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Neuer FixInsight ist da!

Ein Thema von Insider2004 · begonnen am 11. Feb 2015 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Apr 2016
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
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Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 11:20
Thank you for your reply.

Regarding excluding code from being checked, you mean like this?
Take this:
unit SomeUnit;


   TParent = class
      procedure someVirtualMethod(); virtual;

   TChild = class(TParent)
      procedure someVirtualMethod(); override;


{ TParent }

procedure TParent.someVirtualMethod();

{ TChild }

procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod();
   // No quack at all

Do you think it would also be possible to further specify which warning or convention to ignore? In this case, I'd only like to ignore a W519 but lose all the other cool warnings and conventions as well.
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Benutzerbild von Stevie

Registriert seit: 12. Aug 2003
Ort: Soest
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Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 12:36
Do you think it would also be possible to further specify which warning or convention to ignore? In this case, I'd only like to ignore a W519 but lose all the other cool warnings and conventions as well.
Given how DelphiAST works I think that is not so trivial. The trick with the $IFNDEF just works because it ignores that part of code because the define is set by FixInsight.
For using the same technique it would require multiple parses for each rule or including ifdefs into the AST which currently is not the case.

A different approach could be like rule suppressions in StyleCop work.
But using attributes for such purpose will lead to W1025 when compiling that code unless you add a unit with dummy attributes.

Edit: Ok, maybe a combination of both could work... something like this:

{$IFDEF _FIXINSIGHT_}[SuppressRule(W519)]{$ENDIF}
procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod();
   // No quack at all
“Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance.” Jon Franklin

Delphi Sorcery - DSharp - Spring4D - TestInsight

Geändert von Stevie (26. Mär 2015 um 12:43 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

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AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 13:36
{$IFDEF _FIXINSIGHT_}[SuppressRule(W519)]{$ENDIF}
procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod();
   // No quack at all
How long is this "SuppressRule" valid: Only for the following method or for the rest of the unit?

We have a similar problem when dealing with string constants and localization tools automagically extracting those from the sources. It is quite common for these tools to accept a special formatted comment to ignore such a constant. If you scan the Delphi source you will find lots of comments like { Do not localize } which are valid for the current line. Perhaps we can have a similar approach for FixInsight warnings.

procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod(); { FIXINSIGHT: SuppressRule(W519) }
   // No quack at all
As the comment lies inside the method implementation the scope should be obvious. Depending on the nature of any rule other intrinsic scopes may be appropriate.
Uwe Raabe
Certified Delphi Master Developer
Embarcadero MVP
Blog: The Art of Delphi Programming
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Benutzerbild von Stevie

Registriert seit: 12. Aug 2003
Ort: Soest
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Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 13:42
How long is this "SuppressRule" valid: Only for the following method or for the rest of the unit?
For exactly the element it was put on. In this case for the entire method. Personally I would not make it too fine grained.
In the end we want to find bad code and not put suppress rule directives all over the place, right?

We have a similar problem when dealing with string constants and localization tools automagically extracting those from the sources. It is quite common for these tools to accept a special formatted comment to ignore such a constant. If you scan the Delphi source you will find lots of comments like { Do not localize } which are valid for the current line. Perhaps we can have a similar approach for FixInsight warnings.


As the comment lies inside the method implementation the scope should be obvious. Depending on the nature of any rule other intrinsic scopes may be appropriate.
As I said, the current implementation of DelphiAST limits the possibilities. Comments won't work either since they are not part of the generated AST (afaik).
To my knowledge FI works on the generated AST. Anything that is not part of that AST cannot be taken into consideration.
“Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance.” Jon Franklin

Delphi Sorcery - DSharp - Spring4D - TestInsight
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Roman Yankovsky

Registriert seit: 18. Feb 2015

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 14:22
Regarding excluding code from being checked, you mean like this?
Take this:
Yes, exactly like this.

Regarding your second question about ignoring only a specific warning Stefan is right, it's not a trivial task. I'm thinking about implementing this though.

Do you think it would also be possible to further specify which warning or convention to ignore? In this case, I'd only like to ignore a W519 but lose all the other cool warnings and conventions as well.
Given how DelphiAST works I think that is not so trivial. The trick with the $IFNDEF just works because it ignores that part of code because the define is set by FixInsight.
For using the same technique it would require multiple parses for each rule or including ifdefs into the AST which currently is not the case.
I was thinking about something like this:
{$FIOFF W509}
procedure Method;

{$FION W509}
It's still not trivial, but I think I can handle this directives in DelphiAST by adding a certan attribute to all syntax nodes between $FIOFF and $FION. Not in DelphiAST itself of course, but it is possible to inherit it and override a few methods. And as you have mentioned above, attributes is another option.
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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.190 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 18:51
I don't know about this DelphiAST, but what about the other way around? Just parse as you always do. We now have a list of warnings and the line number it occurred on.

So in case the code goes like this
25:   procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod();
26:   begin
27:    // No quack at all
28:   end;
, there is a W519 raised for line 25. Now before outputting our results to the IDE's listbox, let's check line 25 whether it contains a comment with an exclamation mark followed by "W519".

So if the code is like
25:   procedure TChild.someVirtualMethod(); //!W519 because FixInsight is smart
26:   begin
27:    // No quack at all
28:   end;
, there will be no "false positive".
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Roman Yankovsky

Registriert seit: 18. Feb 2015

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 22:29
Nice idea
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Benutzerbild von jaenicke

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
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AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 27. Mär 2015, 06:20
This could even be expanded to the whole unit scope (for example for 3rd party units, where only the first line would have to be modified then):
unit Example; //!W519 (cannot be fixed because of...)
Sebastian Jänicke
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Registriert seit: 20. Mai 2010
1.490 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 27. Mär 2015, 17:04
habe heute mal die Demo installiert. Bei Aufruf mit einem meiner Projekte kommt ein EStringListError in Classes.TFileIterator.Next. (nach madExcept) Eine Ausgabe kommt dann bei continue trotzdem. Umständlich ist, dass mich die meisten units des Projektes gar nicht insteressieren.
Bei Aufruf von Kommandozeile geht gar nichts. D.h. FixInsightCL nacht eine kleine Pause und beendet dann. Zumindest bei --output und --xml hätte ich eine leere xml erwartet.
The EStringListError is fixed today.
Please download the latest build

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue ...
Nach Installation der neuen Version ist alles gut
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Registriert seit: 23. Jan 2005
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AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 27. Mär 2015, 21:36
Ab welcher Delphi Version kann man das einsetzen?

Ab welcher Windows Version funktioniert das Tool?

@freimatz: Ist das gefixte Tool im Link die Demo- oder die Vollversion?
Damit der Topf nicht explodiert, lässt man es ab und zu mal zischen.

Geändert von schöni (27. Mär 2015 um 21:51 Uhr)
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