create; xml.async := False; //xml.loadXML(url); xml.load(url); if xml.parseError.errorCode <> 0 then raise Exception.Create('XML Load error:' + xml.parseError.reason); Memo1.Clear; nodes_row := xml.selectNodes('blabla'); for i := 0 to nodes_row.length - 1 do begin node := nodes_row.item[i]; //nodes_kapitel:= node.selectNodes('kapitel Memo1.Lines.Add('phrase=' + node.selectSingleNode('phrase').text); nodes_se := node.selectNodes('search_engines/search_engine/se_url'); for j := 0 to nodes_se.length - 1 do begin node := nodes_se.item[j]; Memo1.Lines.Add('url=' + node.text); end; Memo1.Lines.Add('--------------'); end;end; end. Heiko
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