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Delphi Mysql passing Login data to another form

Ein Thema von drama22 · begonnen am 9. Sep 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 9. Sep 2014

Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2013
88 Beiträge

Delphi Mysql passing Login data to another form

  Alt 9. Sep 2014, 01:00
Datenbank: Mysql • Version: 5 • Zugriff über: Delphi xe5
i have created 2 forms A login form & A main form i successfully logged in To the main form
here is the code that i use to login

 SQL := Tloginclass.Create;
    SQL.Login:= trim(Usrnm.Text);
    SQL.passwd := trim(passwd.Text);
    if SQl.logins then
      LoginSuccess := True;
i retrieve and validate logins from a unit class wich is Tloginclass ,,

but now how to i set the data for each user logged in to the main form ?

i try somthing like this after login
Mainform.listusers.Items.Add(SQL.Login); but this is not logical because this showing only text how the application know the differents between user who loggedin like there is bob and martin and james ,etc are online now and read there user names ? any idea about this iam trying to understand the logic of this concept.

i ask this question on here :

Geändert von drama22 ( 9. Sep 2014 um 01:14 Uhr)
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