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Forward in Klassen funktioniert nicht

Ein Thema von ATS3788 · begonnen am 18. Dez 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Dez 2014
Benutzerbild von ATS3788

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Forward in Klassen funktioniert nicht

  Alt 18. Dez 2014, 06:59
Hallo ich mache da wohl einen Denkfehler und komme nicht drauf
  // Define the classes in this Unit at the very start for clarity
  TForm1 = Class; // This is a forward class definition

  TFruit = Class(TObject) // This is an actual class definition :
    // Internal class field definitions - only accessible in this unit
       t : TForm1; // Warum ist die variable ungültig !
       isRound : Boolean;
       length : single;
       width : single;
       diameter : single;
    // Fields and methods only accessible by this class and descendants
    procedure SetForm(const Value : TForm1);
    // Externally accessible fields and methods

      // 2 constructors - one for round fruit, the other long fruit
       constructor Create(diameter : single); overload;
       constructor Create(length : single; width : single); overload;
    // Externally accessible and inspectable fields and methods
      // Note that properties must use different names to local defs
       property round : Boolean
         read isRound;
       property len : single
         read length;
       property wide : single
         read width;
       property diam : single
         read diameter;
  end; // End of the TFruit class definition

  // The actual TForm1 class is now defined
   TForm1 = Class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     procedure ShowFruit(fruit : TFruit);
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    // No local data
    f : TFruit;
    // Uses just the TForm ancestor class public definitions

   Form1: TForm1;


 {$R *.dfm}

// Create a round fruit object
 constructor TFruit.Create(diameter: single);
  // Indicate that we have a round fruit, and set its size
   isRound := true;
   self.diameter := diameter;

// Create a long fruit object
 constructor TFruit.Create(length, width: single);
  // Indicate that we have a long fruit, and set its size
   isRound := false;
   self.length := length;
   self.width := width;

 procedure TFruit.SetForm(const Value : TForm1);
 f1 : TForm1;
   t := nil; // Nicht mal das geht
   f1 := Value; // Das würde gehen
   t := Value; // und das ist der Grund für den Eintrag

// Form object - action taken when the form is created
 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
 Fruit : TFruit;
 Fruit := TFruit.Create(23);


procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   apple, banana : TFruit;

  // Let us create our fruit objects
   apple := TFruit.Create(3.5);
   banana := TFruit.Create(7.0, 1.75);

  // Show details about our fruits

// Show what the characteristics of our fruit are
 procedure TForm1.ShowFruit(fruit: TFruit);
   if fruit.round
   then ShowMessage('We have a round fruit, with diam = '+
     ShowMessage('We have a long fruit');
     ShowMessage(' it has length = '+FloatToStr(fruit.len));
     ShowMessage(' it has width = '+FloatToStr(fruit.wide));

Ich habe das Beispiel ein wenig abgeändert
Meine Frage wie kann ich dem Object TFruit
mitteilen das TForm1 Object mitteilen.
Martin MIchael
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